Table 5. Separation of biotic grains according to their depositional settings, and a separate listing of abiotic grains, nonspecific grains, and the embedding sediment.

Platform interior Calcareous green algae (halimeda), shallow-water benthic foraminifers (miliolida), fecal pellets, peloids, and ooids
Platform margin Corals, calcareous red algae, bryozoans, shallow-water benthic foraminifers (miliolida, nodosoriida), and calcareous green algae (halimeda)
Open ocean Planktonic foraminifers and deep-water foraminifers (buliminida and rotaliida)
Clasts Lithoclasts and intraclasts
Nonspecific Echinoderms, bioclasts, mollusks (bivalves and gastropods), and brachiopods
Embedding Micrite and sparite