05_02.TXT: Table 2. Coring section summary for Site 1041.
05_04.TXT: Table 4. Site 1041 lithologic summary.
05_05.TXT: Table 5. Site 1041 smear-slide descriptions.
05_08.TXT: Table 8. Site 1041 structural summary.
05_09.TXT: Table 9. Calcareous nannofossil range distribution chart for Hole 1041A.
05_10.TXT: Table 10. Calcareous nannofossil range distribution chart for Holes 1041B and 1041C.
05_11.TXT: Table 11. Diatom range distribution chart for Site 1041.
05_12.TXT: Table 12. Planktonic foraminifer range distribution chart for Site 1041.
05_13.TXT: Table 13. Depths of biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic datums observed in Site 1041 cores.
05_14.TXT: Table 14. Molecular composition of headspace gases.
05_17.TXT: Table 17. Inorganic carbon, calcium carbonate, total carbon, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, total sulfur, and TOC/TN in sediments.
05_20.TXT: Table 20. Gamma-ray attenuation (GRA) bulk density data for Site 1041.
05_21.TXT: Table 21. Moisture and density data, and calculated phase relationships from discrete core specimens, Site 1041.
05_22.TXT: Table 22. Natural gamma-ray data obtained on unsplit core with the MST, Site 1041.
05_23.TXT: Table 23. P-wave velocities obtained from the PWS3 on split cores from Site 1041.
05_24.TXT: Table 24. Magnetic susceptibility values obtained on unsplit cores using the MST, Site 1041.
05_25.TXT: Table 25. Vane shear strength data for Hole 1041A.
05_26.TXT: Table 26. Thermal conductivity data for Site 1041.