n-alkandiols, isomeric, mass spectra, B:396

n-alkanes, organic-rich layers, B:394–395

n-alkanols, organic-rich layers, B:395–396

n-alkenones, long-chain, vs. depth, B:397

n-docosan-1-o1, vs. depth, B:396

n-fatty acids, vs. depth, B:396

nannofossil datum 1, ages, B:180

nannofossil datum 2, ages, B:180

nannofossil datum 3, ages, B:180

nannofossil datum 4, ages, B:179–180

nannofossil datum 5, ages, B:179

nannofossil datum 6, ages, B:179

nannofossil datum 7, ages, B:179

nannofossil datum 8, ages, B:178–179

nannofossil datum 9, ages, B:178

nannofossil datum 10, ages, B:178

nannofossil datum 11, ages, B:178

nannofossil datum 12, ages, B:178

nannofossil datum 13, ages, B:177–178

nannofossil datum 14, ages, B:177

nannofossil datum 15, ages, B:177

nannofossil datum 16, ages, B:177

nannofossil datum 17, ages, B:176–177

nannofossil datums, ages, B:176

nannofossil events, position, B:163, 165–166

nannofossil zones

Site 974, A:72–74, 76
Site 975, A:134–136, 138
Site 976, A:201–202, 205
Site 977, A:315, 317
Site 978, A:376–377
Site 979, A:401–402


backscattered electronic images, B:104–105
Messinian, B:529–541
scanning electron microscopy, B:95
vs. depth, A:363, 399; B:15

nannofossils, calcareous

abundance and preservation, A:64, 133, 197–198, 309, 362–363, 397
biostratigraphy, A:64–69, 132–133, 198–200, 309, 311, 363, 397; B:159–183, 223–237
holotype image analysis, B:239–247


vs. lanthanum, B:366

See also samarium/neodymium ratio; tantalum/ neodymium ratio


extensional basins, A:8–9; B:559
lithostratigraphy, A:190
paleoceanography, B:387–388
paleoclimatology, B:223–237
sediments, B:69–76
tectonics, B:345–355
terrains, B:557
See also Cenozoic; Holocene; Pleistocene; Pliocene; Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary; Pliocene–Holocene succession; Quaternary

Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left-coiling)

relative abundance, B:446
vs. sea-surface temperature, B:447

neutron porosity logs

vs. depth, B:322
See also thermal neutron porosity logs

Nevado-Filábride Complex

orogenic belts, A:7
sediments, B:70–71
terrains, B:557


volcanic rocks, B:370

See also yttrium/niobium ratio; zirconium/niobium ratio


sapropels, B:402–405

See also carbon/nitrogen ratio

nitrogen isotopes

organic matter, B:409
sapropels, B:401–411
vs. depth, B:406–408

nodules, lithologic units, A:125–126, 128, 131

normal faults

Miocene, A:11
photograph, A:84, 322, 380
sediments, A:316
seismic profiles, B:563
soft sediments, A:80–81
structure, B:352

North Atlantic Oscillation, atmospheric circulation, B:476

North Balearic front, sea-surface temperature, B:490


oblique-slip faults, photograph, A:242

obliquity. See orbital obliquity

ocean circulation

currents, B:392
productivity, A:13–14

Ojen Unit

lithostratigraphy, B:308–314, 572
metamorphism, B:571

Oldest Dryas, paleoclimatology, B:466

Olduvai Subchron, magnetostratigraphy, A:77; B:161

olean-12-en-3-one, organic-rich layers, B:396

olistostromes, basins, B:73


petrography, B:357–359
photograph, A:312
See also forsterite

ooze, diatomaceous

laminations, A:194
lithologic units, A:304–305
lithology, A:193
photograph, A:193–194
photomicrograph, A:194

ooze, foraminifer-nannofossil, petrography, B:6

ooze, nannofossil

lithologic units, A:59–64, 118–120, 128, 191–193, 304–305, 357–358, 361
photograph, A:121–122

ooze, pelagic, foraminifers, B:204

orbital eccentricity

deposition, B:95–96
oxygen isotopes, B:474
sapropels, A:12

orbital forcing, planktonic foraminifers, B:469–479

orbital obliquity, ages, B:471

organic matter

degradation, A:83, 85, 89, 145–146, 320–321, 404–405
diagenesis, B:513
geochemistry, B:394
Pleistocene, B:391–400
Quaternary, B:464
remineralization, B:487
sources, A:81–82, 143–144, 233, 318, 374–375, 403
sources and preservation, B:383–390

organic matter, amorphous, Quaternary, B:458–459, 464

organic-rich layer L5, photograph, A:308

organic-rich layer L7, photograph, A:314

organic-rich layer L16, photograph, A:307

organic-rich layers

correlation, A:65, 67, 124–125, 195–196
correlation with oxygen isotopes, B:477
frequency, A:307
lipids, B:489–503
lithologic units, A:59–64, 118–120, 128, 188–189, 304–305, 309, 394; B:510
location, A:397
magnetic susceptibility, B:112, 115
origin, A:62
paleoenvironment, B:391–400
photograph, A:66–67, 123, 307–308, 314
Rock-Eval pyrolysis, A:257, 385
vs. depth, A:313
See also sapropels

orogenic belts

Miocene, A:6–8
See also tectonics


basement/sediment contact, A:215
See also potassium feldspar


biogenic components, B:78–80
Messinian, B:529–541
Miocene/Pliocene boundary, B:538
photograph, B:535

overgrowths, photomicrograph, B:286

overpressure, fluids, B:117–128
overprinting, paleomagnetism, A:138, 140


methane, B:420, 434–436
organic matter, B:386
sapropels, B:500
See also redox; reduction; sulfate reduction

oxides, photomicrograph, A:245–246

oxygen index

organic matter, A:233, 318, 403; B:387
vs. hydrogen index, A:90, 150, 256, 329, 385, 409; B:387

oxygen isotopes

ages, B:482
nannofossils, B:174
paleoceanography, B:481–488
planktonic foraminifers, B:469–479
pore water, B:413–421
vs. age, A:14; B:475–476, 499
vs. depth, B:418, 427
vs. paleoclimatic curves, B:511, 513
vs. sulfate, B:417
vs. sulfur isotopes, B:418



carbonates, B:78
lithologic units, A:357–358, 361
photograph, A:364

paleobathymetry, subsidence, B:73


Cenozoic, B:489–503
deposition, B:66–67
Neogene, A:11–15; B:387–388
Pleistocene, B:469–479, 481–488
Pliocene, B:185–195
Quaternary, B:441–455, 505–518

paleoclimatic curves

vs. anhysteretic magnetic susceptibility, B:512
vs. depth, B:511
vs. oxygen isotopes, B:511, 513


