Smear Slides N=none; T=trace (<2%); R=rare (2-10%); C=common (10-25%); A=abundant (25-50%); D=dominant (>50%) Leg: 172 Site: 1057 Hole: A Sili.Fraction Composition Core Type Section cm % Pelagic % Siliclastic % Siliclastic Sand % Siliclastic Silt % Siliclastic Clay Quartz Feldspar Mica Clay Chlorite Volcanic Glass Glauconite Phosphate Zeolites Rock Fragments Carbonate Grains Micrite Opaque Fe/MN Oxide Pyrite Amphibole Opal Nannofossils Foraminifers Diatoms Radiolarians Silicoflagellates Sponge Spicules Shell debris Fish remains Peloids/pellets Organic matter Other Unidentified Sediment or Rock Name 1 H 1 10 70 30 10 90 R T A R/C D T T T clayey nannofossil ooze 1 H 2 10 20 80 30 70 R A C C T T T clay with nannofossils 1 H 5 10 30 70 20 80 R/C A R/C A T T T nannofossil clay 3 H 2 97 10 90 20 80 R R D T C T T clay with nannofossils and silt 3 H 5 70 25 75 50 50 C R A T A T T clay-nannofossil mixed sediment with silt 4 H 2 88 75 25 30 70 R R C T D T T nannofossil ooze with clay 4 H 4 110 10 90 20 80 R R D T T C T T clay with nannofossils and silt 6 H 3 20 25 75 20 80 T T D A T T nannofossil clay with silt 8 H 3 50 25 75 15 85 R R T A T T nannofossil clay with silt 10 H 4 100 5 95 15 85 R R D T A T T clay with nannofossils and silt 11 H 6 110 10 90 5 95 T T D T C T T clay with nannofossil 12 H 2 87 10 90 10 90 T T D C T clay with nannofossils and silt Smear Slides N=none; T=trace (<2%); R=rare (2-10%); C=common (10-25%); A=abundant (25-50%); D=dominant (>50%) Leg: 172 Site: 1057 Hole: B Sili.Fraction Composition Core Type Section cm % Pelagic % Siliclastic % Siliclastic Sand % Siliclastic Silt % Siliclastic Clay Quartz Feldspar Mica Clay Chlorite Volcanic Glass Glauconite Phosphate Zeolites Rock Fragments Carbonate Grains Micrite Opaque Fe/MN Oxide Pyrite Amphibole Opal Nannofossils Foraminifers Diatoms Radiolarians Silicoflagellates Sponge Spicules Shell debris Fish remains Peloids/pellets Organic matter Other Unidentified Sediment or Rock Name 1 H 1 8 20 80 30 70 R D R C T T T T silty clay with nannofossils 1 H 1 51 25 75 30 70 R D C C T T T silty clay with nannofossils and limonite 1 H 1 121 30 70 20 80 R/C A R A T T T nannofossil clay 2 H 5 116 35 65 10 90 R D T C R R T clay with nannofossils 3 H 3 68 20 80 15 85 R D T C T T T clay with nannofossils 3 H 4 90 10 90 10 90 T D T C T T clay with nannofossils 6 H 6 24 50 50 25 75 C A R T T A R T T clay nannofossil mixed sediment 6 H 6 63 5 95 R/C D R C T T T clay with nannofossils 6 H 7 30 2 98 T A D T T T clayey nannofossil ooze 7 H 6 27 5 95 T D R C T T clay with nannofossils 12 1 75 10 90 R D C T T R clay with nannofossils and silt 14 5 142 25 75 C D R R silty clay 15 1 6 60 40 C C R T clayey silt 15 1 10 80 2O T D R T R clay with silt 15 1 12 80 20 T D R T R clay with silt Smear Slides N=none; T=trace (<2%); R=rare (2-10%); C=common (10-25%); A=abundant (25-50%); D=dominant (>50%) Leg: 172 Site: 1057 Hole: C Sili.Fraction Composition Core Type Section cm % Pelagic % Siliclastic % Siliclastic Sand % Siliclastic Silt % Siliclastic Clay Quartz Feldspar Mica Clay Chlorite Volcanic Glass Glauconite Phosphate Zeolites Rock Fragments Carbonate Grains Micrite Opaque Fe/MN Oxide Pyrite Amphibole Opal Nannofossils Foraminifers Diatoms Radiolarians Silicoflagellates Sponge Spicules Shell debris Fish remains Peloids/pellets Organic matter Other Unidentified Sediment or Rock Name 1 3 63 80 20 C C T R T clayey silt 4 5 100 30 70 R D C R clay with silt and nannofossils