"168-1023A-22X-CC (Piece 4, 034-040 cm)" ROCK NAME: Sparsely to moderately plagioclase-olivine phyric basalt GRAIN SIZE: Aphanitic: microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline TEXTURE: Variolitic to subvariolitic; hypocrystalline PRIMARY MINERALOGY PERCENT PRESENT PERCENT ORIGINAL SIZE (mm) COMPOSITION MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS PHENOCRYSTS Olivine 0.6 0.6 0.1-0.4 Euhedral-subhedral "Individual crystals or intergrown with plagioclase. Skeletal, hollow crystals. Clear glass inclusions with shrinkage bubbles are common." Plagioclase 3.8 3.8 0.3-1.7 Euhedral to subhedral laths "Present as individual crystals and in monomineralic glomeroporphyritic clusters. Some exhibit simple to oscillatory zoning. Pale green or brown glass inclusions in the core of some, whilst others contain very fine opaque grains." GROUNDMASS Plagioclase 3.8 3.8 <=0.2 Microlitic laths Skeletal crystals (swallowtail and hollow forms). Olivine 1.8 1.8 <=0.3 Euhedral to subhedral See comments above. Clinopyroxene Tr Tr <=0.3 "Granular, anhedral" May be present as granular grains intergrown with plagioclase microlites; grains too small to determine optically. Mesostasis 87.8 87.8 "Changes from dark brown subvariolitic, to a brown plumose to sheaf-spherulitic, to dark gray-brown intersertal texture with increasing distance from the chilled margin. Abundance of microlites and microphenocrysts increases with these zones. " Glass 1.6 1.6 Clear <=1.5mm thick glass margin containing discrete varioles centered around plagioclase microlites and pyroxene microphenocrysts. Pyrite Tr Tr <=0.01 Granular Very minor pyrite blebs (5 microns) in groundmass and in plagioclase microlites. Very minor submicron magnetite grains distributed throughout the groundmass. Chalcopyrite Tr Tr <=0.02 Granular In mesostasis. SECONDARY MINERALOGY PERCENT REPLACING/ FILLING COMMENTS: Saponite Tr Vesicles Forms an inner lining of some vesicles. VESICLES/ CAVITIES PERCENT DISTRIBUTION SIZE (mm) FILLING SHAPE COMMENTS: Vesicles 0.6 Even 0.05-0.16 Partial Partially lined by saponite. COMMENTS: Very fresh basalt. "168-1023A-22X-CC (Piece 6, 034-040 cm)" ROCK NAME: Sparsely to moderately plagioclase-olivine-phyric basalt GRAIN SIZE: Aphanitic: microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline TEXTURE: "Variolitic, hypocrystalline" PRIMARY MINERALOGY PERCENT PRESENT PERCENT ORIGINAL SIZE (mm) COMPOSITION MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS PHENOCRYSTS Olivine 1.2 1.2 0.1-0.5 ~Fo85 "Sub- to euhedral, equant" "Fresh; individual crystals or attached to plagioclase, microphenocrysts of 0.1-0.2 mm diameter most common." Plagioclase 3.6 3.6 0.3-2 Sub- to euhedral laths "Oscillatory zoning, sector zoning and glass inclusions (in cores) are common. Present as single crystals or monomineralic glomeroporphyritic clusters. Spinel inclusions (0.1 mm). " Spinel Tr Tr 0.04 Euhedral GROUNDMASS Plagioclase 17 17 <=0.5 Microlitic laths Skeletal crystals (swallowtail and hollow forms). Olivine 4 4 <=0.1 ~Fo85 "Sub- to euhedral, equant" See comments above. Mesostasis 69.4 69.4 Subvariolitic groundmass. Contains traces of pyrite in rounded blebs (<=30 micron diameter) and traces of 2 micron magnetite grains. Glass 3.2 3.2 Fresh quenched margin (1-2mm thick) with varioles. Light to dark brown. Pyrite Tr Tr <=0.01 Granular In mesostasis. SECONDARY MINERALOGY PERCENT REPLACING/ FILLING COMMENTS: Saponite? Tr Fracture Discontinuous 2 micron wide fracture fill. May correspond to the blue-gray to blue-green clay minerals observed on the surface of the handspecimen. VESICLES/ CAVITIES PERCENT DISTRIBUTION SIZE (mm) FILLING SHAPE COMMENTS: Vesicles 1.6 Even 0.1-0.2 None Spherical to oval. The bluish mineral observed lining vesicles in the handspecimen is apparently not present in the thin section. COMMENTS: Very fresh basalt. Trace plagioclase glomerocrysts (2mm).