Cenozoic, B:489–503
cyclic processes, B:515–517
foraminifer modern analogs, B:190–193
foraminifers, B:485–487
marine environment, B:461
Neogene, B:223–237
paleoceanography, B:387–389
Pleistocene, B:475–477
Pliocene–Holocene, B:95–96
Quaternary, B:464–466, 505–518
Tortonian/Messinian, B:546–548
See also temperate climate, tropical climate


foraminifers, A:313, 366–367, 399
Lago Mare facies, A:72
microfossils, A:135–137


carbonates, B:77–81
foraminifers, B:204
magnetic minerals, B:513
Messinian, B:529–541, 543–551
organic matter, B:391–400
planktonic foraminifers, B:449, 451–452, 454
Quaternary, B:457–468
See also continental environment; deposition; intertidal environment; lacustrine environment; marginal environment; marine environment; sedimentation; semi-desert environment; subaqueous environment; supratidal environment


brines, A:235–236
pore water, A:321, 378


Messinian, B:547–548
terrains, B:557–559
upper Miocene, B:548


overprinting, A:138, 140
Quaternary, B:505–518
Site 974, A:73–78
Site 975, A:137–140
Site 976, A:204–209
Site 977, A:313–314, 316
Site 978, A:367, 369, 372–373
Site 979, A:399


hemipelagite, B:102–104, 109
marine environment, B:459–462
organic-rich layers, B:397
paleoclimatology, B:388, 409–410
Pleistocene, B:487
sapropels, B:517
sedimentation, B:29
See also productivity

paleosalinity. See salinity

paleotemperature, alkenones, A:82, 144, 233, 318

organic-rich layers, B:396
vs. depth, B:397
See also temperature, sea-surface

paleotemperature, sea-surface

biomarkers in sapropels, A:91, 151
vs. depth, A:91, 151


continental environment, B:462–464
See also grasses; pollen; vegetation

palygorskite, sedimentation, B:31


Quaternary, B:457–468
See also dinocysts; dinoflagellates; pollen

Pantelleria peralkaline volcanic complex, pyroclastics, B:150–151


high-grade schist, B:271–272
pelitic and migmatitic gneiss, B:272–273

paramagnetism, sediments, B:130

partial melting

metamorphic rocks, B:290
See also melts


lithologic units, A:358–359, 362
metamorphic rocks, B:334–335
volcanic rocks, B:359
See also rhyodacite pebbles

pebbles, basalt/andesite

lithologic units, A:309
photograph, A:312

pebbles, nonvolcanic, photograph, A:371

pebbles, rhyodacite, photograph, A:312

pebbles, volcanic

age and geochemistry, B:568–569
Miocene, B:577
photograph, A:369–370

pelite schist, pressure-temperature conditions, B:264–265

peridotite, extensional basins, A:9–10

Permian, lithostratigraphy, B:308


cemented breccia, B:334–335
lithologic units, B:5–7
sand, B:39–46
sediments, B:86–87
volcanic rocks, B:357–359
volcaniclastics, B:139, 144–148


Messinian, B:3–20
Site 976, A:212–217, 223–230

pH, vs. depth, A:92, 152, 260, 332, 387, 412

phase equilibria

aluminosilicates, B:314
basement, B:567
metamorphic rocks, B:257–258, 288, 290–293


cordierite, B:272
petrography, B:357–359
photomicrograph, B:276, 362
volcanic pebbles, B:568

phenols, organic-rich layers, B:397

phenols, cinnamyl, vs. depth, B:400

phenols, syringyl, vs. depth, B:400

phenols, vanillyl, vs. depth, B:400


basement/sediment contact, A:215
petrography, B:41
photograph, A:64

Phlegrean fields, pyroclastics, B:150, 152


basement/sediment contact, A:215
biotite composition, B:269–271
marbles, B:313–314


organic matter, A:236
pore water, A:85, 89, 320–321, 404–405
redox, A:236, 238
vs. depth, A:261, 333, 412

phosphorus oxide, volcanic rocks, B:364–369

photoelectric factor logs

gouge, B:334
vs. depth, A:101–102, 162–163, 267–268, 274, 276, 338–341, 345, 417–418; B:322

phyllite, petrography, B:41

phyllosilicates, vs. clay, B:63, 65

physical properties

Site 974, A:89–91
Site 975, A:150–153
Site 976, A:238–241
Site 977, A:323
Site 978, A:381
Site 979, A:408–409

physiography, deposition, B:95

phytoplankton, organic-rich layers, B:394–395

Piacenzian, sedimentary cover, B:562

pinch-and-swell structures, origin, B:13–14

placoliths, nannofossil datums, B:176–177


calc-silicate rock, B:254–255
gneiss, B:264–265, 267, 283–284
mineral chemistry, B:267–270
petrography, B:39–46, 357–359
photograph, A:312
photomicrograph, A:239, 241, 243–246; B:56, 260, 277, 279, 285–286, 362
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:264–266, 282–283, 288, 312
textures, A:223–225

plagioclase, twinned, photomicrograph, A:247


lithologic units, A:118, 304–305, 357–358, 361, 394, 396
photograph, A:120, 364

Planolites?, photograph, A:197

plate boundaries. See convergent plate boundaries


biostratigraphy, B:159–183
lithofacies, B:21–36
lithologic units, A:59–64, 118–120, 128, 188–189, 196, 304, 357–358, 361, 393–397
organic matter, B:401–411
paleoceanography, B:469–479, 481–488
sediments, B:71–75
See also interval I; interval II; interval III; interval IV; Pliocene–Pleistocene succession; Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary

Pleistocene, lower, insolation cycle, B:172–173, 175

Pleistocene–Holocene succession

biostratigraphy, B:228, 230
tectonics, B:570


basins, A:11
biostratigraphy, B:185–195
lithofacies, B:21–36
lithologic units, A:59–64, 118–121, 125, 128, 130–131, 188–193, 196, 304–306, 357–359, 361–362, 393–397
sedimentary cover, B:562
sediments, B:70–75, 568
stratigraphy, B:545
tectonics, B:345–355
See also Miocene/Pliocene boundary

Pliocene, upper

debris flows, B:77–81
insolation cycle, B:172–173, 175

Pliocene–Holocene succession, marine sediments, B:83–97

Pliocene–Pleistocene succession

biostratigraphy, B:224–226
geochronology, B:148–155
hemipelagite, B:111–116
lithofacies, B:57–68
organic matter, B:383–390
sapropels, A:11–12; B:519–527
seismic unit I, A:247

Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary

correlation, B:86, 166, 169
nannofossils, B:226
planktonic foraminifers, B:443, 484–485
tectonics, B:570
See also interval IV


metamorphism, B:255
photomicrograph, B:261

polar fauna, planktonic foraminifers, B:449, 451–452, 454


continental environment, B:462–464
Quaternary, B:457–468
vs. depth, B:461–463
See also grasses; paleovegetation; vegetation

polymorphs, aluminum oxides, B:266–267

Pontine Island eruptive centers, pyroclastics, B:152

pore water

compressibility, B:125–127
geochemistry, A:82–83, 85, 89, 92, 144–146, 149–150, 152, 233, 235–236, 238, 259, 261, 319–323, 332, 378–381, 386, 404–405, 408, 411; B:413–421, 423–432


compaction, B:118–127
microfabrics, B:106–107
vs. depth, A:100, 161, 265, 334, 388, 414; B:89, 110, 119, 121, 123–125, 322
See also microporosity; void ratio

porosity logs. See gamma ray–density–porosity logs; gamma ray–porosity logs; neutron porosity logs; thermal neutron porosity logs


garnet, B:267
gneiss, B:266–267
photograph, A:228; B:341
photomicrograph, A:239, 241, 243–247; B:276–279, 285–287, 343–344
plagioclase, B:267–268
pressure-temperature conditions, B:264–265
schist, B:282–283
textures, A:223–224
See also andalusite porphyroblasts, cordierite porphyroblasts


evaporites, B:430–431
pore water, A:89, 236, 321–322, 379, 405
sediments, A:146
vs. depth, A:93, 153, 260, 333, 387, 412; B:425–427

potassium feldspar

as a function of plagioclase composition, B:269
calc-silicate rock, B:254
gneiss, B:264–265, 267, 283–284
mineral chemistry, B:267–269
photomicrograph, A:247; B:54, 278–279, 285

pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567

schist, B:282–283, 313–314
textures, A:223, 225
See also orthoclase

potassium logs

gouge, B:334
vs. depth, A:266, 273, 276, 335–337, 341, 415–416

potassium oxide

granites, A:216
metamorphic rocks, B:375
vs. silica, B:146, 153, 366
See also sodium oxide/potassium oxide ratio

potassium oxide + sodium oxide, vs. sodium oxide/ potassium oxide ratio, B:152


ages, B:471, 475
paleoclimatology, B:388

preferred orientation

photograph, A:228–229, 238
photomicrograph, A:246

preservation, organic matter, B:387–388, 410

pressure solution

compressibility, B:122–127
sediments, A:141

pressure-temperature conditions

high-grade schist, A:250; B:273–274, 281–294, 571
metamorphism, A:227–228, 230; B:263–279, 312–314, 566–567
pelitic and migmatite gneiss, B:274

principal component analysis

planktonic foraminifers, B:447, 449–452
See also Q-mode principal component analysis


circulation, A:13–14
organic matter, A:403
sapropels, A:12
See also paleoproductivity


compressibility, B:125–127
sediments, A:403


basement, A:230; B:282–283
lithostratigraphy, B:308


lithofacies, B:65–66
sand, B:37–56
sedimentation, B:28–32
siliciclastics, B:94–95

prymnesiophytes, organic-rich layers, B:395–396

pteropods, photograph, A:63

pumice, photomicrograph, B:54

pumice, silicic, photomicrograph, B:145

pumice lapilli, photograph, A:63

pycnocline, depth, B:487


photograph, A:192
photomicrograph, B:260
vs. depth, A:399


sources, B:150–151
See also tephra

pyrolysis, Rock-Eval

organic matter, B:384, 386
organic-rich layers, A:257
sapropels, A:91, 151

pyrope, garnet composition, B:268, 287


photograph, A:312
See also clinopyroxene


Q-mode principal component analysis, planktonic foraminifers, B:447–450


backscattered electronic images, B:107–108
gneiss, B:264–265, 283–284
hemipelagite, B:103–104
petrography, B:39–46, 59–65
photograph, A:312
photomicrograph, A:246–247; B:36, 54, 277–279, 285, 343–344, 362
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
provenance, B:95–96
sand, B:104–105
sandstone, B:334–335
scanning electron microscopy, B:95
schist, B:264–265, 282–283, 313–314
textures, A:223–225
vs. age, B:93–94, 102–103
vs. depth, A:200, 306, 360, 399; B:14, 22–24, 90–92
vs. sand, B:63, 65
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237–238

quartz arenite, petrography, B:42

quartz schist, volcanic pebbles, B:568

quartz veins

brittle deformation, A:221–223
high-grade schist, A:215
photograph, A:229, 236, 240–241
photomicrograph, A:239

quartz/calcite ratio

sediments, B:11
vs. depth, B:14

quartz/clay ratio, vs. depth, B:14


breccia, B:333
photomicrograph, B:343–344
structure, B:310
volcanic pebbles, B:568

quartzite clasts, photograph, A:312


extensional basins, A:8–9
paleoceanography, B:441–455, 505–518
paleoenvironment, B:457–468
tectonics, B:345–355

Quebec, rock magnetism, A:322


rare earths

basalts and andesites, B:367–370
metamorphic rocks, B:375–376
normalized samples, B:378–379
sediments, B:28, 32–33
volcanic pebbles, B:569
volcanic rocks, B:364–369
vs. depth, B:32–34

reaction zones

metamorphism, B:252–254
mineral assemblages, B:254, 284, 287–288
origin, B:256–257
photograph, A:231–232
photomicrograph, A:239; B:277, 285–287


diagenesis, A:146, 319
lithologic units, A:119
photomicrograph, A:243
pore water, A:404


profiles, A:236, 238
See also oxidation; reduction; sulfate reduction


iron, A:320–321
See also oxidation; redox; sulfate reduction

reduction zones, organic matter, A:146


Messinian, B:543–546
paleogeography, B:548
temporal distribution, B:546

reflectors. See seismic reflectors

relict crystals, X-ray fluorescence data, A:237

relict grains, photomicrograph, A:244

remagnetization, pervasive radial, cores, B:135

remanent magnetization

ratio plots, B:515
sediments, A:205–206, 313–314, 367, 369, 372, 399; B:511

remanent magnetization, anhysteretic

sediments, A:206
vs. depth, A:321; B:512, 514

remanent magnetization, isothermal

gneiss, A:207–209
thermal demagnetization, A:215
vs. temperature, B:115

remanent magnetization, natural

sediments, A:73–77
Sites 974–976, B:508–509
vs. depth, A:321

remanent magnetization, saturated isothermal

sediments, A:314
vs. depth, A:213, 321; B:512, 514


diagenesis, A:146
organic matter, B:487
sapropels, B:409–410

residues, photograph, B:532–536


vs. depth, A:418
See also thermal resistivity

resistivity logs

vs. depth, A:103–104, 107–108, 164–165, 269–272, 274–275, 338–339, 342, 344, 417–418; B:321
See also gamma ray–resistivity–sonic logs

restite, gneiss, B:284

reverse faults

photograph, A:66, 86, 145, 372
sediments, A:141, 316
seismic profiles, B:338
structure, B:352


petrography, B:42
thin sections, A:1019–1022

rhyodacite pebbles, photograph, A:312


ages, B:362–363
magmatism, B:574
petrography, B:357–359
photomicrograph, B:362
pyroclastics, B:151–155
volcanic pebbles, B:569

