Table 3. Approximate vertical resolution of various logging tools used during Leg 164. Tool Vertical resolution Depth of investigation Phasor dual induction tool (DITE) Deep resistivity (ILD) "200 cm, 88 cm, 59 cm " 1.5 m Medium resistivity (ILM) "150 cm, 88 cm, 59 cm" 76 cm Shallow focused (SFL) 59 cm 38 cm Natural gamma-ray spectrometry tool (NGT) 46 cm Variable 15-30 cm High-temperature lithodensity tool (HLDT) Variable "Density, photoelectric effect" 15-60 cm 49 cm (6-in sampling) 35 cm (2-in sampling) "20 cm, Alpha processing" "30 cm, Alpha processing (2 in)" Sonic digital tool (SDT/LSS) 30 cm Variable "Special processing, 15 cm" 10-60 cm Induced gamma-ray spectroscopy tool (GST) 75 cm Variable 12-20 cm Aluminum activation clay tool (AACT) 25 cm Variable 12-20 cm Dual porosity compensated neutron tool (CNT-G) 55 cm (6-in sample) Variable and porosity dependent (15-60 cm) "33 cm, Alpha processing (6-in sample)" "25.4 cm, Alpha processing (2-in sample)" Formation MicroScanner (FMS) 6 mm 5-25 cm Lamont dipole shear sonic tool (LDEO-SST) 30 cm Variable "Special processing, 15 cm" 10-60 cm Lamont temperature-logging tool (LDEO-TLT) "(1) fast-response (1-s time constant reading)/s (2) slow-response, high-accuracy reading (10-s time constant)/10 s; vertical resolution depends on logging speed." Notes: Standard sampling is at 15-cm (6-in) intervals. High-resolution sampling is at 5.5-cm (2-in) intervals. Alpha processing is a special high-resolution processing routine. Depth of investigation is formation and environment specific; these depths are only rough estimates.