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accessory minerals

lithologic units, A:130-131, 180-181, 183, 207-209, 248-249, 281
sediments, A:391, 393-394
silty clay, A:415-417
See also individual minerals

acoustic stratigraphy

vs. depth, A:408, 461
See also seismic stratigraphy

acoustic units, grain size, B:41, 47-50


fans, B:353-365
foraminifers, B:138
vs. D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio, B:377
vs. sea-level curve, B:146
See also chronostratigraphy; geochronology

age vs. depth, Amazon Fan, B:308-309, 590-591

aggradation, channels, A:25


sediments, B:543-545
See also n-alcohols

alcohols, triterpinoid, sediments, B:548

alcohols, wax

chromatograms, B:546-549
vs. depth, B:550, 553


hydrolysis, B:533-538
vs. depth, B:536


interstitial waters, A:105-106, 140, 190, 217, 260, 295, 348, 398, 424, 449, 476, 520, 557, 583, 610, 650, 674-675
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677; B:498-501


See n-alkanes alloisoleucine.

See D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio


photograph, A:342
See also authigenesis; diagenesis

aluminum logs, vs. depth, A:160, 364

aluminum oxide

sediments, A:141, 193, 218, 261, 297
vs. calcium oxide+sodium oxide, B:171
vs. depth, A:193
See also potassium oxide/aluminum oxide ratio; sodium oxide/aluminum oxide ratio

Amachron, hardpan, B:245

Amazon Basin

sedimentation, B:153-154, 156
vegetation, B:411-418

Amazon Channel

continental margin, A:5-8
deposition, A:645-646
lithologic units, A:445
morphology and structure, A:23-45
sediments, A:338
turbidity currents, B:53-78

Amazon Channel down-fan, lithologic units, A:488-489

Amazon Channel fill, lithologic units, A:587-588

Amazon Channel-levee System

geochemistry, A:478
lithofacies, B:621, 627, 630, 633-635, 639, 644-646
lithologic units, A:117, 683
microstructure, B:427-432
sedimentation, A:471-472
See also Amazon/Aqua/Purple/Blue Channel-levee Systems; Amazon/Brown/Aqua/Purple Channel-levee Systems; levee flanks; levees

Amazon Fan

bacteria, B:565-571
biostratigraphy, B:577-594
clay mineralogy, B:177-192
compressional wave velocity, B:477-493
continental margin, A:5-16
diagenesis, B:497-504
diatoms, B:367-373
fabric, B:447-464
geochronology, B:375-378
geology, A:6-8
grain size, B:217-228
hydrocarbons, B:555-564
iron sulfides, B:573
isotope stratigraphy, B:281-303
lithofacies, A:79-108; B:7-33, 611-651
magnetic hysteresis, B:245-249
mass transport deposits, B:335-351, 353-365, 465-475
mud provenance, B:169-176
organic carbon, B:531-538
organic matter, B:505-517, 519-530, 539-553
paleoceanography, A:17-21; B:319-333
paleomagnetism, B:231-243
palynomorphs, B:397-409
physical properties, B:421-446
rock magnetism, B:251-278
sedimentation, B:653-675
sediments, B:147-168
seismic stratigraphy, A:13-14
shipboard vs. shore-based spectral data, B:193-215
stratigraphy, B:595-609
vegetation, B:381-396

Amazon River

continental margin, A:5-16
discharge, B:312, 316
sedimentation, B:153-154, 156, 170

Amazon Submarine Canyon, continental margin, A:5-8 Amazon/Aqua/Purple/Blue Channel-levee Systems, lithologic units, A:403 Amazon/Blue Channel-levee Systems, lithologic units, A:230 Amazon/Brown Channel-levee Systems

lithologic units, A:362, 455, 457, 588, 622
seismic facies, A:621

Amazon/Brown/Aqua Channel-levee Systems, lithologic units, A:117, 487-488

Amazon/Brown/Aqua/Purple Channel-levee Systems, lithologic units, A:433

Amazonian lowlands, Cold-Adapted Vegetation Index, B:385-388

amino acids

correlation, B:596-597
racemization, B:375-378
See also racemization

aminostratigraphy, correlation, B:596-597


interstitial waters, A:1, 106, 141, 190-191, 217, 260, 295, 349, 398, 424, 450, 476, 520, 584, 610, 650
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677


chemical composition, B:155-156
See also hornblende


sediments, B:564
vs. depth, B:561-562
See also hydrocarbons, polycyclic, aromatic

Andean Cordillera

continental margin, A:5-16
erosion, B:191
provenance, B:175
sedimentation, B:153-154, 156
vegetation, B:381-383

anoxic reactions, remineralization, B:503

Aqua Channel Down-fan, lithologic units, A:489; B:627-628

Aqua Channel-levee System

channels, A:33-34
core-seismic integration, A:117
demagnetization, A:474
geochemistry, A:478
lithologic units, A:308
sediments, A:296-297, 308
See also Amazon/Aqua/Purple/Blue Channel-levee Systems; Amazon/Brown/Aqua Channel-levee Systems; Amazon/Brown/Aqua/Purple Channel-levee Systems; levee flanks; levees

aragonite, lithologic units, A:507

arc-volcanic rocks, provenance, B:156

Atlantic Ocean S, equatorial, paleoclimatology, A:12-13

Atlantic Ocean W, paleoceanography, B:319-333

Atlantic Ocean W, equatorial, paleoclimatology, B:666-670


peak intensities, A:212, 255
sediments, A:104, 137, 185
vs. depth, A:343
See also pyroxenes


carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratios, B:515
iron-rich crusts, B:245-247
remanent magnetization, B:252
See also alteration; diagenesis

authigenic minerals, biostratigraphy, A:132

avulsion, deposits, sand, A:653

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backscattering images, sediments, B:427-432, 451


sediments, B:565-571
vs. depth, B:567-569
See also deep bacterial biosphere

bacterial degradation, aromatic hydrocarbons, B:559, 561-562

Barbados, vegetation, B:381-383

basal scour, photograph, A:545

bathymetry, A:8-9

channels, A:26-27, 32, 35
turbidity currents, B:58-59

bed thickness

columns, A:94-95, 129-131, 180, 206-207, 245, 282-283, 326-327, 389, 414-415, 468, 543, 572, 596-597, 639, 660; B:55
log-log plots, B:28
statistics, B:27, 29-31
turbidite, B:82, 88

bedding, lithologic units, A:508-509

bedding, contorted, photograph, A:134, 211, 469, 598-599, 601-603

bedding, convoluted, lithologic units, A:178-180

bedding, dipping, photograph, A:602, 644

bedding, folded, photograph, A:601

bedding, graded

lithofacies, A:80, 82-84
photograph, A:328-329, 544, 641-644, 661-662

Benguela Current, ocean circulation, B:373

bifurcations, channels, A:29-41

biogeochemical markers, sediments, B:557, 559, 561-562

See also biomarkers


hemipelagic environment, B:551
organic matter, B:551
pelagic environment, B:551
See also biogeochemical markers


Quaternary, B:577-594
Site 930, A:96, 98-100
Site 931, A:131-132, 136-138
Site 932, A:183, 185-188
Site 933, A:209-213
Site 934, A:249-250, 254-255
Site 935, A:281, 286-291
Site 936, A:339-343
Site 937, A:394-395
Site 938, A:419-422
Site 939, A:445-447
Site 940, A:472-474
Site 941, A:512-513, 517-519
Site 942, A:549-550
Site 943, A:578-579
Site 944, A:605-606
Site 945, A:646-648
Site 946, A:666-670


lithologic units, A:433, 466-467, 470, 507, 601, 637
photograph, A:279, 391; B:89

biounits, foraminiferal correlation, B:588


lithofacies, B:551
sediments, A:294-295, 346-347, 423-424

black staining, sediments, B:573

Blake Event

correlation, B:604-606
geomagnetic events, B:235, 238
lithologic units, A:685


abundance, A:332
lithologic units, A:92
photograph, A:286

Blue Channel-levee System

core-seismic integration, A:117
lithofacies, B:627, 662
lithologic units, A:433
remanent magnetization, A:422, 702
sediments, A:230, 424
See also Amazon/Aqua/Purple/Blue Channel-levee Systems; Amazon/Blue Channel-levee Systems; Amazon/Brown/Aqua/Purple Channel-levee Systems; levee crests; Purple/Blue/Yellow Channel-levee Systems

boreholes, vs. depth, A:161

Bottom Levee Complex

clay mineralogy, B:189
correlation, B:605
fabric, B:449-450
lithofacies, B:27
lithologic units, A:165, 232
See also Lower Levee Complex; Middle Levee Complex; Upper Levee Complex

Bouma sequence, lithologic units, B:614

Bouma Tbcde sequence, lithologic units, A:599

Bouma Tcd sequence, photograph, A:416

Bouma Tcde sequence, photograph, A:417, 666

Brazilian Shield

continental margin, A:5-16
sedimentation, B:153-154, 156

Brown Channel down-fan

lithologic units, A:489
seismic profiles, B:24

Brown Channel-levee System

channel-levee systems, B:20
channels, A:34
correlation, B:606
deposition, A:603
geochemistry, A:478
lithofacies, B:621, 630, 640
See also Amazon/Brown Channel-levee Systems;Amazon/Brown/Aqua Channel-levee Systems; Amazon/Brown/Aqua/Purple Channel-levee Systems; levee flanks; levee sections; levees

Brown/Purple/Orange HARPs, lithologic units, A:622-623

burial. See compaction buried deposits, mass flow, B:115-118


fan deposits, A:394
lithologic units, A:178-180, 388, 412-415, 442, 541-542, 544, 574-576, 637-638, 641, 643, 645
photograph, A:417, 443, 546, 667

