Table 3. Chronology and sedimentation rates in Hole 893A. Sample/event Depth at base of interval (mbsf) Age at base of interval (ka) Sedimentation rate in interval (mm/yr) Top of section (?) 1.21 5H-7, 11p 43.17 28.896 1.54 Stage 3.3 3.31 73.89 51 1.39 Stage 4.22 4.23 90.49 65 1.19 * 113.89 90 0.94 * 116.35 90 * Stage 5d/5e 140.69 116 0.94 Stage 5e (5.51) 147.46 122.56 1.03 Termination II 156.87 127 2.12 Stage 6.41 195 161.61 1.10 Notes: Depths are corrected for gas voids (Table 1). 14C data for 16 samples (Ingram and Kennett, this volume) between 3.62 and 43.17 mbsf were fitted with a curve (r2 = 0.998): age = a + b (depth)c where a = 0.474657733, b = 527.3684544, and c = 1.059172067. Ages were assigned to depths below 43.17 mbsf by linear interpolation between the 18O and pollen events (Heusser, this volume). For the purposes of this curve fit, zero age was assumed to occur at zero depth. Assuming zero age to occur at 1.21 mbsf in Hole 893A, as suggested by correlation between holes with the color data, the curve parameters were adjusted to be a = 30.08622645, b = 522.3079487, and c = 1.061531766, with r2 = 0.995. *The interval between 113.89 and 116.35 mbsf consists of a single turbidite layer, presumed to have been deposited instantaneously.