Leg 188 Week 3

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A close encounter with a pod of humpback whales. The whales were regular visitors during our first week at our drill site. A humpback whale taking a close look at the JOIDES Resolution.

Dropping a free-fall funnel (a small re-entry cone) as an iceberg approaches. If the iceberg had forced us to leave the drillsite, this funnel would have enabled us to re-enter Hole 1165C Fortunately, the iceberg drifted off before we had to move out of the way. Sunset at Site 1165.

In the paleontology lab Steve and Jim prepare samples for microfossil analysis. Co-chiefs Phil O'Brien and Alan Cooper at work in their office.

Sedimentologists examine X-ray images and core pictures for evidence of ice-rafted debris. Michele and Patrick examine dropstones (evidence for floating ice).

To week 4