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peak intensities, A:212, 255
sediments, A:137, 185
vs. depth, B:202-213


interstitial waters, A:141, 190, 217, 260, 295, 348, 424, 449, 476, 520, 557, 583, 610, 650, 675
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677; B:498-501
vs. magnesium, A:457

calcium carbonate, vs. depth, A:111, 148, 191, 218, 260, 295, 352, 401, 425, 455, 480, 527, 557, 584, 613, 650, 676; B:202-213

calcium logs, vs. depth, A:160, 364

calcium oxide, sediments, A:218, 297

calcium oxide+sodium oxide

vs. aluminum oxide, B:171
vs. potassium oxide, B:171

calcium oxide/sodium oxide ratio, sediments, B:172

caliper logs, vs. depth, A:159, 226-228, 305, 307, 363, 368, 490, 492, 622, 624, 683-684

carbohydrates, vs. depth, B:536


organic matter, B:505-517
pyrolysis, A:148
remineralization, B:503
sediments, A:103-104, 140, 189-190, 215-217, 259-260, 293-294, 345-346, 351, 398, 401, 423, 425, 448, 455, 475, 480, 519-520, 527, 555-557, 582-584, 608, 610, 613, 649-650, 671, 673, 676
See also nitrogen/carbon ratio (atomic)

carbon, organic

preservation, B:531-538
provenance, B:312
sediments, A:147-148, 191, 218, 260, 294; B:541
stable isotopes, B:320-325, 328-332
vs. depth, B:329-330, 534, 567, 670-672

carbon, organic/organic phosphorus ratio, vs. depth, B:509, 511

carbon, organic/surface area ratio, vs. depth, B:534-537

carbon, organic/total nitrogen ratio, vs. depth, B:509, 511

carbon, terrigenous, organic, vs. depth, B:530

carbon, total, organic, vs. depth, A:111, 148, 191, 218, 260, 295, 352, 401, 425, 455, 480, 527, 557, 584, 613, 650, 676; B:542-543

carbon/nitrogen ratio, sediments, A:165, 217, 259-260, 475, 519-520, 557, 610, 665, 673

carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratios

carbon isotopes, B:514
oxygen isotopes, B:513-515
sediments, B:510, 513

carbon 14, age, B:308

carbon dioxide, sediments, A:293

carbon isotopes

carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratios, B:514
foraminifers, B:311
isotope stratigraphy, B:287-290
organic matter, B:521
sediments, B:320-325, 328-332
siderite, B:500
vs. depth, B:315, 329-330
vs. lignin phenols, B:529
See also deglacial negative carbon isotopic event; stable isotopes

carbonate content

reflectance, A:699
stable isotopes, B:320-325, 328, 332
vs. depth, B:329-330

carbonates. See interglacial deposits

channel fills, lithologic units, A:265-266, 588; B:632

channel fills, abandoned, lithologic units, A:433

Channel-levee System 5

clay mineralogy, B:187
lithologic units, A:163, 232; B:14-15, 630
turbidite, B:659-660
See also levee crests

Channel-levee System 6

lithologic units, A:197, 232, 433
sediments, A:424
See also levee crests

channel-levee systems

aggradation, A:25
Amazon Channel, A:10-12
biomarkers, B:551
clay mineralogy, B:187-189
core-seismic integration, A:195-196
correlation, B:596-597, 603, 605
development, B:37-38, 665
evolution, A:471-472
grain size, B:41, 47-48
lithofacies, B:7-33
reflectance, A:699-700
sedimentation, A:265-266
sediments, A:163, 165, 228-230, 232-234, 308, 310-314
seismic profiles, B:113-117
timing, B:656-659

charcoal, vs. age, B:414-415

charcoal, microscopic, vegetation, B:411-418

chemical reactions, early diagenesis, B:501-503


interstitial waters, A:105, 140, 190, 217, 295, 348, 398, 424, 475, 520, 557, 583, 610, 650, 674
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677

chlorine/hydrogen ratio logs, vs. depth, A:160


modal composition, B:150
sediments, B:179-191
vs. depth, B:202-213

chlorite-smectite, sediments, B:191


chemical composition, B:152, 165
modal composition, B:151


sediments, B:384
See also age; geochronology

chrysene, sediments, B:562


abundance, A:332
deposition, A:645-646
facies, B:13
grain size, B:125-128
lithofacies, B:613
lithologic units, A:281, 388, 508-509, 600, 662-663
photograph, A:518, 573, 602-603; B:123
See also mud clasts; rock clasts; sand clasts; sandstone clasts

clasts, clay, photograph, A:668


index properties, B:477-493
lithofacies, B:620
lithologic units, A:93, 387-388, 391, 443-444, 574-576, 637-638, 641, 643, 645, 661
photograph, A:134, 136, 335, 640
porosity and velocity, B:491-492
reflectance, A:697-700
See also sand-silt-clay content

clay, black

lithologic units, A:246, 277
sediments, A:234

clay, calcareous

fabric, B:458
lithologic units, A:91-92, 127, 178, 324, 506-507, 571-572, 637, 661
photograph, A:96, 392
See also highstands; interglacial deposits

clay, calcareous, surficial, lithologic units, A:308

clay, foraminifer

lithofacies, B:642
lithologic units, A:506-507, 573
photograph, A:573

clay, foraminifer-nannofossil, lithologic units, A:165, 204, 245, 277, 386-387, 412, 442, 466, 541, 545, 571-572, 594; B:569

clay, foraminifer-nannofossil, surficial, lithologic units, A:265, 362, 433, 487, 622

clay, nannofossil, lithologic units, A:163, 230, 386-387, 455

clay, nannofossil-foraminifer, lithologic units, A:116, 196, 403, 526, 564, 587

clay, sandy, lithologic units, A:328-330

clay, silty

facies, B:11
Formation MicroScanner imagery, B:14-20
lithofacies, B:641
lithologic units, A:127-128, 178-180, 204-207, 246-248, 277-278, 280-281, 330, 332, 334-335, 387-388, 391, 412-415, 443-444, 466-467, 470, 507-512, 541-545, 574-576, 595, 599-603, 637-638, 641, 643, 645, 661-663
mineral composition, A:415-417
photograph, A:101, 136, 209-211, 250, 253, 279, 331, 391-392, 416, 511-516, 666-667, 669
photomicrograph, A:280

clay, terrigenous, lithologic units, A:127-128, 245-246, 277, 466-467, 470, 507, 541-542, 595, 637

Clay Mineral Zone I, composition, B:189, 191

Clay Mineral Zone II, composition, B:189, 191

Clay Mineral Zone III, composition, B:189, 191

Clay Mineral Zone IV, composition, B:189-191

Clay Mineral Zone V, composition, B:189-190

clay minerals

lithologic units, A:93-95
peak intensities, A:138, 287
sediments, B:177-192, 391, 393-394, 444, 670
silty clay, A:415-417
vs. core number, A:212
vs. depth, A:287, 343; B:202-213
See also illite; montmorillonite; smectite


South America, B:169
See also paleoclimatology


distribution, B:88
See also nannofossils

coercivity, iron sulfides, B:249

Colombia, vegetation, B:381-383

color, reflectance, A:697-700

color bands

lithofacies, B:620, 636-638
lithologic units, A:92-93, 127-130, 246, 249, 445, 466-467, 470, 508-509, 571-572, 595, 599-600, 661-663
mud, B:11
photograph, A:97, 101, 181, 209, 246, 279, 331, 390, 446, 510-511, 513, 515, 600, 639-640, 664-665; B:12-13, 123
photomicrograph, A:280
turbidite, B:74


burial, B:443
fabric, B:447-464
sediments, B:457-459
velocity, B:491-492

compaction, burial, fabric, B:447-464

composite sections

Site 930, A:92
Site 931, A:128
Site 932, A:179
Site 933, A:205
Site 934, A:244
Site 935, A:277
Site 936, A:325
Site 937, A:388
Site 938, A:413
Site 939, A:441
Site 940, A:467
Site 941, A:507; B:468
Site 942, A:542
Site 943, A:572
Site 944, A:595
Site 945, A:638
Site 946, A:659; B:423-424

compressional wave velocity, sediments, A:108, 145, 195, 220, 262, 300, 352, 400, 427, 454, 459, 479, 481, 485, 559, 561, 612-613, 652, 676; B:477-493

vs. density porosity, B:446
vs. depth, A:679; B:446, 483-489
See also velocity

consolidation, velocity, B:491-492

consolidation tests, sediments, B:139

continental margin, A:5-8

Brazil, A:5-16
geometry, B:48-49
ocean circulation, A:17-21
sedimentology, A:117-120
seismic stratigraphy, A:14
South America, B:153-154, 156
turbidite, B:85-88

continental shelf, sedimentation, B:384-388

core-log comparison

sediments, A:227-228, 264, 302, 304
Site 934, A:269

core-seismic integration

Site 930, A:110, 112, 114-115
Site 931, A:160-163
Site 932, A:195-196
Site 933, A:228-230
Site 935, A:305-307
Site 936, A:360, 362
Site 938, A:429-431
Site 940, A:486-487
Site 941, A:524-525
Site 942, A:561-563
Site 943, A:586-587
Site 944, A:620-621
Site 946, A:682


shipboard vs. shore-based spectral data, B:193-215
tomography, B:465-475


biostratigraphy, B:583-587, 589
fans, A:19
foraminifers, A:522
interglacial carbonate units, B:357
palynomorph zonation, B:409
stratigraphy, B:129-130, 595-609

correlation, between-hole, rock magnetism, B:271-278

Coulter Counter, grain size, B:218-219

Coulter laser particle sizer, grain size, B:219

crenulations, photograph, A:510-511

cross laminations

facies, B:11
lithofacies, B:625
lithologic units, A:248, 387-388, 391, 466-467, 470, 573
photograph, A:134, 183, 209, 334, 391, 416, 470, 519, 544-547, 573, 601, 665-666

cross stratification, lithofacies, B:613-615


vs. water content, B:471
vs. wet-bulk density, B:471

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D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio

enantiomeric ratio, B:376-378
racemization, B:376-378
vs. age, B:377

debris flows

clay mineralogy, B:187, 189, 191
core-seismic integration, A:117
deposition, A:528-529
fan deposits, A:394
foraminifers, A:522
lithologic units, A:117, 364-366
photograph, A:182, 602-603
See also mass flows; mass transport deposits; Unit R Debris Flow


line drawing, A:211
lithofacies, B:613
lithologic units, A:331-332, 508-509
mass transport deposits, B:120, 122, 125
photograph, A:182, 285, 510-511, 575-576

deglacial negative carbon isotopic event

foraminifers, B:312, 316
See also carbon isotopes

demagnetization, sediments, A:138, 474, 550, 552-553

density, bulk

fluidized sediments, B:467-469
vs. depth, A:115

density, grain, vs. depth, A:115, 153, 430, 485, 586, 618, 653, 679; B:439

density, wet-bulk

lithologic units, A:457
vs. CT-value, B:471
vs. depth, A:115, 153, 195, 222, 264, 300, 358, 405, 430, 459, 485, 532, 561, 586, 618, 653, 679

density (bulk) logs, vs. depth, A:165

density logs, vs. depth, A:159, 226, 305, 363, 490, 622, 683; B:423-424

denudation, continental, sedimentation, B:653-675

See also weathering


channel-levee systems, B:659-660
channels, A:44
debris flows, A:528-529
fabric, B:447-464
levees, A:489-490
lithofacies, B:611-651

depositional cycles, well-logging, A:484-485

depth, stratigraphically equivalent, reflections, A:440-441

depth, sub-bottom

calculation, B:1-2
expansion-corrected mbsf, B:1-2


carbohydrates, B:536-537
iron sulfides, B:252
iron-rich crusts, B:245-247
lithologic units, A:178-180, 412, 442, 507, 541, 637
phosphorus, B:505-517
photograph, A:96
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, B:555-564
sediments, A:521
See also alteration; authigenesis; sideritization

diagenesis, early, sediments, B:497-504, 672

diagenetic crusts

lithologic units, A:204, 277
See also iron-rich crusts

diagenetic fronts, lithofacies, A:80-81


abundance, B:370
upper Quaternary, B:367-373
vs. depth, B:372

dilution ratio, terrigenous, organic matter, B:550-551, 553

dip-azimuth plots

map, B:138
mass transport deposits, B:134-137

dipping contacts, photograph, A:331

dips, laminations, B:59

dividing cells, bacteria, B:569

downhole logging

Site 931, A:148, 150, 153, 155-160
Site 933, A:222-228
Site 934, A:262-264
Site 935, A:302, 304-305
Site 936, A:354-355, 358, 360
Site 940, A:482, 484-485
Site 944, A:614-615, 617-619
Site 946, A:679-682
See also well-logging

drainage basins, palynomorphs, B:399, 406

drape deposits

pelagic/hemipelagic, lithofacies, B:636
See also mud draping

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echinoderms, photograph, A:517

echofacies, turbidity currents, B:58-59

Ecuador, vegetation, B:381-383, 417

effective stress, overburden.

