Leg 186 Week 5

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An image of part of the 10-3/4" casing string as it falls into the reentry cone at Hole 1150C. The casing string apparently failed in several places because we later found other joints of casing on the seafloor next to the reentry cone.
The Leg 186 Co-Chiefs, Selwyn Sacks and Kiyoshi Suyehiro, with a seismometer in the background (the silver canister). The seismometer is one of four instruments (a strainmeter, two seismometers, and a tiltmeter) that are part of the borehole instrument string being installed in Hole 1150D. The photo was taken as the instrument string was being lowered into the moonpool.

The successful installation of the instruments in Hole 1150D was completed on July 28.
