Our study was done on a sequence from the upper Pliocene of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 1021C (Lyle, Koizumi, Richter, et al., 1997). Magnetic susceptibility, color reflectance, and gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator bulk density time series from the upper Pliocene of this hole reveal coherent 40-k.y. cycles or patterns that might be linked to environmental changes. As part of a larger paleoclimate project, the U.S. Geological Survey is involved in calibrating physical properties records with faunal and other proxy climate data to determine whether the physical properties cycles reflect a paleoceanographic signal. In this report, we provide a semiquantitative census of planktonic foraminifers from Core 167-1021C-10H and quantitative census data for Section 167-1021C-10H-2, which can be used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions (Dowsett and Poore, 1990; Dowsett and Robinson, 1998).