See shear strength/overburden effective stress ratio

elastic modulii, velocity, B:491-492

electrical facies, lithofacies, B:11

electron microprobe data, sediments, B:147-168

electron microscopy, scanning

microstructure, B:425-426
sediments, B:452

enantiomeric ratio

D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio, B:376-378
See also D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio

enstatite, photograph, A:342

environmental magnetism

iron oxides, B:252
vs. depth, B:254-270


chemical composition, B:152, 164
modal composition, B:150


mass flow, B:118

provenance, B:191

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photograph, A:278, 598-599, 604
sediments, B:447-464
See also microfabric

Facies 1

lithofacies, B:613-614
photograph, B:93

Facies 2

lithofacies, B:613, 615
photograph, B:94

Facies 3, lithofacies, B:613-614, 621-625

Facies 3B, photograph, B:95-96

Facies 4, lithofacies, B:614, 626-627

Facies 4B, photograph, B:97-98

Facies 4C, photograph, B:99-100

Facies 5

lithofacies, B:614-615, 628-629
photograph, B:101

Facies 6

lithofacies, B:615, 630
photograph, B:101

Facies 7

lithofacies, B:615, 632-633
photograph, B:102

Facies 8, lithofacies, B:620, 634-635

Facies 9

lithofacies, B:620, 636-638
photograph, B:103-105

Facies 10, lithofacies, B:620, 639

Facies 11, lithofacies, B:620, 640-641

Facies 12, lithofacies, B:620, 625, 627, 630, 642-647

Facies 13, lithofacies, B:630-631, 649

Facies 14, lithofacies, B:631, 650

Facies 15, lithofacies, B:631

factor scores, vs. depth, B:202-213

factor-pattern curves, sediments, B:197, 199-201

fan channels, continental margin, A:5-8


correlation, B:583-587, 589
deposition, B:408
growth, B:654-662
interglacial deposits, B:353-365
sedimentation, A:18, 20; B:331-332, 384-388, 653-675

fans, deep-sea

growth, A:8-12
stratigraphy, B:30-32, 591, 594

fans, last-glacial, lower, lithologic units, A:654, 683-684

fans, submarine

grain size, B:35-52
lithofacies, B:7-33
profiles, B:119

fatty acids, sediments, B:545-549

fatty acids, marine, vs. depth, B:550, 553


lithologic units, A:508-509
photograph, A:210, 511-516, 600
See also microfaults


chemical composition, B:151, 153-154
lithologic units, A:207-209, 248-249, 281
modal composition, B:150
peak intensities, A:287
sediments, A:141, 335-338, 391, 393-394
silty clay, A:415-417
vs. depth, A:343

feldspar, twinned, photograph, A:342

fires, history, B:411-418

flocculation, turbidite, B:73

fluidized structures

density, B:473
tomography scan, B:469-473

flute casts, photograph, A:545 folds

lithologic units, A:508-509, 600
photograph, A:98, 515-516

folds, isoclinal, photograph, A:514

foraminiferal assemblages, vs. depth, B:130


abundance, A:107, 142-143, 187, 214, 257-258, 290, 312, 346-347, 396, 420, 451, 477, 523, 551, 580, 609, 647, 672
age, B:138, 308
biostratigraphy, B:354, 359-360
correlation, A:522; B:596-597
D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio, B:376-378
lithologic units, A:457
oxygen isotopes, B:358-361
photograph, A:667
stable isotopes, B:320, 325-328, 335-351
vs. depth, A:256

foraminifers, benthic

abundance, B:346
biostratigraphy, A:136, 183, 186, 212, 254, 289, 291, 342-343, 395, 419, 421, 446, 473, 517, 550, 578, 605, 648, 669
depth habitats, B:348
stable isotopes, B:336-337, 341-347

foraminifers, planktonic

abundance, A:108, 145
biostratigraphy, A:132, 183, 210-212, 254, 287, 289, 340-342, 394-395, 419, 445-446, 473, 515, 517, 550, 578, 605, 646-648, 669; B:580-581, 668
carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratios, B:515
isotope stratigraphy, B:281-303
stable isotopes, B:337-341


fires, B:414-415

fragmentation, B:391-392

Formation MicroScanner logs

boreholes, A:485
core-log comparison, A:304
lithofacies, B:7-33
mass transport deposits, B:124-129
sediments, A:358
vs. depth, A:368

fractures, photograph, A:278

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gamma ray-density-porosity logs

Site 931, A:174
Site 933, A:236-237
Site 935, A:317-318
Site 936, A:377-378
Site 940, A:498-499
Site 944, A:632-633
Site 946, A:692-693

gamma ray-resistivity logs, A:319

gamma ray-resistivity-sonic logs, A:172-173

gamma ray-resistivity-velocity logs

Site 933, A:238-239
Site 935, A:271
Site 936, A:379-380
Site 940, A:500-501
Site 944, A:630-631
Site 946, A:690-691

gamma-ray logs

Site 931, A:171
Site 936, A:381-382
vs. depth, A:159, 226-227, 267, 305-306, 363, 365-366, 490, 492, 622-623, 683-684; B:423-424
vs. photoelectric effect logs, A:227


chemical composition, B:152, 162-163
modal composition, B:150

gas disruption, photograph, A:645

gas expansion

lithologic units, A:328
sub-bottom depth, B:1-2

gas hydrates

density, B:473
evidence, B:128
interstitial waters, A:674
lithofacies, B:616
mass transport deposits, B:142-143, 362-365
photograph, A:278, 645
porosity and velocity, B:491-492

gases, sediments, A:110, 146, 190, 217, 259, 293, 350, 400,424, 479, 526, 556, 583, 612, 649, 675

geochemical logs

Site 931, A:170
Site 936, A:375-376
vs. depth, A:160, 227, 267, 364, 366


interstitial waters, B:469
sediments, A:111, 141, 147-148, 191

geochemistry, inorganic

Site 930, A:104-106, 108
Site 931, A:140-141
Site 932, A:190-193
Site 933, A:217-219
Site 934, A:260-261
Site 935, A:295-297
Site 936, A:347-350
Site 937, A:398-400
Site 938, A:424
Site 939, A:449-453
Site 940, A:475-476, 478
Site 941, A:520-521
Site 942, A:557-558
Site 943, A:583-584
Site 944, A:610-612
Site 945, A:650-651
Site 946, A:674-675

geochemistry, organic

Site 930, A:103-104
Site 931, A:138 140
Site 932, A:189-190
Site 933, A:215-217
Site 934, A:256, 259-260
Site 935, A:293-295
Site 936, A:345-347
Site 937, A:398
Site 938, A:423-424
Site 939, A:448-449
Site 940, A:475
Site 941, A:519-520
Site 942, A:555-557
Site 943, A:579, 582-583
Site 944, A:608, 610
Site 945, A:649-650
Site 946, A:671, 673


age, B:581
interglacial deposits, B:361-365
paleoceanography, A:17-18
phytoliths, B:413
racemization, B:375-378
See also age; aminostratigraphy; chronostratigraphy

geomagnetic events, record, B:231-243

geomagnetic excursions, record, B:231-243

geomorphology, A:23-45

geothermal gradient

Amazon Basin, A:21
vs. D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio, B:377-378

glacial periods, sedimentation rates, B:303

glacial positive oxygen isotopic events

foraminifers, B:316
See also oxygen isotopes

glacial/interglacial cycles

clay mineralogy, B:179-184
palynomorphs, B:397-409
vegetation, B:414-415


clay mineralogy, B:189-191
Quaternary, A:12-13
sedimentation, B:384-388

goethite, vs. depth, B:202-213

Gold Channel-levee System

lithologic units, A:364-366
sediments, A:338

grading, lithofacies, B:613-615

grain size

average modal silt sizes, B:106
columns, A:94-95, 129-131, 180, 206-207, 245, 282-283, 326-327, 389, 414-415, 468, 543, 572, 596-597, 639, 660; B:55
interlaboratory comparison of techniques, B:217-228
lithofacies, B:29-30
sediments, B:35-52
turbidite, B:84-88
turbidity currents, B:57, 59-61
vs. depth, A:94-95, 129-131, 180, 206-207, 245, 282-283; B:39-40


lithologic units, A:331-332
See also rock granules

granules, quartz, photograph, A:329


facies, B:13
lithofacies, B:613
sediments, A:338

gravel, sandy, lithofacies, B:613

Green Channel-levee System

lithologic units, A:312, 605, 624
seismic facies, A:621
See also levee flanks


environmental magnetism, B:252
hardpan, B:246-247
sediments, B:573, 672

Guatemala, paleoclimatology, B:416

Guiana Shield

continental margin, A:5-16
sedimentation, B:153-154, 156

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hardpan, Amachron, B:245

heavy minerals, provenance, B:154, 156

Heinrich events, oxygen isotopes, B:316


chemical composition, B:152
vs. depth, B:202-213

hemipelagic environment

biomarkers, B:551
stratigraphy, B:591, 594
See also highstands; interglacial hemipelagic interval; paleoenvironment

hentriacontane. See n-hentriacontane

hexane. See n-hexane

high-amplitude reflection packets

channel-levee systems, B:14-15
correlation, B:631, 664
grain size, B:50-51
lithofacies, B:29-30
lithologic units, A:308, 310, 362-363
stratigraphy, B:30-32

high-amplitude reflectors

grain size, B:50-51
models, B:664


calcareous clay, A:366
hemipelagic deposits, A:364-366
See also hemipelagic environment


biostratigraphy, A:343
clay mineralogy, B:179-180, 191
correlation, B:605
lithologic units, A:91-93, 127-128, 178-180, 204-205, 245-246, 277-278, 324-325, 328, 386-387, 442-444, 466, 506-507, 541-542, 571-572, 574-575, 594, 637, 661
sedimentation rates, B:289-290

Holocene/Pleistocene boundary, isotope stratigraphy, B:287-289


sediments, B:564
See also hydrocarbons


chemical composition, B:151-152
modal composition, B:151
peak intensities, A:212, 255
photograph, A:342
sediments, A:104, 137, 185
vs. depth, A:343
See also amphiboles


tri-aromatics, B:557
See also fatty acids; hopanes; lignin; methane

hydrocarbons, polycyclic, aromatic

sediments, B:555-564
See also amyrins; chrysene; hopanes; lupeol; methylphenanthrenes; perylene; phenanthrene compounds

hydrocarbons, volatile, sediments, A:103, 138, 189, 215, 256, 259, 293, 345, 398, 423, 448, 475, 519, 555, 579, 582, 608, 649, 671

hydrogen index, sediments, A:140, 192


lithofacies, B:636-637
lithologic units, A:93, 178-180, 204, 207, 245-246, 277, 325, 387-388, 391, 412, 443-445, 466, 507, 601, 637-638, 662
photograph, A:135, 208, 279, 444-445, 469, 546
remineralization, B:502-503
sediments, B:573, 672

