Plate 2. 1. Breakdown reaction of clinopyroxene (cpx) to amphibole (amph) and calcite (cal). Sample 161-976B-76R-2, 115-118 cm. Scale bar is 85 µm. 2. Poikiloblastic scapolite (scp) with inclusions of clinopyroxene. Sample 161-976E-15R-1, 126-128 cm. Scale bar is 214 µm. 3. Detail of clinopyroxene (cpx) inclusions in large scapolite (scp) poikiloblasts. Clinopyroxene grains are partially or completely replaced by late retrogressive sheet minerals. Sample 161-976E-15R-1, 94-98 cm. Scale bar is 85 µm. 4. Plagioclase (pl) grains cut by K-feldspar (kfs) veins. Sample 161-976B-104R-1, 59-62 cm. Scale bar is 85 µm. Click on image for enlargement.