4. Site 8971

Shipboard Scientific Party2


Date occupied: 31 March 1993

Date departed: 1 April 1993

Time on hole: 1 day, 5 hr, 45 min

Position: 40°50.32'N, 12°28.44'W

Bottom felt (drill-pipe measurement from rig floor, m): 5331.0

Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 11.05

Water depth (drill-pipe measurement from sea level, m): 5320.0

Total depth (from rig floor, m): 5386.20

Penetration (m): 55.20

Number of cores (including cores having no recovery): 6

Total length of cored section (m): 55.20

Total core recovered (m): 17.37

Core recovery (%): 31.5

Oldest sediment cored:

Depth (mbsf): 55.20
Nature: nannofossil ooze/interbedded silty turbidites
Age: Pleistocene
Measured velocity (km/s): 1.51

1Examples of how to reference the whole or part of this volume can be found under "Citations" in the preliminary pages of the volume.
2Shipboard Scientific Party addresses can be found under "Shipboard Scientific Party" in the preliminary pages of the volume.

Ms 149IR-104
Reproduced online: 15 October 2004