The results of our study are summarized as follows:

  1. Nine calcareous nannofossil events defined by Takayama and Sato (1987) were found within sediments of the top six cores at Site 1007. The sedimentation rate dramatically drops at depths above 12 mbsf, and a hiatus characterized by sharp erosional contact exists at 2 mbsf.
  2. The sediments of the top six cores at Site 1007 can be divided into four types based on the IRM acquisition and on the AF demagnetization of ARM and IRM. Two significant magnetic conversion points are found at ~2 and ~12 mbsf (during the Pleistocene).
  3. These conversion points seem to reflect changes in oceanic conditions of the slope of the Bahama carbonate platform. They are marked by lithofacies and sedimentation rate changes in the same interval.
  4. These results confirm that high-resolution analyses of magnetic properties could be used as an effective indicator of paleoceanography.