Downcore variability of the magnetic remanent intensities is shown on the left panel in Figure 4. Except for the uppermost samples, magnetic susceptibility was diamagnetic (Table 1), which is characteristic of carbonate-dominated sediment (Eberli, Swart, Malone, et al., 1997). The variability curves of the remanent intensity of ARM and IRM are similar to each other.

We provide the variability curve of the magnetic remanent intensities on the top three cores (26.0 mbsf) at Site 1003 on the left panel in Figure 5. Site 1003 is located on the middle slope of the Great Bahama Bank and is positioned ~6 km landward of Site 1007. The bottom acme zone of E. huxleyi (0.08 Ma) lies between Samples 166-1003A-1H-5, 79 cm, and 2H-1, 120 cm. The bottom of E. huxleyi (0.25 Ma) occurs between Samples 166-1003A-2H-4, 10 cm, and 2H-4, 59 cm (Fig. 5). The top of P. lacunosa (0.41 Ma) is located at Core 166-1003A-7H (between 56.94 and 57.69 mbsf). A conspicuous hiatus such as in Site 1007 cannot be observed on the top three cores. Therefore, the variability curve of Site 1003 is considered as a continuous record for the late Pleistocene to Holocene. The variability curves of the remanent intensity of ARM and IRM are similar to each other and show cyclic change on 1- to 10-m scales.

Unlithified mudstones to unlithified wackestones lithofacies dominate in the interval above 26.0 mbsf. Several coarse-grained layers such as floatstone-packstone contain abundant Halimeda debris, bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms, encrusting red algae, foraminifers, and pteropods intercalated in these sediments. The uppermost packstone layer appears at Sections 166-1003A-2H-4 and 2H-5. High intensities of remanent magnetization occur at the same interval (Fig. 5). The intervals of high intensities of remanent magnetization are observed in Sections 166-1003A-3H-1 and 3H-4 (Fig. 5) and are characterized by coarse-grained floatstone-packstone intervals.