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lithologic units, A:507
photograph, A:509
sediments, A:521


lithologic units, A:433
peak intensities, A:212, 255, 287
sediments, A:104, 137, 185; B:179-191
vs. depth, A:343; B:202-213
See also clay minerals; (mica+illite)/kaolinite ratio logs

ilmenite, chemical composition, B:152

index properties, sediments, A:108-110, 113, 141, 144-145, 151-153, 193-195, 219-222, 261-263, 297-300, 350-352, 356-358, 400, 404-405, 426, 428-429, 453-454, 458, 479, 483-484, 521-522, 530-531, 559-561, 584-586, 612, 616-617, 651-652, 675-676, 678-679; B:427-436, 477-493

induction logs, vs. depth, A:162

interglacial deposits

carbonate, B:357
carbonate-rich clay, A:624
clay mineralogy, B:187
mass transport deposits, B:355
stable isotopes, B:353-365
stratigraphy, A:165, 685; B:564, 594

interglacial deposits, carbonate-rich, correlation, B:596-597

interglacial hemipelagic interval, lithologic units, A:312

interstitial waters

geochemistry A:104-106, 108, 112, 149, 190-192, 217-219, 295-296, 354, 402, 426, 449-450, 452, 457, 475-476, 478, 481, 520-521, 527, 557-558, 583-584, 610-612, 614, 650-651, 674-675, 677; B:469
sediments, A:140-141, 347-350, 398-399, 424
See also pore fluid

Intertropical Convergence Zone, glaciation, B:316


interstitial waters, A:106, 141, 192, 217, 296, 349, 399, 424, 452, 478, 521, 558, 584, 612, 651, 675

reflectance, A:700
vs. depth, A:112, 149-150, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677

iron indicator ratio logs vs. depth, A:160

iron logs, vs. depth, A:160, 364

iron oxides

chemical composition, B:167
lithologic units, A:248-249
modal composition, B:151
reduction, B:252
sediments, A:193

iron oxyhydroxides, lithologic units, A:541

iron sulfides

diagenesis, B:252
early diagenesis, B:498-501, 672
lithofacies, A:80-81
magnetic hysteresis, B:245-249
nodules, B:245-249
sediments, B:573

iron-rich crusts

lithologic units, A:386-387, 412, 442, 466, 507, 541, 572, 594, 637, 661
magnetic properties, B:245-249
photograph, A:96
See also diagenetic crusts

isoleucine. See D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio

isotope stratigraphy

correlation, B:596-597, 606
Quaternary, B:281-303

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peak intensities, A:212, 255, 287
sediments, A:104, 137, 185, 391, 393-394; B:179-191
vs. depth, A:343
See also (mica+illite)/kaolinite ratio logs

kinks, grain-size profiles, B:65, 72-73

kyanite, chemical composition, B:152-166

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L-isoleucine. See D-alloisoleucine/L-isoleucine ratio

Lake Mungo Excursion

age, B:308, 606, 668
geomagnetic events, B:232, 234, 238
lithologic units, A:457, 685
magnetostratigraphy, A:18, 100, 102
remanent magnetization, A:165, 701
sediments, A:232-233
stratigraphic control, A:197

Lake Mungo paleomagnetic marker, correlation, B:601-603

lakes, vegetation, B:417


lithofacies, B:615

photograph, A:83
silt, B:11, 88, 90
See also ripple laminations


lithologic units, A:92-93, 127-130, 178-180, 204-207, 278, 280-281, 328, 388, 412-415, 443-444, 466-467, 470, 509-510

photograph, A:98-100, 132, 136, 181, 209-210, 252-253, 279, 285-286, 331, 333, 392, 416, 444, 446, 546-547

Laschamp Excursion, geomagnetic events, B:232, 234, 238

Last Glacial Maximum

lithologic units, A:564

organic matter, B:526-527
palynomorphs, B:388-392
vegetation, B:414-415

late glacial, clay mineralogy, B:184

lead isotopes, mud provenance, B:169-176

lead-206/lead-204 ratio

vs. lead-207/lead-204 ratio, B:174
vs. lead-208/lead-204 ratio, B:174

lead-207/lead-204 ratio, vs. lead-206/lead-204 ratio, B:174

lead-208/lead-204 ratio, vs. lead-206/lead-204 ratio, B:174

levee crests, lithologic units, A:117, 163, 197, 433

levee flanks, lithologic units, A:117, 232 528

levee sections, lithologic units, A:488-489

levee sediments, lithologic units, A:364-366

levee sediments, distal, physical properties, B:450, 452, 455-457

levee sediments, proximal, fabric, B:449-454


channels, A:27-29; B:631-632
core-seismic integration, A:117
correlation, B:603, 664
deposition, A:489-490

lithologic units, A:308, 312, 445, 565, 588, 624, 683

paleoflow, B:64
porosity and velocity, B:491-492
seismic stratigraphy, A:13-14
See also Bottom Levee Complex; Lower Levee Complex; Middle Levee Complex; Upper Levee Complex

levees, distal, lithologic units, A:588, 622-623, 685


composition, B:524
See also phenols, lignin


molecular structure, B:541-549
sediments, B:539-553

lipids, polar, lithofacies, B:551

lithic fragments, vs. age, B:317


core-seismic integration, A:116-117
depositional elements, B:611-651, 663
fine-grained turbidite, A:79-108
turbidite, B:7-33

lithologic units

core-seismic integration, A:117
Site 930, A:91-93
Site 931, A:127-130
Site 932, A:178-180
Site 933, A:204-207
Site 934, A:245-248
Site 935, A:277-281
Site 936, A:324-325, 328-335
Site 937, A:386-388, 391
Site 938, A:412-415
Site 939, A:442-444
Site 940, A:466-467, 470
Site 941, A:506-510
Site 942, A:541-545
Site 943, A:571-576
Site 944, A:594-595, 599-603
Site 945, A:637-645
Site 946, A:661-663
Unit I, A:91-92, 127, 178, 204, 245, 277, 324, 386-387, 412, 442, 466, 506-507, 541, 571-572, 594, 637, 661
Unit II, A:92-93, 127-128, 178-180, 204-205, 245-246, 277-278, 325, 328, 387-388, 391, 412-415, 443-444, 466-467, 470, 507, 541-542, 572, 574-575, 595, 599, 637, 661
Unit III, A:93, 128-129, 205, 246-247, 278, 280, 328-330, 507-509, 542, 544, 575, 599-600, 637-638, 641, 643, 645, 661-662
Unit IV, A:129-130, 206-207, 247-248, 280, 330-332, 509-510, 544-545, 600-601, 662-663
Unit V, A:130, 248, 280, 332, 334, 545, 602, 663
Unit VI, A:280-281, 335, 545, 575-576, 603, 663
Unit VII, A:663

lithology, mass transport deposits, B:120, 122, 125

lithology indicator ratio logs, vs. depth, A:160


paleoceanography, A:17-21
Site 930, A:91-96
Site 931, A:125-131
Site 932, A:178-183
Site 933, A:204-209
Site 934, A:244-249
Site 935, A:276-281
Site 936, A:324-339
Site 937, A:386-394
Site 938, A:411-419
Site 939, A:440-445
Site 940, A:466-472
Site 941, A:506-512
Site 942, A:541-549
Site 943, A:571-578
Site 944, A:594-605
Site 945, A:637-646
Site 946, A:659-666

log processing, shore-based, A:169

log units

vs. depth, A:159, 226
See also well-logging

Lower Levee Complex

correlation, B:599-600
electron microprobe data, B:148-150
fabric, B:449-450

lithofacies, B:27

trace elements, A:350
See also Bottom Levee Complex; Middle Levee Complex; Upper Levee Complex

lupeol, sediments, B:564

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mackinawite, sediments, B:573


interstitial waters, A:105-106, 141, 190, 217, 260, 295, 348, 398, 424, 449, 476, 520, 557, 583, 610, 650, 675
vs. calcium, A:457
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677; B:498-501

magnesium oxide, sediments, A:193

magnetic declination

abundance, A:292
vs. depth, A:109, 145, 188-189, 216, 258, 349, 398, 422, 452, 478, 525, 553-554, 582, 610-611, 674; B:236-237, 240

magnetic hysteresis, iron sulfides, B:245-249

magnetic inclination

abundance, A:292
correlation, B:602-603
vs. depth, A:109-110, 145, 188-189, 216, 258, 349, 399, 422, 452, 478, 525, 553-554, 582, 610-611, 674; B:236-237, 240, 603, 605, 607-608

magnetic induction logs, vs. depth, A:229-230

magnetic intensity

abundance, A:292
vs. depth, A:109-110, 189, 216, 259, 349, 399, 423, 452, 478, 525, 554-555, 582-583, 611, 649, 674; B:233-234, 236-237, 240, 608-609
vs. magnetic susceptibility, B:237, 239, 242

magnetic poles, virtual path, B:234-243

magnetic susceptibility

abundance, A:293
depth-depth plots for tie points, B:278
sediments, A:103, 138, 189, 213, 256, 293, 345, 397-398, 423, 448, 474-475, 519, 553-555, 579, 607-608, 649,670-671; B:252, 271-278
vs. depth, A:110, 146, 190, 216, 259, 350, 400, 423, 453, 479, 526, 555, 583, 611, 649, 675; B:247, 274-277, 604, 606
vs. magnetic intensity, B:237, 239, 242

magnetic susceptibility anisotropy, turbidity currents, B:53-78

magnetic susceptibility logs, vs. depth, A:162, 226, 229

magnetite, chemical composition, B:152

magnetite, bacterial, environmental magnetism, B:252, 672

magnetostratigraphy, paleoceanography, A:18

major elements, sediments, A:150, 193, 220, 262, 297, 355, 403, 427, 457, 482, 529, 559


interstitial waters, A:108, 192, 218, 260, 296, 350, 399, 424, 452, 478, 521, 558, 584, 612, 651, 675
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677

marcasite, sediments, B:573

mass accumulation rates

sediments, A:104
See also sedimentation rates

mass flows

lithologic units, A:163, 165, 232, 573
photograph, A:573
sediments, A:227-228, 265

mass transport deposits

age, B:134-135
correlation, B:603
fabric, B:452, 460-464
grain size, B:7-52
interglacial deposits, B:355
lithologic units, A:310-312, 526, 528, 601; B:635
photograph, A:136, 184, 601-603
physical properties, B:130, 132
porosity and velocity, B:491-492
sedimentation, B:663, 665
sediments, A:310, 313
seismic stratigraphy, B:109-146
stable isotopes, B:335-351, 353-365
stratigraphy, B:591, 594
tomography, B:465-475
See also debris flows; mass flows

meander loops, abandoned, lithologic units, A:265; B:631-632

metamorphic rocks, provenance, B:156


interstitial waters, B:567-569
sediments, A:138, 215, 256, 259, 293, 345, 398, 423, 475, 519, 555, 579, 582, 608, 649, 671
vs. depth, A:110, 146, 190, 217, 293, 350, 400, 424, 454, 479, 526, 556, 583, 612, 649, 675

methanogenesis, early diagenesis, B:498-501


sediments, B:557, 559
vs. depth, B:559
See also phenanthrene compounds


lithologic units, A:207-209, 248-249, 281

modal composition, B:150

peak intensities, A:212, 255, 287
sediments, A:104, 137, 185, 391, 393-394
silty clay, A:415-417
vs. depth, A:343

