This manuscript presents the results of our study of the terrigenous component of sediment deposited along the northern California margin—particularly Sites 1018 and 1020 (Fig. 1). Composite stratigraphic sections were developed for each site using high-resolution shipboard measurements of gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator (GRAPE), magnetic susceptibility, and color reflectance data (Lyle, Koizumi, Richter, et al., 1997). Site 1018 is located ~75 km west of Santa Cruz, California, on a sediment drift deposit just south of the Guide Seamount at a water depth of 2477 meters below sea level (mbsl). This site is on top of a sediment mound that is elevated from surrounding sediments by more then 400 m. Overall sedimentation rates are extremely high, averaging 100 to 400 m/m.y. during the late Pleistocene, reflecting the site's close proximity to its sediment source in the north from Pioneer Canyon, west of San Francisco Bay (Lyle, Koizumi, Richter, et al., 1997). Site 1018 was selected to provide a nearshore end-member of terrigenous sediment supplied from the area draining the central and northern California Coastal Range. Site 1020 contains a continuous sequence of sediment deposited at rates in excess of 100 m/m.y. during the late Pleistocene. It is located on the east flank of the Gorda Ridge on an abyssal hill at a water depth of 3038 mbsl. To the east of Site 1020, the floor of the Gorda Basin is covered with thick Pleistocene turbidite deposits, but the site itself contains only a few, thin turbidite layers (these intervals were avoided during sampling). Site 1020 is located between major sources of sediment supplied from the Columbia River to the north and the Klamath, Eel, and Rogue Rivers to the south. This site should enable us to evaluate the relative importance and magnitude of various continental sources and provide a deeper water, offshore signal of terrigenous input.

The terrigenous mineral fraction of these samples was isolated using a series of chemical leaches that sequentially dissolves biogenic and authigenic phases. Carbonates were removed by treating each sample with a weak acetic acid solution. A buffered sodium citrate and sodium hydrosulfite solution was used to remove oxides, hydroxides, and zeolites, and warm sodium carbonate baths were used to dissolve biogenic silica. Details of this procedure were provided by Rea and Janecek (1981). The resulting precision of this method determined from duplicate analyses is ~±5% relative error. Note that this method provides a segregated sample of terrigenous material that can be analyzed further for physical, chemical, and mineralogical parameters without concern about the dilution or contamination that often accompanies analysis of bulk sediment or other proxy measures of the terrigenous component.

The mass flux or mass accumulation rate (MAR) of terrigenous material was determined by the product of the linear sedimentation rate (LSR), dry bulk density (DBD), and weight percentage of terrigenous material for each sample as follows:

terrigenous MAR (g[cm2 · k.y.]-1) =
% extracted x LSR (cm · k.y.-1) x DBD (g · cm-3).

Dry bulk densities were determined from shipboard GRAPE measurements using the relationship given by Boyce (1976). Linear sedimentation rates were calculated from age models constructed by correlation of the foraminiferal oxygen isotope stratigraphy at each site (see Lyle et al., Chap. 11, this volume) with the SPECMAP global chronology (Imbrie et al., 1984). At the time of publication, only preliminary oxygen isotopic correlation age models were available for these sites. The record from Site 1018 was complete through Stage 6 (186 ka) and from Site 1020 through Stage 9 (339 ka), beyond which we extrapolated age and linear sedimentation rate data between two control points provided by the top of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa datum (460 ka) and the Brunhes magnetostratigraphic Chron (780 ka). All data used to calculate the terrigenous MAR are provided in Table 1 and Table 2 and Figure 2. Although we show terrigenous data collected beyond ages in the oxygen isotope age model, we have excluded these from our discussion and interpretation until we are more confident in our age assignments.

Detailed grain-size measurements of the isolated terrigenous component were made using an electronic particle size analyzer (Coulter Counter multisizer). This device measures the spherical volume equivalent of each particle counted as it is drawn through an electrical field. Mean grain size and standard deviation (sorting) data were calculated for each sample from a total size distribution based on a count of 150,000 particles divided into 256 size channels in the range of 1-30 µm. Precision of data is generally within ±0.5 µm based on replicate analyses.

The clay mineralogy of the terrigenous component was determined on a subset of samples using X-ray diffraction pattern analysis. Samples were centrifuged to segregate the <2-µm fraction and X-rayed from 2° to 30° 2 at 45kV and 40 mA using the XDS Scintag 2000 X-ray diffractometer at the University of Rhode Island. Peak areas for each phase were normalized to an internal standard (10% talc) and converted to weight percentages according to the weighting factors given by Heath and Pisias (1979). The mineral phases quantified were smectite (17Å; 001, expanded by ethylene glycol), illite (10Å; 001), chlorite (7Å; 002), and kaolinite (7Å; 001). The 7Å peak is divided between kaolinite and chlorite in proportion to the relative intensities of their 3.58Å (002) and 3.54Å (004) peaks, respectively (Biscaye, 1965).