Figure 2. Interval 167-1010E-5H-2, 22-46 cm. A, C. BSEI photomosaics of laminated Ethmodiscus ooze. Brighter layers are mixed-sediment laminae, and darker, more porous layers are Ethmodiscus-fragment laminae. An "x" marks the position of bright, low-porosity burrows, with sharp boundaries, running horizontally along Ethmodiscus laminae, pushing laminations apart; "bl" indicates an interval where the horizontal burrows have likely doubled the thickness of an Ethmodiscus-fragment lamina; "p" marks the interval of Ethmodiscus laminations containing pyritized frustules that are seen as very bright, short, horizontal lines; and "cy" marks intervals of alternating Ethmodiscus and mixed-sediment laminae that are undisturbed by burrows. B. Core photograph of laminated Ethmodiscus ooze with scale in centimeters running down left side. Straight black lines tie the magnified BSEI mosaics to the core photograph.