Rif Chain

metamorphic rocks, B:291
Miocene, A:6–8
paleogeography, B:556–559
pollen sources, B:463
tectonics, B:350–351
terrains, B:557


extensional basins, A:10–11
geometry, B:561
Miocene, B:573
subsidence, B:75

rip-up clasts, photograph, A:373

ripidolite, high-grade schist, A:215

ripple-cross laminations, photograph, A:70

rock magnetism

cores, A:321–322
hard rocks, A:214
magnetic domains, A:140
metamorphic rocks, A:207–209
sediments, A:206–207, 212, 314
vs. depth, A:213, 216

Ronda peridotite massif

extensional basins, A:9–10
metamorphic rocks, A:230
metamorphism, B:274, 309–314, 571
phase equilibria, B:567

Rossello, sapropels, A:11


granites, A:216
sediments, B:28, 32–33
volcanic rocks, B:370
vs. depth, B:32–34


garnet, B:312
marbles, B:313–314
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:266
textures, A:224


Sabatini eruption, pyroclastics, B:152

Sahara, eolian sedimentation, B:513


circulation, A:13; B:475
evaporites, B:430–431
marine environment, B:459
oxygen isotopes, B:500–501
pore water, A:235, 321, 378, 405; B:427–429
sapropels, B:516
sediments, B:434–436
transects, A:13
vs. age, B:499
vs. depth, A:92, 152, 260, 332, 387, 412
vs. temperature, A:13

Salinity Crisis, basin margins, B:549


dessication, B:547
See also evaporites; halite

samarium/neodymium ratio, vs. tantalum/neodymium ratio, B:369


lithofacies, B:59, 62–64
lithologic units, A:59–64, 189, 191, 305–307, 393–397
mineralogy, B:104–105
petrography, B:5–7
photograph, A:121, 197, 199, 396
photomicrograph, B:55–56
provenance, B:37–56
volcaniclastics, B:152, 155
vs. depth, A:360
vs. quartz, B:63, 65

sand, bioclastic, photograph, A:401

sand, calcareous, lithologic units, A:120–121, 125, 130–131

sand, calcitic, lithologic units, A:193–194

sand, conglomeratic, petrography, B:334–335

sand, pebbly

lithologic units, A:193–194
photograph, A:199–200

sand, silty

petrography, B:334–335
photograph, A:128–129

sand, terrigenous, petrography, B:6

sand, zeolitic, lithologic units, A:193–194

sand layers, location, A:398


petrography, B:41
photograph, A:372–373
photomicrograph, B:55, 342
sedimentation, B:16

sandstone, cemented, petrography, B:334–335

sandstone, clayey, lithologic units, A:359–360, 362

sandstone, foraminifer, lithologic units, A:358–359, 362

sandstone, lithic, petrography, B:6

sandstone, post-evaporite, sedimentation, B:16

sandstone, silty, lithologic units, A:359–360, 362


argon isotopes, B:148
petrography, B:358

sapropel A5, isotopes vs. depth, B:407

sapropel A6, isotopes vs. depth, B:407

sapropel A7, isotopes vs. depth, B:407

sapropel S3, isotopes vs. depth, B:406

sapropel S5, isotopes vs. depth, B:406

sapropel S6, isotopes vs. depth, B:406

sapropel S7, isotopes vs. depth, B:406

sapropel S8, isotopes vs. depth, B:406

sapropel T1, isotopes vs. depth, B:407

sapropel T4, isotopes vs. depth, B:408

sapropel T5, isotopes vs. depth, B:408


biostratigraphy, B:159–183
calibration, B:172–173, 175
deposition, B:487, 505–518
global cycles, A:14–15
isotopes, B:401–411
lipids, B:489–503
magnetic susceptibility, A:140
occurrence, B:516
organic matter, A:81–82, 143–144; B:393–411
oxidation, B:500
oxygen isotopes, B:482
paleoceanography, B:387–388
Pliocene–Pleistocene succession, A:11–12; B:519–527
Rock-Eval pyrolysis, A:91, 151, 329
stratigraphy, B:521, 523–524
term definition, B:521
See also organic-rich layers

saturated isothermal remanence susceptibility. See magnetic susceptibility/saturated isothermal remanence susceptibility ratio


basement/sediment contact, A:215
calc-silicate rock, B:254–256
chemical variation, B:256
photomicrograph, B:261


basement, B:565–568
basement/sediment contact, A:211
breccia, B:333
photograph, B:341
photomicrograph, B:54, 313
sandstone, B:334–335
structure, B:310
volcanic pebbles, B:568
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237
See also pelite schist; quartz schist

schist, banded quartz–biotite–sillimanite, photograph, A:228–229, 238–241

schist, biotite, photograph, A:236

schist, biotite-plagioclase, photomicrograph, A:245

schist, high-grade

basement/sediment contact, A:213, 215
deformation, A:250; B:282–283
fission tracks, B:295–300
mineral composition, A:226
photomicrograph, A:239, 243–246; B:276–277, 287
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567, 571
textures, B:265–266
thin sections, A:991–1004, 1010–1011, 1013–1017
X-ray fluorescence data, A:234

schist, interlayered biotite-sillimanite, photograph, A:231

schist, quartz-biotite, photograph, A:240

schist, quartz-biotite-sillimanite, photomicrograph, A:245

schistosity, deformation, B:283, 287–288

Scyphosphaera, holotype image analysis, B:239–247

Scyphosphaera amphora, vs. Scyphosphaera campanula, Mediterranean Sea W, B:241

Scyphosphaera antilleana, vs. Scyphosphaera apsteinii var. dilata, Mediterranean Sea W, B:241

Scyphosphaera apsteinii

vs. Scyphosphaera biarritzensis, Mediterranean Sea W, B:241
vs. Scyphosphaera graphica, Mediterranean Sea W, B:242
vs. specimen, Site 975, B:244

Scyphosphaera apsteinii var. dilata

vs. Scyphosphaera antilleana, Mediterranean Sea W, B:241
vs. Scyphosphaera cohenii, Mediterranean Sea W, B:242

Scyphosphaera australiensis, vs. Scyphosphaera kamptneri, Mediterranean Sea W, B:243

Scyphosphaera biarritzensis, vs. Scyphosphaera apsteinii, Mediterranean Sea W, B:241

Scyphosphaera campanula, vs. Scyphosphaera amphora, Mediterranean Sea W, B:241

Scyphosphaera cohenii, vs. Scyphosphaera apsteinii var. dilata, Mediterranean Sea W, B:242

