Figure 3. Summary east-west cross sections along three transects off west Iberia (see inset for locations) PR = peridotite ridge. A. Across Galicia Bank, based on multichannel seismic reflection profiles of Murillas et al. (1990) and seismic refraction results of Whitmarsh et al. (work in progress) and Horsefield (1992). B. Across the southern Iberia Abyssal Plain, based on seismic refraction lines of Whitmarsh et al. (1990), gravity model of Whitmarsh et al. (1993) and on multi-channel seismic reflection profile LG-12 (Beslier, this volume). C. Across the Tagus Abyssal Plain, based on seismic refraction models of Pinheiro et al. (1992) and Peirce and Barton (1991). A peridotite ridge has not yet been recognized beneath the Tagus Abyssal Plain.