We thank Haraldur Sigurdsson and Steven Carey for their input and support of this project, both during and after the cruise. We also thank our cheery fellow chemlab mates, Tim Lyons and Graham Pearson, for their insights during the cruise. Thanks also to the shipboard ODP technicians for their efforts during Leg 165, and in particular Dennis Graham, John Lee, and Don Sims for assistance in the chemistry and X-ray laboratories. Adila Jamil provided assistance in the Analytical Geochemistry Laboratory at Boston University. RWM thanks JOI/USSSP for their financial support; JLP acknowledges fellowship support from BU (Martin Luther King scholarship). Acquisition and maintenance of the JY170C ICP-ES supported by NSF EAR-9724282. Jerry Dickens, Gren Draper, and an anonymous reviewer provided comments on the manuscript that greatly helped us clarify our thoughts.