Scyphosphaera conica, vs. specimen, Site 975, B:244

Scyphosphaera cylindrica, vs. Scyphosphaera galeana, Mediterranean Sea W, B:242

Scyphosphaera deflandrei, vs. Scyphosphaera queenslandensis, Mediterranean Sea W, B:243

Scyphosphaera expansa, vs. Scyphosphaera porosa, Mediterranean Sea W, B:243

Scyphosphaera galeana, vs. Scyphosphaera cylindrica, Mediterranean Sea W, B:242

Scyphosphaera graphica, vs. Scyphosphaera apsteinii, Mediterranean Sea W, B:242

Scyphosphaera kamptneri, vs. Scyphosphaera australiensis, Mediterranean Sea W, B:243

Scyphosphaera lagena, vs. Scyphosphaera turris, Mediterranean Sea W, B:244

Scyphosphaera porosa, vs. Scyphosphaera expansa, Mediterranean Sea W, B:243

Scyphosphaera queenslandensis, vs. Scyphosphaera deflandrei, Mediterranean Sea W, B:243

Scyphosphaera turris, vs. Scyphosphaera lagena, Mediterranean Sea W, B:244

sea-level changes

Cenozoic, B:75, 475–476
deposition, B:96
dessication, B:547
detrital components, A:309
Messinian, B:546
Pliocene–Pleistocene, B:66–67
sapropels, A:12; B:409–410
secondary minerals, metamorphism, B:252, 254–255
sediment injection, breccia, B:335–336
sedimentary cover, age and subsidence, B:561–562
sedimentary sequences, correlation, B:69–76


post-evaporites, B:548–549
provenance, B:28–32
See also deposition; hemipelagic sedimentation; paleoenvironment

sedimentation rates

argon isotopes, B:148
biostratigraphy and isotopes, B:508, 513
calcite flux, B:106
compressibility, B:122
decompaction, B:89
foraminifers, B:204, 212
lithologic units, A:307–308
microfossils, A:73, 204, 313, 367, 399; B:34
Pliocene/Quaternary, A:137
sapropels, B:525
tectonics, B:570
vs. depth, A:138, 200, 206, 313, 318, 375, 403; B:90–92, 514
vs. sulfate reduction rates, B:416
See also calcite flux


bacteria, B:433–438
magnetic fabric, B:129–136
mineralogy, B:99–110
petrography, B:86–87
photograph, B:8
Pliocene/Miocene boundary, B:3–20
post-evaporite section, A:133

sediments, diatomaceous, lithologic units, A:394

sediments, marine, Pliocene–Holocene succession, B:83–97

seismic data, correlation with lithostratigraphic units, A:278; B:60

seismic profiles

correlation, B:560, 569
lithoseismic units, B:336–338
sedimentary cover, B:562–565
Site 974, A:57–58, 116, 168
Site 976, A:183–184, 277–279
Site 977, A:302
Site 979, A:392
tectonics, B:348–354

seismic reflectors

intracrustal, rifting, B:573
See also M Reflector

seismic unit I, Pliocene/Pleistocene, A:247

seismic unit II, Messinian, A:247–248

seismic unit III, Tortonian, A:248

seismic unit IV, Serravallian, A:248

seismic unit V, Serravallian–Langhian, A:248, 250

seismic units

correlation with lithofacies, B:67
sediments, B:71–73
See also lithoseismic units; well-log units

seismites, sediments, B:80


Messinian, B:544–546
See also gypsum

selvage, basement, B:565–568

semi-desert environment, Quaternary, B:465

sepiolite, sedimentation, B:31

serpentinite, petrography, B:41


biogenic components, B:78–80
photograph, B:79

Serrania de Ronda, metamorphic rocks, A:230


basement, B:573
correlation, B:560
deformation, B:332–334
geochronology, B:299
sedimentary cover, B:562
sediments, B:70–73
seismic unit IV, A:248
volcanic pebbles, B:574
volcanic rocks, A:11

Serravallian–Langhian succession, seismic unit V, A:248, 250

shale, schist protoliths, B:282–283

shale, laminated, photograph, A:146

shear zones

boreholes, B:327
evolution, B:573
gneiss, B:284
photograph, A:368
photomicrograph, B:285
strike-slip faults, B:351

shell fragments

lithologic units, A:393–397
photograph, A:192

shore-based processing, well-logs, A:106, 169, 280, 295, 347, 420

shoshonite, pyroclastics, B:151–152

Sicily, sapropels, A:11


associated with peaks in magnetic susceptibility, A:309
breccia, A:217
magnetic susceptibility, A:316
rock magnetism, cores, A:322
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237–238

Sierra Cabrera, basement outcrops, B:547–548

Sierra de Filabres, basement outcrops, B:547–548


granites, A:216
metamorphic rocks, B:375
pore water, A:89, 236, 321–322, 405, 408
sediments, diagenesis, A:149
volcanic rocks, B:364–369
vs. alkalis, B:146, 366
vs. depth, A:94, 153, 260, 333, 387, 412
vs. major oxides, B:366
vs. potassium oxide, B:146, 153, 366
See also aluminum oxide/silica ratio

silicates. See aluminosilicates; phyllosilicates


deposition, B:95–96
lithologic units, A:196, 307–308
Messinian, B:545
transport, B:94–95

silicon, gouge, B:333


basement/sediment contact, A:215, 220
gneiss, B:266–267, 283–284
photograph, A:228, 238, 240
photomicrograph, B:276–277, 279, 286, 313
schist, B:264–265, 282–283, 312–314
textures, A:224
thermobarometry, B:288, 290
See also fibrolite

sillimanite, fibrolitic, photomicrograph, A:239, 241, 243, 245, 247

sillimanite, prismatic, photomicrograph, A:244

sills, Messinian, B:547–548


backscattered electron images, B:107
lithofacies, B:59, 62–64
lithologic units, A:59–64, 393–397
photograph, A:313–314, 361, 364–366
vs. depth, A:360

silt, calcareous, lithologic units, A:188–189

silt, micritic, lithologic units, A:189, 191

silt, sandy

lithologic units, A:357–358, 361
photograph, A:310, 361

silt layers, location, A:398


petrography, B:42
photograph, A:373, 375

siltstone, calcareous, lithologic units, A:359–360, 362

siltstone, foraminifer, lithologic units, A:358–359, 362

similarity index, Scyphosphaera biometrics, B:246–247

Singa, sapropels, A:11

Site 122, gravel, B:16

Site 372, gypsum, B:15

Site 374, mudstone, B:15

Site 532, gases, A:319, 403

Site 659, oxygen isotopes vs. age, A:14

Site 681, brine incursion, B:436

Site 762, methane, A:233

Site 763, methane, A:233

Site 767, gases, A:319

Site 897, gases, A:319

Site 898, gases, A:319

Site 969, sapropels, B:401–411

Site 974, A:55–111

background and objectives, A:56–57
biostratigraphy, A:64–73; B:161–162, 198–202, 209–211
composite depths, A:78–80
coring, A:59
downhole measurements, A:91–93
in situ temperature, A:93
inorganic geochemistry, A:82–83, 85, 87–89
lithostratigraphy, A:58–64
Messinian paleoenvironment, B:530–531
operations, A:57–58
organic geochemistry, A:81–82
paleomagnetism, A:73–78; B:111–116, 509
physical properties, A:89–91
pore water, B:424–426
porosity, B:123–127
sand, B:39, 46
sapropels, A:15; B:401–411, 520
sea-surface temperature, B:489–503
sedimentation rates, B:509
site description, A:55–111
smear slides, A:949–952
structural geology, A:80–81
volcaniclastics, B:137–156

