Plate 1. Thin-section photomicrographs of sediments from Sites 897 and 899, all under plane-polarized light. 1. Sample 149-899B-27R-1, 71-73 cm. Micritic (microsparite) sediments intruding serpentinized peridotite breccia with dilatant texture. Scale bar = 500 µm. 2. Detail of (1) showing equant dolomitized microsparite between altered serpentinite. Note features of calcite replacement. Scale bar = 100 µm. 3. Sample 149-897D-10R-1, 43-45 cm. Fault-gouge composed of comminuted and altered peridotite fragments and clayed sediments. Scale bar = 2 mm. 4. Sample 149-897D-10R-1, 12-15 cm. Similar serpentinized peridotite/sediment fault-gouge as in (3). Note shear zone developing calcite veins in lower left corner. Peridotite fragment in upper right corner. Scale bar = 500 µm. 5. Sample 149-899B-35R-1, 123-129 cm. Laminated cherty silty-claystone. Scale bar = 100 µm. 6. Sample 149-897D-9R-1, 57-59 cm. Silty carbonate cemented microturbidite; organic matter is abundant. Scale bar = 2 mm. 7. Sample 149-899D-26R-1, 81-88 cm. Radiolarian marl (stripes are from thin-section processing). Scale bar = 2 mm.