Thin Interval Rock name Description section # 72 "1068A-2R-2, " Calcareous Quartz clasts <0.1 mm; muscovite flakes up to 0.5mm long; 103-6 cm siltstone with "scattered peloids. Mostly cemented by calcite microspar," mica with rare overgrowths over echinoderm fragments; some laminae have micrite matrix. 73 "1068A-2R-4, " Silty claystone Quartz clasts <0.05 mm; scattered mica flakes and opaques 125-8 cm "(mostly plant debris). Matrx support, micrite and partial" pseudo-optically continuous phyllosilicate clay 74 "1068A-2R-4, " Silty limestone Thick slide. Microspar with scattered quartz silt 131-4 cm 75 "1068A-3R-7," Foram. sand/ Laminae of foram. sand and claystone (pseudo-optically 20-3 cm calc. claystone/ "continuous) up to 10 mm thick. Quartz silt/sand rare, " claystone trace of muscovite. Clay rich laminae compacted without breaking forams. Overlain by 8mm calc. claystone with burrow fills of claystone; top of slide is claystone 76 "1068A-4R-2," Calc. siltstone/ Similar to 81. Laminae of quartz silt in microspar and 137-40 cm silty limestone "micrite with scattered quartz, plus rare mica. " 77 "1068A-4R-6, " Calcareous "Laminated: spar and micrite. Quartz, mica, peloids, foram " 36-40 cm siltstone debris 78 "1068A-5R-1, " Calc. claystone/ "Red brown pseudo-optically continuous claystone, and less " 4-6 cm claystone oriented calc claystone mixed by burrowing. Some lenses of quartz silt. 79 "1068A-5R-3, " F.g. micaceous "Angular quartz (0.1-0.2 mm), moderately well sorted, " 72-5 cm calc. sandstone "trace mica, common feldspar often altered to cloudy grains " in ppl. Rare peloids in parts of section. Well compacted but no grain contact solution; remaining porosity filled with calcite spar. 80 "1068A-5R-5, " Calcareous "Quartz <0.1 mm, mica <0.5 mm. Rare biotite and opaque " 72-5 cm siltstone minerals; microspar cement 81 "1068A-6R-4, " Calc. sandy/ "Quartz <0.2 mm, mica <0.5 mm; trace peloids; rare forams" 17-20 cm silty claystone Matrix is clay minerals and micrite 82 "1068A-6R-5, " Brown claystone Orange brown optically pseudo continuous clay; silt laminae 1-5 cm with trace mica. 83 "1068A-6R-6, " Laminated Laminae 0.5-3 mm thick of alternating fine grained quartz 31-4 cm calcareous sand and clay (pseudo-optically continuous). Clay laminae sandstone contain angular quartz. Sand laminae contain angular quartz 84 "1068A-8R-6, " 4 Claystone pseudo-optical continuity in large burrow fills only 140-5 cm 3 Calc. claystone "v.f.g, no clay mineral orientation; scattered quartz and" calcite silt (0.02 mm) 2 Foram packst. Planktonic foram debris (<0.1 mm) in micrite matrix; top is interlaminated with 3; rare fish scales 1 Lithoclast "Coarse to very coarse sand with clasts of meta-arenite," foram. sst " pelite, large benthic forams (some almost totally " "micritized), few planktonic forams. Matrix of microspar" "and laminae of oriented brown clay, possibly burrow." 85 "1068A-8R-7, " Skeletal "Coarse to very coarse grained: allochems: forams, " 61-3 cm intraclastic "echinoderms, micritized skeltal material, lithoclasts of " grainstone peloidal packstone and micrite (algal material?). Granular sparite cement; optical continuity with echinoderms 86 "1068A-7R-2, " In core: dark Bad slide: most material probably ripped away remade as TS 82-84 cm brown to orange "Irregular 'clasts' ~0.07 mm, opaque to dark brown. " 149 cross lam. Where matrix remains it contains quartz silt (<0.015 mm) re-labelled 86 sst. clay minerals and micas. "Were clasts originally glauconite, now oxidised?" 