Site 975, A:113–177

background and objectives, A:115
biostratigraphy, A:132–137; B:162–164, 185–195, 201–204, 206–213, 218–220, 228
circulation, A:15
composite depths, A:141
coring, A:117
downhole measurements, A:153
in situ temperature, A:153–154
inorganic geochemistry, A:144–146, 149–150
lithostratigraphy, A:118–132
Messinian paleoenvironment, B:531, 537
operations, A:115–118
organic geochemistry, A:142–144
paleoclimatology, B:509–510
paleomagnetism, A:137–140
petrology, B:3–20
physical properties, A:150–153
pore water, B:424–426
porosity, B:125
Quaternary paleoceanography, B:441–455, 481–488, 505–518
sapropels, B:520
sea-surface temperature, B:489–503
site description, A:113–177
site geophysics, A:154
smear slides, A:953–956
structural geology, A:141–142

Site 976, A:179–297

background and objectives, A:181–184
bacteria, B:433–438
basement, A:209–230; B:281–294
biostratigraphy, A:197–204; B:164–166, 185–195, 228–230
composite depths, A:209
coring, A:187–188
downhole measurements, A:242–244
geochemistry, B:375–379
geochronology, B:295–305
in situ temperature, A:244–246
inorganic geochemistry, A:233–238
lithofacies, B:21–36, 57–68
lithostratigraphy, A:188–197; B:84–85
metamorphic-rock correlation, B:307–317
metamorphism, B:251–261, 263–279
Miocene–Pleistocene succession, A:15
operations, A:184–188
organic geochemistry, A:230, 232–233
paleomagnetism, A:204–209; B:111–116, 510–512
petrology, A:212–217, 223–230
physical properties, A:238–241
pore water, B:424, 426–431
Quaternary paleoceanography, B:441–455, 469–479, 505–518
Quaternary paleoenvironment, B:457–468
sand, B:39, 41, 46–50
sapropels, B:520–521
sedimentary sequences, B:69–75
site description, A:179–297
site geophysics, A:246–250
smear slides, A:957–962
structural geology, A:209–212, 217–223, 230; B:319–329, 331–344
tectonics, B:561–568
thin sections, A:991–1017

Site 977, A:299–353

background and objectives, A:300–302
bacteria, B:433–438
biostratigraphy, A:309, 311–313; B:166–168, 230–231
coring, A:303
downhole measurements, A:323, 328
in situ temperature, A:328–329
inorganic geochemistry, A:319–323
lithofacies, B:21–36
lithostratigraphy, A:304–309; B:85–86
operations, A:302–304
organic geochemistry, A:318–319; B:391–400
paleomagnetism, A:313–314, 316; B:111–116
physical properties, A:323
pore water, B:424, 426–431
post-rift sediments, A:15
Quaternary paleoceanography, B:469–479
sand, B:42, 46, 50
sapropels, B:520–521
sedimentary sequences, B:69–75
site description, A:299–353
smear slides, A:964–973
structural geology, A:316, 318; B:345–355
subduction, B:357–373
tectonics, B:568
thin sections, A:1019–1022

Site 978, A:355–388

background and objectives, A:300–302, 356
bacteria, B:433–438
biostratigraphy, A:362–363, 365–367; B:231
coring, A:356
debris flows, B:77–81
inorganic geochemistry, A:378–381
lithostratigraphy, A:357–362; B:86
Messinian paleoenvironment, B:537–538
operations, A:356–357
organic geochemistry, A:374–375, 377–378
paleomagnetism, A:367, 369, 372–373
physical properties, A:381
pore water, B:424, 426–431
post-rift sediments, A:15
sand, B:42, 46, 50
sedimentary sequences, B:69–75
site description, A:355–388
smear slides, A:974–979
structural geology, A:373–374; B:345–355
subduction, B:357–373
tectonics, B:568
thin sections, A:1023

Site 979, A:389–426

background and objectives, A:390–391
biostratigraphy, A:397–399; B:168–169, 231–232
coring, A:394
downhole measurements, A:409
in situ temperature, A:410
inorganic geochemistry, A:403–408
lithostratigraphy, A:393–397; B:86
operations, A:391, 393
organic geochemistry, A:401, 403
paleomagnetism, A:399
physical properties, A:408–409
pore water, B:424, 426–431
porosity, B:125
sand, B:42, 46, 50
sapropels, B:520–521
sedimentary sequences, B:69–75
site description, A:389–426
smear slides, A:980–987
structural geology, A:399, 401; B:345–355
syn-sedimentary folds, A:15–16
tectonics, B:570

site geophysics

Site 975, A:154
Site 976, A:246–250

Site MD 84641, sapropels, B:409–410

Skolithos, lithologic units, A:357–358, 361

Skolithos?, photograph, A:360

slump folds

lithologic units, A:358
photograph, A:85–86, 311, 367–368
Pliocene–Pleistocene succession, A:399
sediments, A:141, 316


deposition, B:95–96
lithologic units, A:118–120, 128, 309
photograph, A:322
reconstruction, A:322
soft sediments, A:80–81

smear slides

Site 974, A:949–952
Site 975, A:953–956
Site 976, A:957–962
Site 977, A:964–973
Site 978, A:974–979
Site 979, A:980–987


aluminum-iron-magnesium diagrams, B:32
normalized formula, B:30–31
sedimentation, B:29–31
sediments, B:24
vs. depth, B:29
X-ray fluorescence data, A:238
See also illite/smectite ratio


pore water, A:235, 321, 405
vs. chloride, A:387, B:427–429
vs. depth, A:93, 153, 260, 333, 387, 412; B:425–427

sodium/chloride ratio, pore water, A:378, B:426

sodium oxide

granites, A:216
See also potassium oxide + sodium oxide

sodium oxide/potassium oxide ratio, vs. potassium oxide + sodium oxide, B:152

soft sediment deformation

lithologic units, A:59–64
photograph, A:145, 367, 373

solid solution, metamorphism, B:257–258

sonic logs. See gamma ray–resistivity–sonic logs; velocity logs

Sorbas Basin, Messinian, B:543–551

sorting, vs. depth, B:90–92

South Balearic Basin

biostratigraphy, B:162–164, 201–204, 206–211, 218–220
extensional basins, A:6–12
halite, A:379
paleogeography, B:556–559
sedimentation, B:3–16
sediments, B:80
tectonics, B:568–569

