Leg 189 Weeks 5-8

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Our expedition's intrepid leaders who courageously led us into the fierce weather of the Southern Ocean (from left, Neville Exon and Jim Kennett).
After coring an interval, the derrickman rides on a wire up the derrick to drop the sinker bars (i.e., the wireline) downhole to retrieve the recently drilled core. A 5th-grade class in Brenham, Texas, sent Polar the bear on a trip to Leg 189. Polar, shown here a little too close to the rig floor, got a tour of the ship.

Sedimentolgists gawking in amazement at the famous Eocene/Oligocene transition. Leg 189 paleo team (also known as the The Infamous Dating Shop). Co-chiefs charged extra for dates; all dates are Eocene anyway.
