Figure 6. A. PT conditions reached during the metamorphic evolution of two rock levels in the Jubrique Unit (from Balanyá et al., 1997). Aluminosilicate stability fields from Holdaway (1971). B. PT diagram summarizing PT evolution of two rock levels in the Ojen Unit (from Sánchez-Gómez, 1997). E1, E2, E3, and E4 = tectonometamorphic events (see text for explanation). Star indicates the minimum PT conditions for the eclogites (Tubía and Gil Ibarguchi, 1991). Mineral abbreviations are as follows: ab = albite, alm = almandine, Als = aluminosilicate, an = anorthite, and = andalucite, bio = biotite, cd = cordierite, gar = garnet, grs = grossular, hc = hercynite, ilm = ilmenite, Kfs = K-feldspar, ky = kyanite, L = liquidus, ms = muscovite, qz = quartz, rt = rutile, sil = sillimanite, w = water.