(mica+illite)/kaolinite ratio logs, vs. depth, A:366


image processing, B:427-432
vs. depth, B:432-435
See also fabric


photograph, A:513
See also faults

Micromeritics SediGraph, grain size, B:218


lithologic units, A:92, 178-180, 246, 387-388, 391, 443-444, 541-542, 574-576
photograph, A:444-445
See also nodules

microripples, photomicrograph, A:280

microstructure, sediments, B:421-446

Middle Levee Complex

correlation, B:599
electron microprobe data, B:149
lithofacies, B:27
lithologic units, A:364, 564
seismic facies, A:621
trace elements, A:350
See also Bottom Levee Complex; Lower Levee Complex; Upper Levee Complex

mineral assemblages, sediments, A:137, 185, 335-338, 391, 393-394, 415-417; B:168

minerals, chemical composition, B:151-152

Monte Oscuro, vegetation, B:416


vs. depth, B:202-213
See also clay minerals


lithofacies, B:620, 636
lithologic units, A:127-128, 204-207, 249, 324, 387-388, 391, 412-415, 466-467, 470, 507, 571-574, 576, 637,661-663
photograph, A:97, 208, 279, 285-286, 390-391, 573, 640,662; B:89


geochemistry, A:350, 478, 520-521, 527, 558
isotopes, B:173
lithofacies, A:80, 82-84; B:615, 620
lithologic units, A:117, 163, 230, 266, 308, 334, 433, 564
photograph, A:99, 181, 447; B:12-13, 83-84, 86-87, 89-90, 92-107
physical properties, B:435-436
provenance, B:169-176
reflectance, A:697-700
sedimentation, A:265-266
trace elements, A:399
turbidity currents, B:57, 59-61

mud, biogenic, lithofacies, B:630-631

mud, bioturbated

lithologic units, A:197, 403, 433, 587
physical properties, B:450, 452, 455

mud, calcareous, bioturbated, lithologic units, A:685

mud, chaotic, lithofacies, B:620, 625, 627, 630

mud, deformed, lithofacies, B:620, 625, 627, 630

mud, gravelly, lithofacies, B:620

mud, sandy

lithofacies, B:620
photograph, A:329, 337, 341

mud clasts

lithofacies, B:620, 625, 627, 630
lithologic units, A:93, 130, 328-335, 509, 575, 637-638, 641, 643, 645
photograph, A:103, 136, 254, 284-285, 330, 332-333, 337, 339-341, 513, 515-516, 574, 576, 639, 641-642, 662, 664
See also clasts

mud clasts, folded, lithofacies, B:643

mud draping

photograph, A:338
See also drape deposits

mudstone, physical properties, B:435-436

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n-alcohols, chromatograms, B:546-547

n-alkanes, sediments, A:294-295, 346-347, 423-424

n-hentriacontane, sediments, A:346-347


chromatograms, A:295, 353
sediments, A:294-295, 346-347

n-nonacosane, sediments, A:346-347

nannofossil acme zones, vs. age, B:356, 580


vs. depth, A:256
See also coccoliths

nannofossils, calcareous

abundance, A:106, 139-140, 186, 213, 256, 288, 312, 344-345, 395, 419, 449, 475, 521, 549, 579, 607, 646, 671
biostratigraphy, A:96, 98, 131-132, 183, 209-210, 249-250, 254, 281, 286-287, 339-340, 394, 419, 445,472-473, 512-513, 515, 549-550, 578, 605, 646,666-669; B:354, 356, 358-359, 579-580
correlation, B:596-599
distribution, A:81-82

neodymium isotopes, mud provenance, B:169-176

neodymium-143/neodymium-144 ratio, vs. samarium-147/neodymium-144 ratio, B:173


organic matter, B:505-517
sediments, A:103-104, 140, 189-190, 215-217, 259-260, 293-294, 345-346, 398, 423, 448, 475, 519-520, 555-557, 582-583, 649-650, 671, 673
vs. depth, A:111, 148, 191, 218, 260, 295, 352, 401, 425, 455, 480, 527, 557, 584, 613, 650, 676
See also carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratios; carbon/nitrogen ratio

nitrogen, total/organic phosphorus ratio, vs. depth, B:509, 511

nitrogen/carbon ratio (atomic), vs. depth, B:534


iron sulfides, B:245-249
lithologic units, A:391
sediments, A:424
See also micronodules

nodules, authigenic, biostratigraphy, A:99-100

nonacosane. See n-nonacosane

North American Coastal Current, ocean circulation, B:306

North Brazil Coastal Current

circulation, B:408
currents, A:5
paleoceanography, A:12-13; B:306
transport, B:383-384

North Equatorial Countercurrent

ocean circulation, B:373
paleoceanography, A:12-13; B:306

North Equatorial Current, paleoceanography, B:306

North Subtropical Gyre, ocean circulation, B:373

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ocean circulation

currents, B:373
fans, A:20
North Brazil Coastal Current, A:5-6
Quaternary, A:12-13
sea-level changes, B:331-332
stable isotopes, B:306

olivine, photomicrograph, A:255

Orange Channel-levee System

core-seismic integration, A:112, 114, 117
lithologic units, A:117
See also Brown/Purple/Orange HARPs, levee crests

Orange-1, channel development, channel-levee systems, B:18, 20

Orange-1 fan growth, seismic profiles, B:24

organic detritus

lithofacies, B:623
photograph, A:643, 661-662
vs. depth, B:202-213, 408

organic matter

chromatographs, B:523
sediments, B:539-553, 669
source and burial history, B:505-517
stable isotopes, B:319-333

organic matter, terrigenous, composition, B:519-530

overbank sediments, lithologic units, A:265; B:631-632

overconsolidation, velocity, B:491-492

overpressure, sediments, A:234


turbidite, B:76-77
turbidity currents, B:56
See also spillover

oxidation, sediments, B:195-196

oxygen isotopes

carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratios, B:513-515
correlation, B:596-597, 601-605
foraminifers, B:310, 317, 321, 358-361, 667
isotope stratigraphy, B:287-290
siderite, B:500
vs. age, B:364
vs. depth, B:143, 285-290, 292-302, 313-314, 317, 339- 345, 517
vs. palynomorphs, B:390
See also glacial positive oxygen isotopic events; stable isotopes

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Amazon Fan, A:17-21
Quaternary, A:12-13
sedimentation rates, B:289-290
stable isotopes, B:305-318
upper Quaternary, B:319-333


clay mineralogy, B:189-191
fans, A:20
land record, B:668-670
models, B:666-670
ocean record, B:666-668

Pleistocene, B:169

Quaternary, A:12-13; B:525-526
sedimentation, B:653-675
upper Quaternary, B:411-418
vegetation, B:381-396
See also climate


palynomorphs, B:399, 406

vegetation, B:384-388


clay mineralogy, B:189-191
vegetation, B:384-388
See also hemipelagic environment; shelf environment


levees, B:64
turbidity currents, B:53-78

paleointensity, record, B:231-243


correlation, B:596-597

paleointensity, B:231-243

Site 930, A:100, 102-103
Site 931, A:138
Site 932, A:188-189
Site 933, A:213
Site 934, A:255-256
Site 935, A:291-293
Site 936, A:343, 345
Site 937, A:395, 397-398
Site 939, A:447-448
Site 940, A:474-475
Site 941, A:519
Site 942, A:550, 552-555
Site 943, A:579
Site 944, A:606-608
Site 945, A:648-649
Site 946, A:670-671


Quaternary, B:525-526
See also vegetation; vegetation index, cold-adapted


abundance, A:188, 258, 291, 349, 397, 422, 478, 524, 552, 581, 610, 673; B:383, 668-669
biostratigraphy, A:100, 137, 186, 212-213, 254-255, 291, 343, 395, 421, 447, 473, 518-519, 550, 579, 606, 648, 669

paleoclimatology, B:411-418

Pleistocene, B:397-409

Quaternary, B:381-396
transport, B:383-384
vs. depth, A:188; B:400-407
See also pollen; spores

Panama paleoclimatology, B:416

vegetation, B:381-383


lithofacies, B:641
lithologic units, A:331-332

photograph, A:210, 336, 517

pebbles, quartz, photograph, A:102

perylene, sediments, B:556-557

pH geochemistry, A:105

interstitial waters, A:140, 260, 295, 348, 398, 424, 449, 476, 520, 557, 583, 610, 650, 674
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677

phenanthrene compounds

sediments, B:557
See also methylphenanthrenes

phenols, lignin

cinnamyl/vanillyl ratio vs. syringyl/vanillyl ratio, B:526
composition, B:520-522, 524
syringyl phenol/vanillyl phenol ratio vs. vanillic acid/vanillin ratio, B:529
vanillyl acid/aldehyde vs. syringyl acid/aldehyde ratios, B:527
vs. carbon isotopes, B:529
vs. depth, B:525
See also lignin


interstitial waters, A:105-106, 141, 191, 217, 260, 295, 349, 398, 424, 450, 476, 520, 558, 584, 611, 675
vs. depth, A:112, 149-150, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677; B:498-501, 512


organic matter, B:505-517
See also carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratios

phosphorus, organic. See carbon, organic/organic phosphorus ratio; nitrogen, total/organic phosphorus ratio

phosphorus, solid-phase, vs. depth, B:510

phosphorus, total, vs. depth, B:508

photoelectric effect logs

vs. depth, A:227, 366
vs. gamma-ray logs, A:227

physical properties

mass transport deposits, B:130-133
sediments, B:449
Site 930, A:108-110
Site 931, A:141, 144-146, 148
Site 932, A:193-195
Site 933, A:219-222
Site 934, A:261-262
Site 935, A:297-302
Site 936, A:350-352, 354
Site 937, A:400-402
Site 938, A:426-429
Site 939, A:453-454
Site 940, A:479, 481-482
Site 941, A:521-522, 524; B:468
Site 942, A:559-561
Site 943, A:584-586
Site 944, A:612, 614
Site 945, A:651-653
Site 946, A:675-679
well-logging, B:421-446


vegetation, B:411-418, 668-669
vs. age, B:414-415


lithologic units, A:93-95, 130-131, 180-181, 183

peak intensities, A:212, 255

sediments, A:104, 137, 185


biostratigraphy, A:343
clay mineralogy, B:190-191
lithologic units, A:93, 127-130, 178-180, 205-207, 246-248, 278-281, 325, 328-335, 387-388, 391, 412-415, 443-444, 661-663

paleoclimatology, B:169

palynomorphs, B:397-409

See also Holocene/Pleistocene boundary

Pleistocene, middle, lithologic units, A:165, 600-603, 685

Pleistocene, upper

correlation, B:601-605
lithologic units, A:466-467, 470, 507-510, 541-545, 572, 574-576, 595, 599-600, 637-638, 641, 643, 645


