Plate 4. Cataclastic textures in phase F1 serpentinite breccias. 1. Sample 149-899B-21R-4, 19-25 cm. Hand-specimen photograph of serpentinite cataclasite. Both fragment types, light and dark, are made of serpentine. Note the crack fill (arrow) of the largest porphyroclast, containing grain fragments from the matrix, suggesting a fluid pathway. Scale bar = 2 cm. 2. Hand-specimen photograph of serpentinite cataclasite from Ronda peridotites (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain). Sample is from an extensional detachment fault zone. Note the great similarity of the cracks and fills (arrows) with those of the sample from the Iberia Abyssal Plain in (1). Note also the foliated cataclasite porphyroclast in the lower right corner. Scale bar = 2 cm. 3, 4. Compare meso- and microscopic fabric of broken elongated porphyroclasts (between arrows). (3). Sample 149-899B-26R-1, 49-55 cm. (4). Sample 149-899B-25R-3, 80-84 cm. Note neoformed serpentine fill between cracks. Plane-polarized light. (3) Scale bar = 2 cm, (4) scale bar = 1 mm. 5. Sample 149-899B-29R-1, 43-48 cm. Flow structure around a highly broken porphyroclast consisting of serpentine and opaque mineral fragments. The veins are calcite and cross-cut all structures. Arrows indicate tails. Plane-polarized light. Scale bar = 1 mm. 6. Suggested process of growth of cataclastic lineation observed in serpentinites at Site 899, after Tanaka (1992) but slightly modified (see text).