Pure aragonite samples of 0.09 to 1.0 g were spiked with a 229Th-236U mixed spike to give an expected 236U/235U ratio of 5 and 229Th/230Th ratio of 2 to 40 depending on sediment age. Samples were then covered with distilled water and dissolved by drop-wise addition of 7.5M HNO3. U and Th were separated using techniques described before (e.g. Edwards et al., 1987). After co-precipitating with Fe, they were loaded on 2 mL of 1 x 8 anion-exchange resin in 7.5M HNO3, washed with 7.5M HNO3, the Th eluted with 12M HCl, and the U with 0.01M HCl. Both the U and Th separates were cleaned further using 100 µL of 1 x 8 anion-exchange resin. Thorium separates were loaded in 7.5M HNO3, washed with 7.5M HNO3, and eluted with 1M HNO3. U separates were loaded in a 90% acetone-10% 6M HCl mix, washed with the same mixture, and eluted with 1M HCl. Chemical yields for the entire procedure were ~80% for both U and Th.

U and Th were analyzed as the metal by thermal ionization mass spectrometry using a VG 54-30 mass spectrometer (Edwards et al., 1987). Thorium-229, 230Th, and 232Th were measured by single-collector peak switching using the daly ion-counting system. Uranium-234, 235U, and 236U were also measured by ion counting, but 236U was additionally monitored in a faraday cup during the daly-234U collection step, and 238U monitored in the same faraday during the daly-236U collection step. This enables in-run assessment of the daly/faraday gain and measurement of the 238U/235U to correct the analyses for mass fractionation.

Uranium was measured at 200 counts per second of 234U and 200 ratios were taken for each sample. Thorium runs were more variable depending on the sample size but at least 80 ratios were collected for each sample. Machine performance was assessed during the collection of this data by repeated measurement of the U-500 standard, which yielded an average 235U/234U of 95.79 ± 0.35 (2 SD; N = 16), within error of the certified value of 95.95 (Garner et al., 1971). Two total-procedure blanks (from dissolution to analysis) were measured as 68 and 22 pg 238U and 77 and 55 pg 232Th.