Leg 202 Weeks 5-7

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Never a dull moment! Patrick Riley (Physical Properties Lab) deals with explosive core with Tim Bronk (Assistant Lab Officer) looking on.

Becky Robinson (USA, Sedimentologist), Johanna Suhonen (Underway Geophysics Lab) and Patrick Riley (this time dirt and oil free; Physical Properties Lab) look forward to another twelve-hour shift.

From left: John Davis (Marine Computer Specialist), Dave Fackler (Programmer), Bob Wheatley (X-ray Lab), and Will Mefferd (Core Lab) waiting for their hair to grow back.

In the chemistry lab. From left: Brian Jones (Chemistry Lab), and Philippe Martinez (France, Organic Chemist).

These three can fix anything! From left: Pieter Pretorius (Marine Electronics Specialist), Dean Ferrell (Electronics Technician), and Jurie Kotze (Marine Electronics Specialist) in the E.T. Shop.

The night shift Marine Lab Specialists. From left: Jessica Huckemeyer (Curator), Tim Bronk (Assistant Lab Officer), Brian Jones (Chemistry), Shannon Center (Photographer), and Will Mefferd (Core Lab).

Site 1240 core worms.

Leg 202 Science Party.
