Figure 5. A. Garnet in Guadaiza high-grade metapelites (sample HB); the idioblastic garnet rim is synkinematic to the external foliation (Sp), and the core, with abundant inclusions, is also idioblastic. B. Garnet in the high-grade schists from Sample 976E-14R-1, 45-50 cm; similar textural features as in photograph in A. C. Sillimanite deformed by post-Sp folds in high-grade schists from the Ojen Unit (sample OJ-2571-C). Note the presence of sillimanite crystals in the axial planes of these folds. D. Sillimanite growth in the axial plane of post-Sp crenulation folds (Sample 976B-1, 119-124 cm). E. Porphyric granite intruded into the Guadaiza Unit including xenoliths of high-grade schists. F. Leucogranite dikes cutting across diatexites and granites with xenoliths of high-grade schists (Montemayor slices).