![]() Sample Distribution, Data Distribution, and Publications Policy Micropaleontological Reference Centers
Ocean Drilling Program Curation and RepositoriesThe IODP-USIO Information Technology and Data Services Department at Texas A&M University is responsible for sample and data archiving and dissemination; this includes storing, archiving, and disseminating cores and other scientific data collected during the course of the program. IODP-USIO is curator of cores obtained by DSDP, ODP, and IODP. Cores are maintained at three U.S. repositories located at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (West Coast Repository), and Texas A&M University (Gulf Coast Repository). Please see the Core Redistribution Plan (IODP web portal) as cores may have moved.Additional IODP repositories include the Bremen Core Repository, the Kochi Core Repository, and the Rutgers/NJGS Core Repository. IODP-USIO also hosts the web site of the Micropaleontological Reference Centers. Located at sites around the world, MRCs provide scientists with an opportunity to examine microfossils of various geologic ages and provenance. For further information, contact the IODP Curator at curator@iodp.tamu.edu. |