Figure 8. Silty sand beds in Subunit IIB, showing evidence of reworking and deposition by contour currents, rather than turbidity flows: the sands do not show normal grading characteristic of turbidites. A. Interval 149-899A-15R-3, 61-68 cm; (1) claystone with silt at top of underlying upward-darkening sequence; (2) massive foraminifer-rich silty sand, showing sharp base and top (slightly burrowed) and scattered burrows; (3) parallel-laminated nannofossil claystone; (4) bioturbated silty claystone with large sand-filled burrows on the right. B. Interval 149-899A-15R-5, 58-63 cm. (1) lighter nannofossil claystone and darker claystone with silt mixed by bioturbation at the top of underlying upward-darkening sequence; (2) cross-laminated silty sandstone with small load cast at the base and burrowed top; the mound-shaped upper surface suggests the presence of a current ripple; (3) faintly laminated and slightly bioturbated (?Chondrites) nannofossil claystone. C. Interval 149-899B-5R-4, 131-142 cm. (1) claystone with silt; (2) parallel-laminated silty sandstone disturbed by drilling, with a sharp base and top, and showing small burrows (arrows); (3) nannofossil claystone showing upward increase in Chondrites of density burrows; (4) parallel-laminated sandstone showing sharp base and top overlain by faintly laminated nannofossil claystone.