Leg 197 Weeks 2-3

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Left: This proves that drill pipe can bend. It looks more like a well cooked noodle than a section of heavy weight pipe (3/4-inch wall thickness) specially fabricated for ODP.

Below: Members of the drilling crew working hard on the rig floor to extract a new core from the core barrel, which has just been hauled to the JR from the summit of Detroit Seamount.

Scientific and Marine Laboratory Specialist staff waiting outside the core lab for the next core to come down from the rig floor. It's an unusually warm day in the northwestern Pacific.

Co-Chiefs John Tarduno (left) and Robert Duncan (right) discussing with staff scientist Dave Scholl (front) drilling and underway geophysical plans for Leg 197.

Left: From right to left: Shichun Huang (USA), Jill Gudding (USA), and Thorvaldur Thordason (USA) find amusing things in petrologic thin sections of volcanic rock recovered from Detroit Seamount.

Below: Scientific and Marine Laboratory Specialist dayshift staff working on a core in the core lab.

Nightshift crew examining a core. Marine Lab Specialist Anastasia Ledwon (Canada) and scientists Clive Neal (USA, left), Marcel Regelous (Germany, far right ), and Randall Keller (USA, near right). Three are in agreement.

Johannes Stoll (Germany, left) and Bernhard Steinberger (Germany, right) preparing a new core for the high-resolution core scanner.

Crane transporting logging tools from the helicopter deck to the rig floor in preparation for a downhole logging operation.

Johannes Stoll (left, Germany) and Martin Leven (right, Germany) discussing with Schlumberger engineer Kerry Swain (middle) the deployment of their magnetometer tool.

Members of the drilling crew and logging scientist Florence Einaudi (France, far left) rigging-up downhole logging tools.

Dave Scholl points to a recording of low-frequency acoustic echoes received from a large object in the water column. The contact was accompanied by bursts of underwater sound and a radar contact with a fast-moving surface vessel 20 nautical miles to the north and inside the Russian EEZ. Evidently, the JR is not alone in the northwestern corner of the Pacific Basin.

After the conclusion of a meeting held to discuss the scientific findings made at ODP Site 1203, an impromptu group picture of Leg 197 scientists was taken in the adjacent downwhole lab.

Members of the science group with smiles of congratulations and good wishes for all the Krises in the world.

A largish squid (1-2 meters), named Freddie, hugs the bottom of the drill pipe as it is withdrawn from Hole 1203A at a depth close to 2600 meters. [Professor Paul Rodhouse of the British Antarctic Survey, based on Dave Scholl's description of the squid's size and arrow-shaped tail fin, thinks that Freddie was probably a big Ommastrephes bartramii rather than a baby giant squid.]

Weeks 4-5