Chapter 38:

Figure 3. Hole 917A downhole logs, volcano-stratigraphy, and core recovery. See text and Figure 5 for discussion and processing. Note that log curves are labeled near the bottom. V1 = short-spacing transit-time log; V2 = long-spacing transit-time log; PR = Poisson’s Ratio. Solid circles = minicore physical property measurements; crosses = depth-corrected minicore physical property measurements, size gives approximate depth uncertainty. aB = aphyric basalt, aoB = aphyric olivine basalt; DAC = dacite; oppB = olivine-plagioclase phyric basalt; opppB = olivine-plagioclase-phyric basalt; pB = phyric basalt; ppB = plagioclase phyric basalt; PIC = picrite.
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Chapter 39:

Figure 5. New deep multichannel seismic data collected along the Leg 152 drilling transect in 1994. Leg 152 Sites 915, 916, and 917 are shown along with Leg 163 Site 989. The data processing sequence is: trace mixing of same channels on adjacent shots, shot space wave-equation demultiple processing, CDP space frequency/wavenumber domain velocity filtering, NMO stacking using a carefully picked inner trace mute, post-stack minimum phase predictive deconvolution, coherency filtering, and tracing mixing along the stack. No automatic gain control is used, but a trace-to-trace amplitude equalization was applied prior to plotting. A. Large-scale wiggle-trace/variable-area plot of the data. At the landward and seaward ends of the profile, the major crustal regions that are discussed in the text are marked. White dots outline deep reflectors that define Moho and possibly events in the upper mantle. B. Small-scale variable area plot of the same data with our interpreted line drawing superimposed. C. Depth-converted version of the line drawing shown in (B). Horizontal scale for both (B) and (C) is the same.
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