Table 1. Leg 167 drill sites used to construct planktonic foraminiferal zonation.
Latitude and longitude
Distance from shore (km)
Water depth (m)
Sediment thickness drilled (mbsf)
1011 Animal Basin 31°16.8´N; 117°38.0´W 85 2033 276
1012 East Cortes Basin 32°17.0´N; 118°23.0´W 105 1783 274
1013 San Nicolas Basin 32°48.0´N; 118°53.9´W 115 1575 146
1014 Tanner Basin 32°50.0´W; 119°58.9´W 155 1177 449
1018 Sediment drift, south of Guide Seamount 36°59.3´N; 123°16.7´W 76 2476 426
1020 Eastern flank, Gorda Ridge 41°0.1´N; 126°26.1´W 167 3050 278