87 "1068A-7R-3, " Claystone Peloids of clay and carbonate? peloids in clay matrix 85-88 cm 88 "1068A-7R-3, " Poor slide "Interlaminated silt, micrite (chalk) and clayey micrite with" 53 cm planktonic forams 89 "1068A-7R-5, " Foram quartz "Lithologies alternate, possibly due to burrowing" 49-53 cm sand and claystone 94 "1068A-9R-2, " Calc siltstone "Similar to TS 80, but quartz clasts float in spar/micrite " 109-112 cm "matrix, suggesting neomorphism of original carbonate mud." 95 "1068A-9R-2, " Conglomerate "Clasts up to 7 mm long: pelite, meta-arenite(some with" 138-9 cm "aligned mica), mica schist, arkose, chalk, peloidal grnst.," "micritic boundstone, one possible micritized ooid, one" "large echinoderm spine (5 mm). Well compacted, grain" contact solution. 96 "1068A-12R-3, " Claystone 2 intervals: lower one has 1mm of siltstone at base; upper one 13-17 cm sharp based; both contain silt filled burrows ~0.3 mm 97 "1068A-12R-4, " Claystone "Orange brown clay, pseudo-optically continuous," 58-61 cm scattered quartz silt. 98 "1068A-15R-6, " Breccia matrix "Matrix consist of microspar (<0.02 mm), each crystal of " 29-31 cm which shows a colored dusty rim; silt to coarse sand sized clasts are scattered throughout (matrix support). Many "clasts are rimmed by elongate calcite crystals, some of " which contain brownish inclusions. The thickness of the rims varies around the clasts (0-0.15mm). calcite "veins also tend to wrap around the clasts, and overlie" the rims as shown by inclusions that mark the latter 99 "1068A-15R-5, " Chalk clast Skeletal wackestone. Juvenile forams (<0.005 mm) and 33-6 cm spar filled microspheres (<0.01 mm) set in micrite. Calpionellids 100 "1068A-15R-6, " Breccia matrix "Similar to 98, but calcite veins up to 1 cm across." 40-3 cm In places inclusions within them show former presence of calcite rims to clasts 105 "1068A-14R-5, " 63-68 cm 106 "1068A-16R-5, " Breccia matrix Micrite. Clasts have thin fringe of calcite that predates 91-5 cm calcite fill to veins. 109 "1068A-17R-4, " Breccia matrix Peloidal internal sediments below calcite vein (v large 76-80 cm calcite crystals ~3 mm) or pore fill 137 "1068A-13R-2, " Foram packstone/ "Planktonic forams <0.1 mm, spar filled, closely packed" 32-35 cm foram chalk matrix of micrite 138 "1068A-13R-6, " Quartz silty "Similar to 137, but forams a little smaller (<0.07 mm) and" 85-87 cm foram packstone possibly juvenile forms showing as simple circles filled "with spar. ~5% quartz, rare mica" 139 "1068A-14R-3, " Foram /quartz/ Well compacted: clasts and burrows squashed together without 56-59 cm lithoclast significant grain fracturing. packstone with Top: similar to base but finer (<0.3 mm) and more clay claystone "0.75 mm. Benthic forams, planktic foram debris spar filled," filled burrows "echinoderm plates and spines, peloids/coated and micritized " "skeletal grains, quartz single and polycrystalline; fine grained" pelites. Elongate claystone and calc. claystone lenses (1-2 mm X "0.3 mm) flattened by compaction, some longer and one extends" "Probable in situ burrows, but perhaps resedimented pieces" of burrow? 140 "1068A-15R-3, " Mica schist F.g. mica schist with trace muscovite 18 cm pebble (1.5 cm) 141 "1068A-15R-4, " Foram sand/ "Foram sand <0.15 mm, few peloids. Spar and micrite fill" 90-94 cm chalk inter- and intra-particle porosity. 2 mm lamina of calc. quartz silt with peloids more common than in foram sand