IODP planning for post-2003 research Sites related to ODP Merchandise with ODP logo Free brochures, slides, and videos Photos showing daily activites on the ship JOIDES Reolution drill ship News releases, stories, and lectures Mirror sites ODP/TAMU staff Cruise information Science and curation services Publication services and products Drilling services and tools Online Janus database Search the ODP/TAMU web site ODP's main web site ODP/TAMU Science Operator Home

Leg 202, Valparaiso, Chile.

Ocean Drilling Program Public Information

The Ocean Drilling Program was succeeded in 2003 by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). The IODP U.S. Implementing Organization (IODP-USIO) operates the riserles drillship. IODP-USIO provides relevant information to the news media, television/movie producers, scientific community, industry, and educators regarding IODP science and engineering innovations. Presentation materials such as videos, 35-mm color slide sets, black and white photos, and written background material are available for free.

For more information, please contact or browse the following sites:

ODP | Search | Database | Drilling | Publications | Science | Cruise Info | Public Info | Admin | Computing | Staff | Mirrors

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Modified on Wednesday, 18-Mar-2009 12:11:45 CDT.