Leg 192 Weeks 1-2

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Scientists describing basalt cores from Site 1183. From left to right: Marguerite Godard (petrologist, Université Montpellier II, France), Pat Castillo (petrologist, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, USA), Rosalind White (petrologist, University of Leicester, UK), Bill Chazey (petrologist, University of Notre Dame, USA). Scientists relaxing in the ship's galley after a hard day's work. From left to right: Xixi Zhao (physical properties specialist, University of Santa Cruz, USA), Peter Riisager (paleomagnetist, Danish Lithosphere Center, Denmark), Clive Neal (petrologist, University of Notre Dame, USA).

Right: Sunset on the Ontong Java Plateau. From left to right, JOIDES Resolution, Sunset.

Below: José Honnorez (at left; petrologist, Université Louis Pasteur, France) and ODP Operations Manager Ron Grout examine a basalt core from Site 1183.

Weeks 3-4