Table 4. Summary of biostratigraphic use, biochronology, occurrence in Leg 167 material, and reliability of late Miocene (5.33-11.20 Ma) calcareous nannofossil biohorizons.
Previous use
Previous biochronology
Occurrence in sites
Reliability and biochronology in the study area
C. acutus FO Definition of the bottom of Subzone CN10b Within C3r, at an age of 5.37 Ma (7) 1010, 1011, 1014, 1016, 1021 Not reliable; the genus is underrepresented. Calibrated to C2Ar in Site 1010 and to the base of C2An.3n in Hole 1021B.
D. quinqueramus LO Definition of the bottom of Subzone CN10a Repeatedly calibrated in low to mid latitude to the mid C3r (4) at an age of 5.54 Ma (7) 1010, 1011, 1014, 1016, 1021 The marker is rare and discontinuous. At low-latitude Site 1010 it has been associated with mid C3r at an age of 5.55 ± 0.05 Ma, in agreement with previous evaluations.
N. amplificus LO Proposed as definition of the bottom of Subzone CN9bC (5) Associated with the top of C3An (4), at an age of 5.99 Ma (7) Undetected
N. amplificus FO Proposed as definition of the bottom of Subzone CN9bB (5) Associated with the base of C3An (4), at an age of 6.84 Ma (7) Undetected
R. pseudoumbilicus PE Used as useful event in Subzone CN9b (4) Associated with the lower part of C3Ar (4), at an age of 7.1 Ma (7) 1010, 1011, 1014, 1021? Fairly reliable; calibrated to C3Ar at low-latitude Site 1010 at an age of 7.11 ± 0.01 Ma, in agreement with previous evaluations.
A. primus FO Definition of the bottom of Subzone CN9b Associated with C3Br.2r (4), at an age of 7.39 Ma (7) 1010, 1011, 1021 Apparently reliable; see text.
M. convallis LO Event in Subzone CN9a (4) Associated with C4n.2n (equatorial Pacific) (4), at an age of 7.8 Ma (6) 1010, 1011 Regionally fairly good
D. berggrenii FO Definition of the bottom of Subzone CN9a
Associated with lowermost C4r (4), at an age of 8.28 Ma (7) 1010, 1011, 1021? Poor reliable: the marker is rare and discontinuous in the mid latitude Site 1021B.
D. loeblichii FO Definition of the bottom of Subzone CN9a Associated with lower part of C4r (4), at an age of 8.43 Ma (5)
Not reliable; the marker is very rare and discontinuous.
D. neorectus FO Definition of the bottom of Subzone CN9a
R. pseudoumbilicus PB Definition of the bottom of Subzone CN8b Associated with upper part of C4An (4), at an age of 8.78 Ma (7) 1010, 1011, 1021 Moderately reliable, even if the marker is near barren intervals.
M. convallis FO Used as alternative event to define the bottom of Zone CN8 (1) Associated with the top of C5n for (3) and with C4Ar.2r for (4), at an age of 9.3/9.5 Ma (6) 1010, 1021 Regionally fairly reliable
D. hamatus LO Definition of the bottom of Zone CN8 Age 9.63 Ma (7), calibrated in low latitude to C4Ar.2r (4), in mid to high latitude in C4Ar.2 (2) and C5n/C4Ar (3) 1010 Poorly reliable; the marker is absent in the mid-latitude Site 1021B.
C. calyculus LO Useful event near the top of Zone CN7 Associated with the bottom of C4Ar, at an age of 9.694 Ma (7) 1010, 1021 Fairly reliable
C. coalitus LO Useful event near the top of Zone CN7 Associated with the top of C5n, at an age of 9.67 Ma (7) 1010, 1021 Moderately reliable; the marker is rare and discontinuous.
D. hamatus FO Definition of the bottom of Zone CN7 Repeatedly calibrated in low to mid latitude to the mid Cn.2n (4) at an age of 10.47 Ma (7) 1010 Undetected
C. calyculus FO Definition of the bottom of Subzone CN7b Associated with C5n.2n (6), at an age of 10.7 Ma (7) 1010 Undetected
C. miopelagicus LCO Useful event in Zone CN6 (4) Associated with the base of C5n.2n (4) at an age of 10.941 Ma (7) 1010, 1021 Undetected
D. bellus FO Useful event to approximate the bottom of Zone CN7 Associated with lower part of C5n.2n (4) 1010, 1021 Undetected
C. coalitus FO Definition of the bottom of Zone CN6 Repeatedly calibrated in low latitude to lowermost C5n.2n (4) at an age of 10.79 Ma (7) 1010 Undetected

Notes: FO = first occurrence, LO = last occurrence, LCO = last common and continuous occurrence. PB = paracme beginning, PE = paracme end. Underline = site with magnetostratigraphy, bold = reference site. References: (1) = Rio, Fornaciari, et al., 1990; (2) = Olafsson, 1991, (3) = Gartner, 1992; (4) = Raffi et al., 1995; (5) = Raffi and Flores, 1995; (6) = Berggren, Kent, et al., 1995; (7) = Backman and Raffi, 1997.