Leg 185
An Expedition to a Subduction Factory
8 April 1999
This first Ocean Drilling Program expedition dedicated to subduction
factory studies will be completed at the Mariana Trench and the
Izu-Bonin Arc. Subduction of oceanic plates can cause cataclysmic
events such as earthquakes and tsunamis but may also produce many
beneficial products such as ore deposits. The subduction factory is a
dynamic process in which raw materials from the subducting seafloor
and overlying mantle are recycled and new products on the upper plate
are created. The study of sediment and crustal recycling in these
unique settings are critical for understanding this slow, but very
large Earth process.
The geochemical and physical evolution of Earth's crust and mantle
is largely influenced by the physical and chemical processes
associated with these recycling margins. The mass balance can be
determined from studying the input and output of chemicals cycled
through the factory.
The scientific goal of this expedition is to complete the
currently missing gaps in the recycling system along the Izu-Bonin
Arc. These gaps include an incomplete understanding of the aging
process of the uppermost layer of the solid Earth, the flow of
materials through the zone between deep sea trenches and volcanic
arc, and the fluid circulation at active margins. The Mariana Trench
and Izu-Bonin Arc are ideal for subduction recycling studies because
the two sites are part of the same subducting plate, yet have
distinct geochemical signatures. Studies of the relative amounts of
several important components in the subducted plate (e.g., water,
carbon dioxide, uranium and lead) will be used to determine whether
the chemical differences between the two arc systems are the result
of different crust or due to some other mechanism.
The Izu-Bonin Arc was selected because much is already known of
this system from previous ODP drilling on both sides of the trench
during Legs 125, 126 and 129.
Science Strategy
Two deep-water sites are planned for Leg 185: an existing ODP
Hole (801C) located seaward of the Mariana Trench will be deepened,
and a new site (BON-8A) will be drilled east of the Izu-Bonin Arc.
Several aspects of the recycling process have been well studied in
the trench region, thus a return to the site will help determine the
missing inputs &endash; from altered oceanic crust at the Mariana
Trench (801C) and from sediment and oceanic crust at the Izu-Bonin
Arc (BON-8A).
The research team will drill, sample and measure the in
situ conditions of the upper alteration zone at the Marianas
Trench site and the entire sedimentary section into basement at the
Bonin site. These critical drilling results will be used with,
seismic reflection images, and material balance calculations to
determine the mass balance of this dynamic subduction factory. Dr.
Terry Plank of the University of Kansas and Dr. John Ludden of the
Centre de Researches Petrolographiques et Geochimiques (CNRS) in
France are the Leg 185 co chief scientists.
Challenges of the Deep
During Leg 185, ODP will drill in the deepest part of the world's
ocean. The sites are located in water depths ranging from 5.7 to 6
km. These water depths push the state-of-the-art deep water
drillship, JOIDES Resolution, to its technical limits. The
ship's derrick is designed to carry the load of 9,000 m of steel
drill pipe. So, for this leg, the ship will be working at its maximum
capacity. In addition, this deep water puts additional stresses on
the drill pipe itself. During the port call prior to sailing, the
drillstring will be tested for strength to ensure its competence for
these challenges of the deep.
The Ocean Drilling Program, an international partnership of
scientific institutions and governments, explores the Earth's history
and evolution. The Ocean Drilling Program is funded principally by
the U.S. National Science Foundation, with substantial contributions
from its international partners. These include the Federal Republic
of Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, the Australia/Canada/Chinese
Taipei/Korean Consortium for Ocean Drilling, the European Science
Foundation Consortium for Ocean Drilling (Belgium, Denmark, Finland,
Iceland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and
Switzerland), France and the People's Republic of China. The program
is managed by Joint Oceanographic Institutions, a consortium of 11
U.S. institutions, with Texas A&M responsible for science operations.
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory is the manager of logging
Scientists Contacts:
Dr. Terry Plank
Department of Geology-Geophysics Program
University of Kansas
120 Lindley Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045
Internet: tplank@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
Work: (785) 864-2725
Fax: (785) 864-5276
Dr. John Ludden, Co-Chief
Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques
(UPR 9046)
BP 20, 15 rue Notre Dame Des Pauvres
Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy 54501
Internet: ludden@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr
Work: (33) 3-83-59-42-13
Fax: (33) 3-83-51-17-98
Dr. Carlota Escutia, Staff Scientist
Ocean Drilling Program
Internet: carlota_escutia@odp.tamu.edu
Work: (409) 845-0506
Fax: (409) 845-0876
Ship's email address:
Example: jrs_terry_plank@odp.tamu.edu
In addition, the ODP Web Site includes information on this leg
(Leg 185 Scientific Prospectus) and will carry weekly reports on
progress as the leg proceeds.
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