The authors acknowledge with gratitude the many ODP staff members, both shipboard and shore-based, that facilitated the successful completion of this cruise. In particular, lab specialists D. Graham and J. Lee are thanked for their exhaustive efforts in generating high quality data. H. Sigurdsson, M. Leckie, and G. Acton are acknowledged for their yeoman's effort before, during, and after the cruise, as are the Sedco officials and crew members. B. Thomas, J. Luepke, K. Keel, and E. Grabowski are thanked for their work in the MU labs. K. Shelton provided access to the MU stable isotope facility. Partial financial support for this work and a postcruise geochemical study of Site 1002 was provided by JOI-USSSP. The manuscript benefited from reviews by J. Gieskes and P. Swart.