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Ocean Drilling Program Privacy Policy

The following is the privacy policy for the www-odp.tamu.edu web site.

1. Cookies are used in the Database portion of the web site to track the password of individuals submitting data queries. The information collected is not archived for long term use. (A cookie is a file written to the visitor's hard drive and contains information used to track such things as passwords and the pages that have been visited.)

2. If you send us an electronic mail message or fill out a form that contains personal information, that information will only be used for official ODP purposes and will not be distributed to any outside parties. We are in the process of adding encryption to the web site to protect information transmitted electronically.

3. Technical information is collected for site management purposes. This information is not used in any manner that would reveal personal information and will not be released to any outside parties unless required to do so in legal proceedings. We use WebTrends to generate web site access statistics that are used for assessing what information is of most interest, determining user software and hardware specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. The following information is collected for this analysis:

    User Client hostname - The hostname (or IP address if DNS is disabled) of the user/client requesting access.
    HTTP header, "user-agent" - The type of browser, its version, and the operating system it's running on.
    HTTP header, "referer" - The referer specifies the page from which the client accessed the current page.
    System date - The date and time of the user/client request.
    Full request - The exact request the user/client made.
    Status - The status code the server returned to the user/client.
    Content length - The content length, in bytes, of the document sent to the user/client.
    Method - The request method used.
    Universal Resource Identifier (URI) - The location of a resource on the server.
    Query string of the URI - Anything after the question mark in a URI.
    Protocol - The transport protocol and version used.

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Send comments to webmaster@iodp.tamu.edu.
Modified on Wednesday, 18-Sep-2002 15:46:56 CDT.