abundance, A:108, 145
marine vs. terrestrial records, B:381-396
See also palynomorphs

pore fluid

mud, B:435-436
See also interstitial waters


mass transport deposits, B:452
matrix, B:426-427
relation to clay and velocity, B:480-481
vs. depth, A:153, 195, 222, 264, 300, 358, 405, 430, 459, 485, 532, 561, 586, 618, 653, 679; B:450, 483-489
vs. longitudinal resistivity, A:157
vs. thermal conductivity, A:119, 157, 305
vs. velocity, B:481
See also void ratio

porosity, density

sediments, B:427-432
vs. compressional wave velocity, B:446
vs. depth, B:445

porosity, in situ, sediments, B:427-432

porosity, matrix, sediments, B:427-432

porosity, visible

fabric, B:458-459
sediments, B:427-432
vs. depth, B:439

porosity logs, vs. depth, A:159, 226, 305, 363, 490, 622, 683, 423-424

postglacial deposits, Cold-Adapted Vegetation Index, B:385-388


interstitial waters, A:106, 141, 191, 217, 260, 296, 349, 399, 424, 450, 452, 478, 520, 558, 584, 612, 675
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677
See also thorium/potassium ratio logs; uranium/ potassium ratio logs

potassium feldspar

peak intensities, A:212, 255

photograph, A:342

photomicrograph, A:255

sediments, A:104, 137, 185

potassium logs, vs. depth, A:160, 227, 267, 364

potassium oxide

sediments, A:297
vs. calcium oxide+sodium oxide, B:171

potassium oxide/aluminum oxide ratio

mud, A:350
sediments, A:141, 478
vs. depth, A:150

preferred orientation, sediments, B:457-458


diatoms, B:370-371
organic carbon, B:531-538

pressure, overburden, mudstone, B:435-436

productivity, diatoms, B:370-371

profiles, channels, A:28


mud, B:169-176
organic matter, B:513, 515, 522
sediments, B:152-154, 156


lithologic units, A:391, 506-507

photograph, A:508, 512

Purple Channel-levee System

core-seismic integration, A:112, 117
lithologic units, A:588
remanent magnetization, A:702
See also Amazon/Aqua/Purple/Blue Channel-levee Systems; Amazon/Brown/Aqua/Purple Channel-levee Systems; Brown/Purple/Orange HARPs; levee flanks

?Purple Channel-levee System, lithologic units, A:528

Purple/Aqua(?) fan growth, seismic profiles, B:24

Purple/Blue/Yellow Channel-levee Systems, lithologic units, A:117

Purple Valley, channels, A:31-33

pyrite, modal composition, B:151

pyrolysis, Rock-Eval, sediments, A:140


chemical composition, B:152, 157, 159-161
modal composition, B:151
See also augite

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lithologic units, A:93-95, 130-131, 180-181, 183, 207-209, 248-249, 281
modal composition, B:150
peak intensities, A:212, 255, 287
photomicrograph, A:255
sediments, A:104, 137, 185, 335-338, 391, 393-394
silty clay, A:415-417


biostratigraphy, B:577-594
clay mineralogy, B:177-192
geomagnetic events, B:231-243
isotope stratigraphy, B:281-303
paleoclimatology, A:12-13
paleovegetation, B:525-526
provenance, B:156
sedimentation, B:653-675

Quaternary, upper

diatoms, B:367-373
lithofacies, B:7-33
paleoceanography, B:319-333
paleoclimatology, B:411-418
pollen, B:381-396
racemization, B:375-378

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geochronology, B:375-378
See also amino acids; aminostratigraphy

radiolarians, upper Quaternary, B:369

Red Channel-levee System

high-amplitude reflection packets, A:624
lithofacies, B:614
lithologic units, A:364, 624
seismic facies, A:621
See also levee flanks

red/blue ratio, reflectance, A:700


lithologic units, A:508-509
photograph, A:508


iron oxides, B:252

remineralization, B:503

See also sulfate reduction

reflectance lithologic units, A:94-95, 131, 183, 207-208, 249, 281, 336-338, 393-394, 417, 444-445, 471, 512, 603, 645, 663-664

sediments, A:697-700
shipboard vs. shore-based spectral data, B:193-215
vs. depth, A:699


Cold-Adapted Vegetation Index, B:385-388
paleoclimatology, B:416

remanent magnetization

magnetostratigraphy, A:100, 102
sediments, A:701-702, 138, 188-189, 213, 255-256, 291-292, 343, 345, 395, 397, 422, 447-448, 474, 519, 550, 552-553, 579, 606-607, 648-649, 670

remanent magnetization, anhysteretic

magnetic susceptibility, B:234-243
sediments, B:251-252

remanent magnetization, isothermal, sediments, B:252

remanent magnetization, natural, correlation, B:602-605


early diagenesis, B:498-501, 503
organic matter, B:515


sediments, A:109, 146, 148, 156-157, 195, 198, 220, 222, 224-225, 262, 265, 300, 303, 352, 354, 361, 401-402, 407, 427, 429, 432, 454, 482, 488, 522, 524, 534, 559, 561, 563, 585-587, 614, 620, 652-654, 677, 679, 681
vs. depth, A:118, 358, 362, 407, 433, 461, 489

resistivity anisotropy, vs. depth, A:157, 199, 225, 266, 304, 362, 407, 433, 461, 489, 535, 564, 588, 621, 654, 682

resistivity logs, vs. depth, A:159, 226, 230, 267-268, 305-306, 363, 365, 490, 492, 622-623, 683-684; B:423-424

resistivity, longitudinal

vs. depth, A:157, 199, 225, 266, 304, 535, 564, 588, 621, 654, 682
vs. porosity, A:157

reworking, correlation, B:598-599

ripple laminations

photograph, A:547
sedimentation, A:548
See also laminae; laminations

rock clasts

photograph, A:334
See also clasts

rock fragments, modal composition, B:151

rock granules

photograph, A:329
See also granules

rock magnetism

between-hole correlations, B:271-278
sediments, B:251-270
roughness, samples, B:195

rutile, modal composition, B:151

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interstitial waters, A:104, 140, 190, 217, 260, 295, 348, 398, 424, 449, 475, 520, 557, 583, 610, 650, 674
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677

samarium-147/neodymium-144 ratio, vs. neodymium-143/ neodymium-144 ratio, B:173


deposition, A:645-646
electron microprobe data, B:149
high-amplitude reflection packets, A:163
lithofacies, B:7-33
lithologic units, A:127-128, 204-207, 246-248, 277-278, 280-281, 328, 332, 412-415, 466-467, 470, 541-542, 574, 595, 599-600, 637-638, 641, 643, 645, 661-663
photograph, A:134, 247-248, 252, 254, 279, 335, 338, 416, 545-547, 574, 576-577, 639-645, 661-662, 664-665, 668
reflectance, A:697-700
See also avulsion deposits; silt/sand load

sand, biogenic, lithofacies, B:631

sand, disorganized, lithofacies, B:613

sand, foraminiferal, photograph, A:508

sand, graded, photograph, A:328-329

sand, organized, lithofacies, B:613-614

sand, silty

lithologic units, A:92-93
photograph, A:100

sand-silt-clay content, triangular plots, B:41

sand clasts

photograph, A:334
See also clasts

sand types, photomicrograph, A:255

sandstone, photograph, A:336

sandstone clasts

photograph, A:284-285
See also clasts

savanna, palynomorphs, B:391

sea-level changes

continental margin, A:5-8
correlation, B:600, 609
fans, B:331-332, 654-662
Pleistocene, A:12
sedimentation, B:653-675
sedimentation rates, B:364-365
vs. age, timing, B:657

sea-level curve, vs. age, B:146

seafloor, depth beneath calcaulation, B:1-2

seafloor morphology, turbidite, B:107

secular variations, remanent magnetization, A:702

sediment load, channels, A:44

sediment waves, lithologic units, A:95

sedimentary structures

columns, A:94-95, 129-131, 180, 206-207, 245, 282-283, 326-327, 389, 414-415, 468, 543, 572, 596-597, 639, 660; B:55
turbidity currents, B:57, 59-61


Amazon chanel-levee system, A:471-472
channel-levee systems, B:13, 16-17, 24, 27
fans, A:18, 20; B:331-332
lipids, B:539-553
lithofacies, B:611-651
mass transport deposits, B:362-365
organic matter, B:526-527
Quaternary, B:331-332

sea-level changes, B:653-675

source, B:170

transport, B:383-384

sedimentation, deep-sea, sedimentation rates, B:289-290

sedimentation, terrigenous, stable isotopes, B:319-333

sedimentation rates

biostratigraphy, A:473-474; B:577-594
carbonate content, A:548
correlation, B:601-603
isotope stratigraphy, B:303
lithologic units, A:434
minimum rates, B:594
Quaternary, A:18
remanent magnetization, A:701-702

sea-level changes, B:364-365

vs. age, B:593
vs. depth, B:47
See also mass accumulation rates


channels, A:117-120
columns, A:94-95, 326-327, 389, 468, 543, 572, 596-597, 639, 660; B:55


bacteria, B:565-571
clay mineralogy, B:177-192
composition, A:104, 335-338; B:198-201, 214
compressional wave velocity, B:477-493
early diagenesis, B:497-504
electron microprobe data, B:147-168
fabric, B:447-464
geochemistry, A:111, 141, 191, 521, 558; B:506, 669-670
grain size, B:35-52, 217-228
iron sulfides, B:573
magnetic susceptibility, B:271-278
mineral assemblages, B:168
modal composition, B:150-151
organic matter, B:539-553
physical properties, B:421-446
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, B:555-564
reflectance, A:697-700
remanent magnetization, A:701-702
rock magnetism, B:251-270
shipboard vs. shore-based spectral data, B:193-215
source, B:145

sediments, bioturbated, lithologic units, A:653, 683

sediments, chemogenic, lithofacies, B:631

sediments, fan-levee, mass transport deposits, B:142-143

sediments, fluidized, density, B:467-469

sediments, folded, photograph, B:122-123

sediments, terrigenous, porosity, B:426-427

seismic facies

core-seismic integration, A:535-536, 566-567, 588, 625,628, 687-688
correlation with lithostratigraphy, A:119, 121-122, 167-168, 199, 232, 234, 310, 313, 371, 373, 436, 496
lithologic units, A:565

Seismic Facies Unit 1, core-seismic integration, A:486-487, 562-563, 586, 621, 682

Seismic Facies Unit 2, core-seismic integration, A:486-487, 563, 586, 621, 682

Seismic Facies Unit 3, core-seismic integration, A:486-487, 562, 586, 621, 682

Seismic Facies Unit 4, core-seismic integration, A:486-487, 562-563, 586-587, 621, 682

