Leg: 163 Site: 988 Hole: A Observers: BLG/SDH Core Section Depth (cm) Piece Up? Depth Feature Intensity Offset Appt. Orientation Calculated Orient. Geographic Orient. Comments top base # (mbsf) # if approp. Width (cm) dip/direct. 2nd dip/dir Str/Trnd. dip/plng. dip direction 1R 1 35 39 5 n 0.35 V1 1 0.05 Several irregular thin grey veins 1R 1 57 58 7 n 0.57 V2 1 0.2 "Two parallel, thin, white (calcite?) veins about 1 cm long" 1R 1 93 100 12 y 0.93 V3 1 0.01 40/270 55/0 240 59W Steeply dipping vein cutting sub-horizontal flow banding 1R 1 49 68 6 to 8 y 0.49 V4 1 1R 1 93 114 12 y 0.93 V5 1 1R 1 95 107 12 y 0.95 M1 1 0/90 0/0 0 0E "Flow banding defined by stretched, filled vesicles?" 1R 2 0 12 1 y 1.13 V1 1 1R 2 22 35 3 y 1.35 V2 1 1R 2 78 83 7 y 1.91 CTV1 1 42/270 45/0 228 53W Angled contact between massive upper and vesicle rich lower part of peice 1R 2 76 77 7 y 1.89 V3 1 0.2 1.5 cm long white (calcite?) diffuse vein 1R 2 92 95 8 n 2.05 M1 1 0/90 0/0 0 0E "Flow banding, varies about horizontal, stretched vesicles" 1R 2 97 101 9 n 2.10 M1 1 0/90 0/0 0 0E "Flow banding, varies about horizontal, stretched vesicles" 2R 1 0 112 1 n 12.40 Z "13 pieces, unoriented (except for last 1), olivine phyric with few filled vesicles" 3R 1 64 66 10 y 22.04 J1 0.1 17/90 7/180 22 18E "Thin irregular fracture, subhorizontal, not all the way across core" 3R 1 110 133 10 y 22.50 CTV 1.5 Alteration halo along sub vertical fracture on edge of core 3R 1 114 119 10 y 22.54 V1 0.5 90/190 190 90 "Vertical light green vein, in halo area, possibly silicified" 3R 2 0 39 1 y 22.76 Z "Massive basalt with few circular vesicles (1-2mm), filled with green material" 3R 2 39 52 1 y 23.15 V1 65/90 85/000 281 85E Steep and irregular thin vein 3R 2 85 90 2 y 23.61 V2 2 0 0E 0 Array of short veins filled with white material (clay?) 3R 3 0 106 1 y 24.09 Z Massive basalt with few vesicles 3R 3 106 108 3c y 25.15 CL1 10/270 4/000 202 11W "Olivine-rich layer, 2 cm thick" 3R 4 0 47 1 y 25.23 Z Massive basalt with few vesicles 3R 4 47 58 2b y 25.70 CL1 6/090 1/000 351 06E Diffuse layering marked by olivine-rich levels 3R 4 70 71 3 n 25.93 CL2 16/270 0/000 180 16W Diffuse layering marked by olivine-rich levels 3R 4 94 95 5 y 26.17 V2 1 mm-thick vein filled with clay 3R 4 99 100 5 y 26.22 CL3 0/270 1/000 270 01E Diffuse layering 4R 1 0 31 1 y 27.00 Z Massive basalt 4R 1 31 32 5 y 27.31 CL1 6/270 5/000 220 08W Olivine-rich layer 4R 1 37 38 5 y 27.37 CL2 6/270 4/180 146 07W Olivine-rich layer 4R 1 42 43 5 y 27.42 CL3 6/270 2/180 162 06W Olivine-rich layer 4R 1 75 77 7 y 27.75 V1 50/90 0/62 62 68E Thin irregular vein filled with clay. Strike is 062 degrees on bottom. 4R 1 94 95 11 y 27.94 CL4 14/270 9/000 212 16W Olivine-rich layer 4R 1 105 108 12 y 28.05 V2 Array of subhorizontal short veins (mm thick) filled with clay 4R 1 121 125 13 y 28.21 CL5 5/270 10/180 116 11W Diffuse olivine-rich layers 4R 1 133 134 1 y 28.33 V3 "Curved vein (1 mm thick), filled with clay" 5R 1 2 3 1 y 28.02 V1 0 Irregular thin veins with clay 5R 1 39 40 2 y 28.39 V2 5/090 Irregular thin veins with clay 5R 1 50 51 4 y 28.50 V3 Irregular thin veins with clay 5R 1 72 74 7 y 28.72 V4 Irregular thin veins with clay 5R 1 51 52 8 y 28.51 V5 Horizontal veins with halo 5R 1 90 91 9 y 28.90 V6 26/270 Thin vein cutting vesicular basalt 5R 1 92 95 9 y 28.92 V7 50/270 Anastomosing thin veins 5R 1 99 100 10 y 28.99 V8 27/270 10/180 161 28W Thin green colored vein sub parallel to general trend of contact below 5R 1 102 104 10 y 29.02 IC1 "Irregular contact, corner of piece" 5R 2 25 26 2 y 29.30 V1 0.8 0 "Whitish mineral in 3 mm-thick core of vein, halo of green and red clay " irregularly surrounds vein in saprolite from extremely altered basalt.