South Balearic Margin, sea-surface temperature, B:489–503

South Iberian paleomargin, terrains, B:557

Southern Alboran Basin

biostratigraphy, B:168–169
marine sediments, B:86
sedimentation, B:50
syn-sedimentary folds, A:15–16
tectonics, A:399; B:347, 570

Spain, Miocene, A:6–8

Spain S

Messinian, B:543–551
paleogeography, B:556–559
pollen source, B:462

species diversity

planktonic foraminifers, B:200, 206
vs. depth, B:200, 206

spessartine, garnet composition, B:268

sphene. See titanite

spicule content, vs. depth, A:399


marbles, B:313–314
mineral chemistry, B:272
photomicrograph, A:245

splice tables

Site 974, A:83
Site 975, A:145
Site 976, A:222

stable isotopes

sapropels, B:491
See also carbon isotopes; oxygen isotopes; sulfur isotopes

statistical analysis

planktonic foraminifers, B:190–194
See also principal component analysis; Q-mode principal component analysis


mineral chemistry, B:271
photomicrograph, A:244; B:276–277, 285–287
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:265–266, 282–283
textures, A:223
thermobarometry, B:288, 290

steinkerns, petrography, B:42


carbon number, B:400
nomenclature, B:398
organic-rich layers, B:393, 396–397
sediments, B:400


metamorphism, B:319–329
vs. friction, B:329

stress fields, drilling-induced faulting, B:323, 325

striations, basement/sediment contact, A:210–211

strike-slip faults

evolution, B:573–574
post-Miocene, B:569–570
tectonics, B:347–354


basin margins, B:548–549
bioherms, B:544–546


diagenesis, A:146, 236, 319
evaporites, A:83
granites, A:216
pore water, A:235, 381, 404
sediments, B:28, 32–33
volcanic rocks, B:364–369
vs. depth, A:92, 152, 260, 332, 387, 412; B:32–34, 425–427

strontium/calcium ratio, vs. depth, B:432

strontium/chloride ratio, vs. depth, B:430–431

strontium isotopes, extensional tectonics, B:576

structural geology

Site 974, A:80–81
Site 975, A:141–142
Site 976, A:209–212, 217–223, 230
Site 977, A:316, 318
Site 978, A:373–374
Site 979, A:399, 401


photomicrograph, A:131
sediments, A:141

subaqueous environment, lithologic units, A:131

subduction, Miocene, B:357–373

submarine canyons, sedimentation, B:50

submarine fans, lithologic units, A:362

subpolar fauna, planktonic foraminifers, B:449, 451–452, 454


age, B:577
evolution, B:574
sedimentary cover, B:561–562
sedimentary sequences, B:69–76
tectonics, B:350–354

subsidence curves, Cenozoic, B:74

subtropical-tropical fauna, planktonic foraminifers, B:449, 451–452, 454


gypsum, A:145
organic matter, A:236, 320–321
pore water, A:379; B:426
redox, A:236, 238
vs. depth, A:93, 153, 260–261, 333, 387, 412; B:415, 425–427, 435–436, 506–507
vs. oxygen isotopes, B:417
vs. sulfur isotopes, B:417

sulfate reduction

organic matter, A:146
pore water, A:322, 404; B:414, 425–427
See also oxidation; redox; reduction

sulfate reduction rates, vs. sedimentation rates, B:416

sulfur, vs. total organic carbon, B:514

sulfur isotopes

gypsum and chalk, B:418
pore water, B:413–421
vs. depth, B:415
vs. oxygen isotopes, B:418
vs. sulfate, B:417

supratidal environment, lithologic units, A:131



volcanic rocks, B:370
vs. lanthanum, B:366

tantalum/neodymium ratio, vs. samarium/neodymium ratio, B:369

tantalum/ytterbium ratio, vs. thorium/ytterbium ratio, B:369


basins, B:555–580
deposition, B:95
evolution, A:185; B:73–75
extensional basins, A:10–11
metamorphic rocks, B:263–279, 281–294, 296–299, 303–304, 307–317
orogenic belts, A:6–8
profile, A:186
sedimentation, B:32, 34, 50–52
See also collisional tectonics; contractive structures; extensional tectonics; orogenic belts


petrography, B:39, 41–42
photomicrograph, B:55–56

Tell Chain

Miocene, A:6–8
terrains, B:557

temperate climate, Tortonian/Messinian, B:546–548


vs. depth, A:100, 167, 330, 418; B:122, 388
vs. hydrogen index, B:389
vs. integrated thermal resistivity, A:105, 167, 276
vs. isothermal remanent magnetization, B:115
vs. salinity, A:13
vs. thermal resistivity, A:345, 419
vs. time, A:105, 167, 271, 276, 345, 419; B:300

temperature, in situ

Site 974, A:93
Site 975, A:153–154
Site 976, A:244–246
Site 977, A:328–329
Site 979, A:410

temperature, sea-surface

alkenones, B:489–503
marine environment, B:462
Messinian, B:545–546
Quaternary, B:465
unsaturation index, B:499–500
vs. Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (left-coiling), B:447
See also paleotemperature


age, B:148
correlation, B:154
origin, B:148, 150–155
See also pyroclastics

terrigenous environment

Pleistocene, B:391–400, 409
See also continental environment; paleoenvironment

terrigenous sources, provenance, B:65–66


deformation, B:332–334
gneiss, A:224–225
high-grade schist, A:223–224
lithofacies, B:59–67
metamorphism, B:252, 254, 285
schist, B:265–267
sediments, B:89–90

thermobarometry, B:314

vs. depth, B:90–92
See also microlitic textures; myrmekitic textures; poikiloblasts; porphyroblasts

thermal boundary, extensional tectonics, B:575

thermal conductivity

sediments, A:90, 150, 240, 323, 408
vs. depth, A:99, 161, 265, 334, 388, 413

thermal history

extension, B:561
metamorphic rocks, B:296, 303

thermal maturity, organic matter, B:383–390

thermal modeling, high-grade schist, B:567–568

thermal neutron porosity logs, vs. depth, A:103–104, 164–165, 274–275, 338–339, 342, 345, 417–418

thermal resistivity, vs. temperature, A:105, 167, 276, 345, 419


metamorphic rocks, B:263–279, 288, 290–293, 312
textures, B:314
See also geobarometry; geothermometry