Seismic Facies Unit 5, core-seismic integration, A:486-487, 621

Seismic Facies Unit 6, core-seismic integration, A:486-487

seismic facies units, grain size, B:35-52

seismic profiles

acoustic facies, A:10
Amazon Fan, B:21-23, 25-26, 113-117, 475
channels, A:36-41
Site 930, A:89-90
Site 931, A:125-126, 164
Site 932, A:177-178
Site 933, A:202-203, 231
Site 934, A:242-243
Site 935, A:275-276, 309
Site 936, A:323-324, 370
Site 937, A:385-386
Site 938, A:410-411, 435
Site 939, A:439
Site 940, A:465, 496
Site 941, A:504-505
Site 942, A:539, 565
Site 944, A:626
Site 945, A:637-638
Site 946, A:686

seismic reflection, lithologic units, A:686

seismic reflectors, sedimentation rates, B:47

seismic stratigraphy

Amazon Fan, A:13-14
channel-levee systems, B:13, 15-16, 20, 24
correlation, B:596-601
mass transport deposits, B:109-146
See also acoustic stratigraphy

seismograms, synthetic

boreholes, A:360, 362
sediments, A:307

seismic facies, A:621

Site 931, A:161, 163
Site 944, A:627
vs. depth, A:166
vs. traveltime, A:233, 311, 372

sequence stratigraphy, channel-levee systems, B:660-662

shear strength, sediments, A:108-109, 145-146, 154-155, 195, 220, 223, 352, 400-401, 427, 454, 459, 481-482, 486, 559, 562, 585, 587, 614, 618-619, 652-653, 676-677, 680

shear strength, residual/peak ratio, vs. depth, A:265, 406, 487, 535, 562

shear strength, undrained

sediments, A:116, 195-197, 262, 264, 300-301, 359-360, 406, 430-431, 522, 533
vs. depth, A:117, 155, 197, 224, 265, 302, 360, 406, 431, 460, 487, 535, 562, 587, 619, 653, 681

shear strength/overburden effective stress ratio, vs. depth, B:140


lithologic units, A:508-509
photograph, A:511

shore-based log processing

Site 933, A:235
Site 934, A:270
Site 935, A:315
Site 936, A:374
Site 940, A:497
Site 944, A:629
Site 946, A:689


early diagenesis, B:498-501, 672
lithologic units, A:391
sediments, A:424


early diagenesis, B:498-501
See also diagenesis


interstitial waters, A:141, 191, 193, 217, 261, 295, 349, 398, 450, 478, 520, 558, 611
mud, A:218, 296-297, 521
vs. depth, A:112, 149, 192-193, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677

silica, biogenic, diatoms, B:370-371

silicates, vs. depth, A:343, 393, 418, 448, 474, 520, 548, 578, 606, 670

siliceous microfossils

abundance, A:106, 139-140, 186, 213, 256, 288, 344-345, 395, 419, 449, 475, 521, 549, 579, 607, 646, 671
biostratigraphy, A:98-99, 137, 186, 212, 254, 291, 343, 395, 421, 447, 473, 517-518, 550, 579, 606, 648, 669
Quaternary, B:369-370

siliciclastics, lithologic units, A:542-545

silicon logs, vs. depth, A:160, 364


compaction, B:453
electron microprobe data, B:149
lithofacies, A:80, 82-84; B:615, 620
lithologic units, A:92-93, 127-130, 163, 204-207, 246-248, 266, 277-278, 280-281, 330, 332, 412-415, 443-445, 466-467,470, 541, 544-545, 564, 595, 599-603, 637-638, 641, 643, 645, 661-663
photograph, A:83-84, 98-100, 133-134, 181, 209-210, 250, 253, 279, 331, 338, 390-392, 416-417, 444, 446, 469-473, 544, 577, 601, 643
reflectance, A:697-700
sedimentation, A:265-266
turbidity currents, B:57, 59-61
See also Purple/Blue/Yellow Channel-levee Systems

silt, clayey, photograph, A:102

silt, disorganized, lithofacies, B:614 silt, graded, photograph, A:328

silt, organized, lithofacies, B:614-615

silt/sand load, textures, B:53-78


lithofacies, B:641
lithologic units, A:508-509
photograph, A:336, 517

sinuosity, channels, A:25-26 Site 930, A:87-122

biostratigraphy, A:96, 98-100; B:581
core-seismic integration, A:110, 112, 114-115
coring, A:91
grain size, B:37
in situ temperature measurements, A:115-116
inorganic geochemistry, A:104-106, 108
isotope stratigraphy, B:283
lithostratigraphy, A:91-96
operations, A:90-91
organic geochemistry, A:103-104
paleomagnetism, A:100, 102-103
physical properties, A:108-110
setting and objectives, A:88, 90
site description, A:87-122
synthesis and significance, A:116-120

Site 931, A:123-174

biostratigraphy, A:131-132, 136-138; B:581-582
clay mineralogy, B:187-189
core-seismic integration, A:160-163
coring, A:126
downhole logging, A:148, 150, 153, 155-160
electron microprobe data, B:148-149
grain size, B:37
in situ temperature measurements, A:163
inorganic geochemistry, A:140-141
isotope stratigraphy, B:283
lithofacies, B:13-15
lithostratigraphy, A:125-131
operations, A:125
organic geochemistry, A:138, 140
paleomagnetism, A:138
physical properties, A:141, 144-146, 148
setting and objectives, A:124-125
site description, A:123-174
synthesis and significance, A:163-166

Site 932, A:175-199

biostratigraphy, A:183, 185-188; B:582
core-seismic integration, A:195-196
coring, A:177
in situ temperature measurements, A:196
inorganic geochemistry, A:190-193
isotope stratigraphy, B:283-284
lithostratigraphy, A:178-183
magnetic intensity, B:238
operations, A:176-177
organic carbon, B:532-533
organic geochemistry, A:189-190; B:507-511
oxygen isotopes, B:317
paleomagnetism, A:188-189
phenols, B:526
setting and objectives, A:176
site description, A:175-199
stable isotopes, B:305-318
synthesis and significance, A:196-197

Site 933, A:201-239

biostratigraphy, A:209-213; B:582
core-seismic integration, A:228-230
coring, A:204
downhole logging, A:222-228
grain size, B:37-38
in situ temperature measurements, A:230
inorganic geochemistry, A:217-219
isotope stratigraphy, B:284-285
lithostratigraphy, A:204-209
operations, A:202, 204
organic geochemistry, A:215-217
oxygen isotopes, B:358-359
paleomagnetism, A:213
physical properties, A:219-222
setting and objectives, A:202
shore-based log processing, A:235
site description, A:201-239
stable isotopes, B:305-318, B:335-351
synthesis and significance, A:230, 232-234
well-logging, A:222-228

Site 934, A:241-271

bacteria, B:565-571
biostratigraphy, A:249-250, 254-255; B:582
clay mineralogy, B:184-187
coring, A:244
downhole logging, A:262-264
in situ temperature measurements, A:264-265
inorganic geochemistry, A:260-261
isotope stratigraphy, B:285
lithostratigraphy, A:244-249
operations, A:243-244
organic geochemistry, A:256, 259-260
paleomagnetism, A:255-256
physical properties, A:261-262
setting and objectives, A:242-243
shore-based log processing, A:270
site description, A:241-271
synthesis and significance, A:265-266

Site 935, A:273-319

biostratigraphy, A:281, 286-291; B:582-583
core-seismic integration, A:305-307
coring, A:276
downhole logging, A:302, 304-305
grain size, B:38
in situ temperature measurements, A:307-308
inorganic geochemistry, A:295-297
isotope stratigraphy, B:285
lithofacies, B:15-16
lithostratigraphy, A:276-281
operations, A:275-276
organic geochemistry, A:293-295
paleomagnetism, A:291-293
physical properties, A:297-302
setting and objectives, A:274-275
shore-based log processing, A:315
site description, A:273-319
synthesis and significance, A:308-314
well-logging, A:302, 304-305

Site 936, A:321-382

biostratigraphy, A:339-343; B:583-584
core-seismic integration, A:360, 362
coring, A:324
downhole logging, A:354-355, 358, 360
electron microprobe data, B:149
grain size, B:38-39
in situ temperature, A:362
inorganic geochemistry, A:347-350
isotope stratigraphy, B:285
lithofacies, B:16-20
lithostratigraphy, A:324-339
operations, A:323-324
organic geochemistry, A:345-347
paleomagnetism, A:343, 345
physical properties, A:350-352, 354
setting and objectives, A:322-323
site description, A:321-382
stable isotopes, B:335-351
synthesis and significance, A:362-367

Site 937, A:383-408

biostratigraphy, A:394-395; B:584-585
coring, A:387
correlation, B:272
in situ temperature measurements, A:402-403
inorganic geochemistry, A:398-400
isotope stratigraphy, B:285-286
lithostratigraphy, A:386-394
operations, A:385-386
organic geochemistry, A:398
paleomagnetism, A:395, 397-398
physical properties, A:400-402
setting and objectives, A:384-385
site description, A:383-408
synthesis and significance, A:403, 405

Site 938, A:409-436

biostratigraphy, A:419-422; B:585
core-seismic integration, A:429-431
coring, A:412
correlation, B:272
in situ temperature measurements, A:431-432
inorganic geochemistry, A:424
isotope stratigraphy, B:286
lithostratigraphy, A:411-419
operations, A:411
organic geochemistry, A:423-424
paleomagnetism, A:422-423
physical properties, A:426-429
setting and objectives, A:410-411
site description, A:409-436
synthesis and significance, A:433-434

Site 939, A:437-461

biostratigraphy, A:445-447; B:585
coring, A:440
correlation, B:272
grain size, B:39
in situ temperature measurements, A:454
inorganic geochemistry, A:449-453
iron sulfides, B:573
isotope stratigraphy, B:286
lithostratigraohy, A:440-445
operations, A:440
organic geochemistry, A:448-449
paleomagnetism, A:447-448
physical properties, A:453-454
setting and opjectives, A:438-440
site description, A:437-461
synthesis and significance, A:455, 457-458

Site 940, A:463-501

bacteria, B:565-571
biostratigraphy, A:472-474; B:585
core-seismic integration, A:486-487
coring, A:466
downhole logging, A:482, 484-485
grain size, B:39
in situ temperature measurements, A:487
inorganic geochemistry, A:475-476, 478
isotope stratigraphy, B:286
lithostratigraphy, A:466-472
operations, A:464-466
organic geochemistry, A:475
paleomagnetism, A:474-475
palynomorphs, B:397-409
physical properties, A:479, 481-482; B:427-430
setting and objectives, A:464
site description, A:463-501
synthesis and significance, A:487-491

Site 941, A:503-536

biostratigraphy, A:512-513, 517-519; B:585
core-seismic integration, A:524-525
coring, A:506
grain size, B:39-40
in situ temperature measurements, A:525-526
inorganic geochemistry, A:520-521
isotope stratigraphy, B:286-287
lithostratigraphy, A:506-512
mass transport deposits, B:465-475
operations, A:505-506
organic geochemistry, A:519-520
paleomagnetism, A:519
physical properties, A:521-522, 524; B:468
setting and objectives, A:504-505
site description, A:503-536
synthesis and significance, A:526, 528-529

