Covering Leg 165 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution,
Miami, Florida, to San Juan, Puerto Rico
Sites 998–1002
19 December 1995–17 February 1996

R. Mark Leckie, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Gary D. Acton,
Lewis J. Abrams, Timothy J. Bralower, Steven N. Carey, William P. Chaisson, Pierre Cotillon, Andrew D. Cunningham, Steven L. D’Hondt, André W. Droxler, Bruno Galbrun, Juan Gonzalez, Gerald Haug, Koji Kameo, John King, Ida L. Lind, Véronique Louvel, Timothy W. Lyons, Richard W. Murray, Maria Mutti, Greg Myers, Richard B. Pearce, D. Graham Pearson, Larry C. Peterson, Ursula Röhl

Gary D. Acton

R. Mark Leckie, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Gary D. Acton, Grenville Draper

Phyllis M. Garman

Jennie L. Lamb

Patrick H. Edwards

World Wide Web: ISSN 1096-7451
Book: ISSN 0884-5891
CD-ROM: ISSN 1096-2514
Library of Congress 87-642-462