Figure 2. Downcore variations in 18O measured on the shells of the pelagic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber and aragonite in Hole 1006A. The positions of isotopic Stages 1, 5, and 9 are indicated by U/Th dates (see Henderson et al., Chap. 3, this volume). Nannofossil events were used to identify the position of other selected isotopic stages. The core breaks are indicated by dotted lines. From the data it is clear that isotopic Stage 7 is missing in Hole 1006A because of the first coring gap and that the remainder of Hole 1006A is essentially complete. It is possible that small portions of the record are missing below isotopic Stage 11 at the core breaks, but inspection of the magnetic susceptibility and aragonite content profiles of Holes 1006A and 1006B shows that the potential coring gaps are insignificant in Hole 1006A. The aragonite cyclicity is clear; the cycles follow the oxygen isotope cycles and are thus being controlled by sea-level variations. During sea-level highstands, aragonite is produced on the platform and exported toward the deeper basins around the platform.