Site 942, A:537-567

biostratigraphy, A:549-550; B:585-586
channel-levee systems, B:659-660
core-seismic integration, A:561-563
coring, A:541
correlation, B:272
in situ temperature measurements, A:563-564
inorganic geochemistry, A:557-558
isotope stratigraphy, B:287
lithostratigraphy, A:541-549
operations, A:539-541
organic carbon, B:532-533
organic geochemistry, A:555-557; B:508-509, 511-513, 515
paleomagnetism, A:550, 552-555
physical properties, A:559-561
setting and objectives, A:538-539
site description, A:537-567
synthesis and significance, A:564-566

Site 943, A:569-589

biostratigraphy, A:578-579; B:586
core-seismic integration, A:586-587
coring, A:571
grain size, B:40
inorganic geochemistry, A:583-584
isotope stratigraphy, B:287
lithostratigraphy, A:571-578
operations, A:570-571
organic geochemistry, A:579, 582-583
paleomagnetism, A:579
physical properties, A:584-586
setting and objectives, A:569-570
site description, A:569-589
synthesis and significance, A:587-589

Site 944, A:591-633

biostratigraphy, A:605-606; B:586-587
core-seismic integration, A:620-621
coring, A:594
downhole logging, A:614-615, 617-619
electron microprobe data, B:149-150
grain size, B:40
in situ temperature measurements, A:621-622
inorganic geochemistry, A:610-612
iron sulfides, B:573
isotope stratigraphy, B:287
lithofacies, B:20, 24
lithostratigraphy, A:594-605
operations, A:593-594
organic geochemistry, A:608, 610
paleomagnetism, A:606-608
palynomorphs, B:397-409
physical properties, A:612, 614
setting and objectives, A:592-593
site description, A:591-633
synthesis and significance, A:622-627

Site 945, A:635-655

biostratigraphy, A:646-648; B:587
coring, A:638
grain size, B:40
inorganic geochemistry, A:650-651
isotope stratigraphy, B:287
lithostratigraphy, A:637-646
operations, A:636-637
organic geochemistry, A:649-650
paleomagnetism, A:648-649
physical properties, A:651-653
setting and objectives, A:635-636
site description, A:635-655
synthesis and significance, A:653-654

Site 946, A:657-693

biostratigraphy, A:666-670; B:587
core-seismic integration, A:682
coring, A:659
downhole logging, A:679-682
grain size, B:41
in situ temperature measurements, A:682-683
inorganic geochemistry, A:674-675
isotope stratigraphy, B:287
lithofacies, B:24, 27
lithostratigraphy, A:659-666
operations, A:658-659
organic geochemistry, A:671, 673
paleomagnetism, A:670-671
palynomorphs, B:397-409
physical properties, A:675-679; B:430-432
setting and objectives, A:658
site description, A:657-693
synthesis and significance, A:682-683


lithologic units, A:249, 281, 599
photograph, A:469, 600


peak intensities, A:212, 255, 287

sediments, A:104, 137, 185; B:179-191

See also chlorite-smectite; clay minerals


interstitial waters, A:106, 141, 192, 217, 260, 296, 349, 399, 424, 452, 478, 521, 558, 584, 612, 675
vs. depth, A:149, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677

sodium oxide

sediments, A:297

See also calcium oxide+sodium oxide; calcium oxide/sodium oxide ratio

sodium oxide/aluminum oxide ratio

mud, A:350
sediments, A:141, 478
vs. depth, A:150

soft sediment deformation

lithologic units, A:247, 508-509, 599
photograph, A:98, 250-251

sonar, side-scan, A:540

South America

climate, B:169
continental margin, B:153-154, 156

South America, equatorial, continental margin, A:5-16

South Equatorial Current, ocean circulation, B:373

South Subtropical Gyre, ocean circulation, B:373

sphene. See titanite


turbidite, B:60, 245
See also overspill

spinel, chromian, chemical composition, B:152, 166

sponge spicules, upper Quaternary, B:369


abundance, A:108, 145
See also palynomorphs


lithologic units, A:388, 544
photograph, A:417, 443, 546

stable isotopes

isotope stratigraphy, B:281-303
mass-transport deposits, B:335-351
remineralization, B:502-503

sedimentation, B:305-333

See also carbon isotopes; oxygen isotopes


chemical composition, B:152, 166
modal composition, B:151

steroids, sediments, B:543-545, 548


chromatograms, B:546-547, 549
lithofacies, B:551


lithofacies, B:613-615
photograph, A:248


correlation, B:595-609
turbidite facies, B:108

strength, sediments, B:473

stress, porosity and velocity, B:491-492

structure profiles, channels, A:42-43

submarine canyons, continental margin, A:5-8

submarine failures, mass transport deposits, B:465-475


interstitial waters, A:105-106, 141, 190, 217, 260, 295, 348, 398, 424, 449-450, 476, 519-520, 557-558, 583, 610, 675; B:567-569
vs. depth, A:112, 149-150, 192, 219, 261, 296, 354, 402, 426, 456, 481, 528, 558, 585, 615, 651, 677; B:498-502

sulfate reduction

early diagenesis, B:502-503
See also reduction


sediments, A:103-104, 140, 189-190, 215-217, 259-260, 293-294, 313, 345-346, 398, 423, 448, 475, 519-520, 555-557, 582-583, 608, 610, 649-650, 673
vs. depth, A:111, 148, 191, 218, 260, 295, 352, 401, 425, 455, 480, 527, 557, 584, 613, 650, 676

sulfur logs, vs. depth, A:160, 364

surface area

minerals, B:531-538
See also carbon, organic/surface area ratio

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talweg, turbidite, B:76-77


boreholes, A:305, 360, 485, 619, 682
vs. depth, A:121, 162, 167, 199, 229, 233, 269, 308, 312, 369, 373, 408, 436, 461, 494, 496, 535, 566, 625, 627, 685, 687

temperature measurements, in situ

Site 930, A:115-116
Site 931, A:163
Site 932, A:196
Site 933, A:230
Site 934, A:264-265
Site 935, A:307-308
Site 936, A:362
Site 937, A:402-403
Site 938, A:431-432
Site 939, A:454
Site 940, A:487
Site 941, A:525-526
Site 942, A:563-564
Site 944, A:621-622
Site 946, A:682-683

terranes, source, B:170

textures, silt/sand load, B:53-78

thermal conductivity

sediments, A:109-110, 148, 158, 300, 302, 304
vs. depth, A:119
vs. porosity, A:119, 157, 305

thorium. See uranium/thorium ratio logs

thorium logs, vs. depth, A:227, 267, 366

thorium/potassium ratio logs, vs. depth, A:227

titanite, chemical composition, B:152

tomography, mass transport deposits, B:465-475


continental margin, A:5-8
fans, B:473

tourmaline, modal composition, B:151 trace elements

mud, A:350, A:399
sediments, A:150, 193, 220, 262, 297, 355, 403, 427, 457, 482, 529, 559

transgressions, sedimentation, A:548-549

transport, palynomorphs, B:383-384

traveltime, vs. depth, A:165; B:482, 490

triterpinoid. See alcohols, triterpinoid


bed characteristics, B:82
bed thickness, B:88
channel-levee systems, B:659-660
clay mineralogy, B:191
grain size, B:69-76
lithofacies, B:7-33
lithologic units, A:95-96, 163, 209, 278, 280-281, 334, 418, 445, 565, 599
photograph, A:247, 417, 661-662; B:83-84, 86-87, 89-90, 92-105
sedimentation, A:548
spillover, B:60, 245
See also Channel-levee System 5

turbidite, bioclastic, lithofacies, B:636

turbidite, fine-grained

grain size, B:217-228
lithofacies, A:79-108

turbidite, graded, muddy, photograph, A:390

turbidite, overbank, sediments, A:338

turbidite, sandy, vs. depth, B:550

turbidity currents

deposition, A:603, 605; B:663
lithologic units, A:183
overspill, B:53-78
physical properties, B:435-436

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underway geophysics, Amazon Fan, A:83

Unit R Debris Flow

age, B:136-137
lithologic units, A:363-364, 623
trace elements, A:350

Upper Levee Complex

electron microprobe data, B:149-150
fabric, B:449-450
geochemistry, A:478
grain size, B:217-228
lithofacies, B:27, 29
trace elements, A:350
See also Bottom Levee Complex; Lower Levee Complex; Middle Levee Complex

uranium logs, vs. depth, A:227, 267, 366

uranium/potassium ratio logs, vs. depth, A:227

uranium/thorium ratio logs, vs. depth, A:227

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valleys, channels, A:31-41 vegetation

paleoclimatology, B:381-396
phytoliths, B:411-418

vegetation, alpine, palynomorphs, B:391

vegetation index, cold-adapted

sedimentation, B:385-388
See also paleovegetation; vegetation


comparison between calculated and log results, B:480-482
relation to porosity and clay, B:480-481
vs. depth, A:485, 561
vs. porosity, B:481
See also compressional wave velocity

velocity logs, vs. depth, A:159, 165, 226, 305, 363, 490, 496, 622, 683; B:423-424


abundance, A:108, 145, 332
carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus ratios, B:515
early diagenesis, B:498-501, 672
lithologic units, A:207-209, 443
photograph, A:445
sediments, A:448-449

vivianite crystals, photograph, A:336

void ratio

sub-bottom depth, B:1-2
vs. depth, B:141
See also porosity

volcanic rocks, microlitic, photomicrograph, A:255

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water content

fluidized sediments, B:467-469
vs. CT-value, B:471
vs. depth, A:115, 153, 195, 222, 264, 300, 358, 405, 430, 459, 485, 532, 561, 586, 618, 653, 679; B:130, 141-142


lithofacies, B:551
See also alcohols, wax


sediments, A:141; B:171-172


channel-levee systems, B:13, 16-17, 24, 27
comparison with lithology, A:160
mass transport deposits, B:131-133
physical properties, B:421-446
Site 931, A:148, 150, 153, 155-160
Site 933, A:222-228
Site 934, A:262-264
Site 935, A:302, 304-305
Site 936, A:354-355, 358, 360
Site 940, A:482, 484-485
Site 944, A:614-615, 617-619
Site 946, A:679-682
velocity, B:482
See also log processing; log units

wetness, samples, B:195

wireline logs

clay-porosity-velocity, B:493
physical properties, B:421-446

wood fragments

deposition, A:645-646
lithologic units, A:331-332, 661
photograph, A:247, 642

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X-ray computed tomography. See CT-value; tomography

X-ray diffraction data

clay mineralogy, B:183, 185-186
iron sulfides, B:248
peak intensities, A:93-94, 104, 130-131, 137, 180-181, 183, 185, 207, 212, 248-249, 255, 281, 287, 335-336, 342, 391, 393, 415-418, 444, 448, 470, 474, 510-512, 520, 545, 548, 576, 578, 603, 606, 645-646, 663, 670

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Yellow Channel-levee System

core-seismic integration, A:117
fan deposits, A:394
lithofacies, B:626-627, 629, 637-639
lithologic units, A:232, 403, 433
lithology, A:394
remanent magnetization, A:701
sediments, A:229, 232
See also levee flanks; Purple/Blue/Yellow Channel-levee Systems

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zircon, modal composition, B:151

Zone X, sediments, A:673

Zone Z, clay mineralogy, B:179-180

Zone Z/Y boundary, clay mineralogy, B:179-180


biostratigraphy, B:579-580, 669
clay mineralogy, B:189-191

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