thermohaline layer, salt, A:14

thin sections

Site 976, A:991–1017
Site 977, A:1019–1022
Site 978, A:1023


magmatism, B:574
See also basalt


volcanic rocks, B:370
vs. lanthanum, B:366

thorium logs

gouge, B:334
vs. depth, A:101–104, 109–110, 162–166, 266–270, 273, 276, 340–341, 415–416; B:322
See also uranium/thorium ratio logs

thorium/ytterbium ratio, vs. tantalum/ytterbium ratio, B:369

thrombolites, basin margins, B:548–549

thrust belts, evolution, B:570–577

thrust faults, terrains, B:557

Tiber River, sand provenance, B:52

time, vs. temperature, A:271, 276; B:300

time domain analysis, planktonic foraminifers, B:471–472


basement/sediment contact, A:215
calc-silicate rock, B:256
titanium, volcanic rocks, B:370

titanium oxide

metamorphic rocks, B:375
volcanic rocks, B:364–369
vs. aluminum oxide, B:377


gneiss, B:267
mineral chemistry, B:271
photomicrograph, B:362
schist, B:265, 283

Toorox Unit, phase equilibria, B:567


correlation, B:560
reefs, B:546
sedimentary cover, B:562
sediments, B:70–73
seismic profiles, B:338
seismic unit III, A:248
stratigraphy, B:545, 558
volcanic rocks, A:11

Tortonian/Messinian boundary, compression, B:75, 543


basement/sediment contact, A:215
gneiss, B:284
photograph, A:233
schist, B:265

trace elements

basement, B:375–379
extensional tectonics, B:575–576
sediments, B:24, 28
volcanic pebbles, B:569
volcanic rocks, B:364–369

trachyandesite, pyroclastics, B:150

trachybasalt, pyroclastics, B:150


pyroclastics, B:151
thin sections, A:1023

Trans-Alboran shear zones, tectonics, B:351

transport, siliciclastics, B:94–95

Triassic, lithostratigraphy, B:308

tropical climate, Tortonian/Messinian, B:546–548

tropical fauna. See subtropical-tropical fauna

tuff, altered, photograph, A:368

tuffite, Miocene, A:11


lithofacies, B:28
Messinian, B:529–541
pyroclastics, B:151–152
sedimentary cover, B:562

turbidite, base-cut-out, photograph, A:313

turbidite facies, Pliocene–Pleistocene, B:59, 62–63

turbidity currents

carbonates, B:78
deposition, B:95–96
lithologic units, A:196

Tuscan-Roman-Campanian magmatic province, pyroclastics, B:151–152

Tyrrhenian Basin

organic matter, B:385
sand provenance, B:37–56
volcaniclastics, B:137–156

Tyrrhenian Sea

biostratigraphy, B:161–162, 198–202, 209–211, 223–237
pore water, B:424–426
sapropels, A:15; B:401–411
sea-surface temperature, B:489–503



lithologic units, A:397
lithostratigraphy, B:84–86, 560
M Reflector, B:348–352
Miocene/Pliocene boundary, B:538–539, 568
post-Miocene, B:569–570
sediments, B:70–73
seismic profiles, B:336–338
seismic unit I, A:247
seismic unit V, A:248, 250

unsaturation index

sea-surface temperature, B:499–500
vs. depth, B:493–499


lithologic units, A:196–197
paleobathymetry, B:73
tectonics, B:570

upwelling, sapropels, B:409–410

uranium, volcanic rocks, B:370

uranium/thorium ratio logs, vs. depth, B:322

uranium logs

gouge, B:334
vs. depth, A:101–104, 109–110, 162–166, 266–270, 273, 276, 340–341, 415–416; B:322


Vavilov Seamount, pyroclastics, B:150


Quaternary, B:464–466
See also grasses; paleovegetation; pollen

veinlets. See dewatering veinlets


basement, B:565–568
photograph, A:231
photomicrograph, B:56
plagioclase, B:268–269
See also quartz veins


vs. depth, A:94–99, 154, 156–161, 262–264, 333–334, 388, 414; B:321
See also compressional wave velocity

velocity logs

vs. depth, A:167, 170–171, 276, 342, 344
See also gamma ray–resistivity–sonic logs

Vico eruption, pyroclastics, B:152

void ratio

vs. depth, A:265, 334, 388, 414
See also porosity

volcanic ash

backscattered electron images, B:109
composition, B:106
layers, A:62
lithologic units, A:59–64
petrography, B:47
photograph, A:63–64, 68–69

volcanic clasts, petrography, B:357–359

volcanic glass

backscattered electron images, B:109
composition, B:106
petrography and major elements, B:139–148
photograph, A:63
photomicrograph, B:145

volcanic glass, vesicular, photomicrograph, B:55

volcanic rocks

geochemistry, B:357–373
Tortonian, A:11


age, B:148
chronology and composition, B:137–156
lithologic units, A:62
petrography, B:39
sand provenance, B:52

volcanism, shoshonite, B:350

Vrica, sapropels, A:11

Vulsino eruption, pyroclastics, B:152


Walvis Ridge, gases, A:319

weathering. See chemical weathering

well-log units

lithology, A:242–244
See also log unit I; log unit II; log unit III; lithoseismic units; seismic units


Site 974, A:91–93
Site 975, A:153
Site 976, A:242–244
Site 977, A:323–328
Site 979, A:409


sedimentary cover, B:562–565
shore-based processing, A:106, 169, 280, 295, 347, 420

West Balearic Basin, Pleistocene paleoceanography, B:481–488

Western Alboran Basin

biostratigraphy, B:164–166
extensional basins, A:9
marine sediments, B:84–85
Miocene–Pleistocene succession, A:15
tectonics, A:185; B:331–344, 561–568

Western Betic Cordillera, metamorphism, B:274


X-ray diffraction data, sediments, B:7, 11–12

xenocrysts, petrography, B:358

xenoliths, photomicrograph, B:313


Younger Dryas, paleoclimatology, B:466

ytterbium. See tantalum/ytterbium ratio; thorium/ytterbium ratio

yttrium, granites, A:216

yttrium/niobium ratio, vs. zirconium/niobium ratio, B:369

Yusuf Basin, strike-slip faults, B:348–354, 569–570

Yusuf Fault

strike-slip faults, B:348–350, 352–353, 569–570
volcanic rocks, B:574

Yusuf Ridge

sediments, A:309
structure, B:348
tectonics, A:318; B:352–353, 568–569


Zanclean, sedimentary cover, B:562


geochemistry, A:89
petrography, B:41
photograph, A:64, 368

zinc, granites, A:216

zircon, schist, B:265


granites, A:216
vs. lanthanum, B:366

zirconium/niobium ratio, vs. yttrium/niobium ratio, B:369

Zone MP11, foraminifers, B:214–220


biostratigraphy, B:224–232
garnet, B:267
metamorphism, B:310
plagioclase, B:267–268


lithologic units, A:118, 304–305, 357–358, 361, 394, 396
photograph, A:365; B:86