The textural analysis, sand fraction composition, carbonate content, and bulk mineralogy provide adequate data to typify the sedimentary facies of the Cenozoic sediment cores recovered from ODP Sites 897, 898, 899, and 900 on the Iberia Abyssal Plain. According to this data, the Cenozoic sedimentary facies at these sites include pelagic/hemipelagic deposits, turbidite deposits, and contourite deposits, as indicated by Leg 149 Shipboard Scientific Party (1994).

Similar sedimentary facies were described and textural analysis data were taken into account in other areas close to Iberia Abyssal Plain, such as the distal North Atlantic continental margin off Portugal (Deep Sea Drilling Project [DSDP] Leg 47; Maldonado, 1979) and the Galicia Margin (ODP Leg 103; Comas and Maldonado, 1988). The textural data presented in this report can be used for sedimentological purposes and for understanding the sedimentary processes on the Iberia Abyssal Plain (Milkert et al., chapter 45, this volume).