Figure 25. Examples of soft, granular serpentine masses (Subunit IVB, Hole 899B).
A. Interval 149-899B-31R-2, 28-42 cm; two fragments of lithified serpentinite separated by unconsolidated sand-sized serpentinite with irregular laminations. The laminations are oriented in a manner consistent with compactional deformation of the softer material between the more lithified clasts.
B. Interval 149-899B-29R-2, 1-33 cm; soft, sand-sized serpentine containing two rounded basalt pieces (arrows). Basalt at 7-12 cm may be armored with detrital clay. The dark rock in the lower portion of the pictured interval (24-32 cm) is a highly recrystallized radiolarian(?) chert with chalcedony-filled veins. Masses of pyrite are found on the back side of the chert