Table T9. Pollen and dinocyst occurences.
Sample information
Sample: 1249.4–1249.5 ft (380.82–380.85 m)

Palynological zone: Zone V

Stage determination: late Turonian

Stratigraphic correlation: South Amboy Fire Clay (lower Magothy Formation)

Paleoecology: nonmarine

Palynological recovery: very poor

Diagnostic taxa:


Heidelbergipollis sp. A Christopher Amboy Stoneware Clay
Osculapollis sp. C Christopher Oldbridge–Cliffwood
Tricolporate type 6 Doyle 1969 Magothy
Sample: 1256.4–1256.6 ft (382.95–383.01 m)

Palynological zone: Zone V (dating based on sample at 1285.3 ft [391.76 m])

Stage determination: late Turonian

Stratigraphic correlation: South Amboy Fire Clay (lower Magothy Formation)

Paleoecology: nonmarine

Palynological recovery: very poor

Diagnostic taxa:


Tricolporites distinctus II–V
Tricolporate type 2 Doyle 69 Fig. F3 Raritan (Zone IV)
Triatriopollenites sp. Raritan–Magothy

Rugubivesiculites reductus upper Patapsco–Maastrichtian
Araucariacites australis Jurassic–Cretaceous
Sample: 1257.7–1257.9 ft (383.35–383.41 m)


Sample: 1285.3–1285.5 ft (391.76–391.82 m)
The appearance of several species of triporates of the genera Complexipollis and Porocolpopollenites and the absence of triporates, typical of the middle and upper Magothy in both this sample and at 1291.8–1291.95 ft (393.74–393.79 m) strongly suggests Zone V (SAFC) for this sample.
Palynological zone: Zone V
Stage determination: late Turonian
Stratigraphic correlation: South Amboy Fire Clay (lower Magothy Formation)
Paleoecology: nonmarine
Palynological recovery: poor
Diagnostic taxa:
Complexipollis sp. Type 1 V (SAFC)
Complexipollis sp. Type 2 V (SAFC)
Complexipollis sp. D Christopher 1979 V (SAFC)–upper Magothy
Tricolporites distinctus II–V
Sample: 1291.8–1291.95 ft (393.74–393.79 m)
No Raritan or upper Magothy triporates are found in this sample. The presence of several species of Complexipollis common to the SAFC places it at this horizon.
Palynological zone: Zone V
Stage determination: late Turonian
Stratigraphic correlation: South Amboy Fire Clay (lower Magothy Formation)
Paleoecology: nonmarine
Palynological recovery: poor
Diagnostic taxa:
Complexipollis sp. D Christopher 1979 V (SAFC)–upper Magothy
Complexipollis sp. Type 2 Bebout V (SAFC)
Porocolpopollenites sp. Doyle 1969 V
Complexipollis sp. B Doyle V (SAFC)
Sample: 1320.2–1320.3 ft (402.40–402.43 m)
Although there are few palynomorphs in this sample, Complexipollis sp. A is one of the oldest triporate-Normapolle types that are found in the Woodbridge Clay member of the Raritan Formation. It is very similar to the Atlantpollis complex of the Woodbridge Clay.
Palynological zone: Zone IV
Stage determination: late Cenomanian
Stratigraphic correlation: Raritan (Woodbridge member)
Paleoecology: marine shelf
Palynological recovery: poor
Diagnostic taxa:
Complexipollis sp. A Doyle IV (Raritan)
Tricoporoidites sp. A Doyle III–IV

Epelidosphaerida spinosa Davey Cenomanian of the Scotia Shelf
Sample: 1341–1342 ft (408.74–409.04 m)

Palynological zone: Zone IV

Stage determination: late Cenomanian

Stratigraphic correlation: Raritan (Woodbridge member)

Paleoecology: marine shelf

Palynological recovery: very poor

Diagnostic taxa:

Pollen and Spores

Piceapollenites alatus I–IV
Araucariacites australis II–IV
Cicatricosisporites spp. Long ranging
Gleicheniidites senonicus Cretaceous

Hystrichosphaeridium (fragment)

Callaiosphaeridium asymmetricus Hauterivian–Coniacian on the Scotian shelf
Sample: 1353.8–1354.0 ft (412.64–412.70 m)
The diversity of palynomorphs is very low in this sample. The organic matter is dominated by vitrain and fusain, which is common for marsh conditions in the Bass River–Raritan horizons. Atlantapollis verrucosa is a key species only found in Zone IV. It is easy to identify and is one of the earliest Normapolles to appear in the Cretaceous section. The appearance of numerous tiny, spherical acritarchs (10–12 µm), and the absence of the larger Spiniferites types (dinoflagellates) suggests brackish water conditions.
Palynological zone: Zone IV
Stage determination: late Cenomanian
Stratigraphic correlation: Raritan (Woodbridge member)
Paleoecology: brackish
Palynological recovery: very poor
Diagnostic taxa:
Cleistosphaeridium sp. Similar to those found in the Woodbridge Clay
Exochosphaeridium bifidum upper Albian–Campanian
Micrhystridium spp. When dominant, indicates brackish conditions

Atlantapollis verrucosa IV (Raritan)
Sample: 1383.8–1384.0 ft (421.78–421.84 m)
It is possible that Ajatipollis sp. A extends into Zone IV, although it has not been studied. If it does, then given the paucity of palynomorphs in this sample, dating is uncertain. The sample contains mostly vitrain and fusain.
Palynological zone: Zone III?
Stage determination: lower Cenomanian
Stratigraphic correlation: subsurface Raritan of Delaware, Raritan of Maryland
Paleoecology: brackish–marine
Palynological recovery: very poor
Diagnostic taxa:

Ajatipollis sp. A Doyle IIB–III, rare in I, common in III

Camarozonosporites rudus Found commonly in Zone III
Acritarchs and dinoflagellates

Micrhystridium spp. When dominant indicates brackish conditions
Cyclonephelium sp.

Sample: 1411.2–1411.4 ft (430.13–430.19 m)

Palynological zone: Zone III

Stage determination: early Cenomanian

Stratigraphic correlation: uppermost Patapsco: subsurface Raritan of Delaware, Raritan of Maryland

Paleoecology: nonmarine

Palynological recovery: very poor

Diagnostic taxa:

Pollen and spores

Rugubivesiculites sp. II–Maastrichtian
Appendicisporites potomacensis I–III
Brenneropollis peroreticulatus I–III
Stephanocolpites tectorius III
Tricolporopollenites sp. A Doyle III
Sample: 1434.2–1434.3 ft (437.14–437.17 m)

Palynological zone: Zone III

Stage determination: early Cenomanian

Stratigraphic correlation: uppermost Patapsco: subsurface Raritan of Delaware, Raritan of Maryland

Paleoecology: nonmarine

Palynological recovery: poor

Diagnostic palynomorphs:

Appendicisporites potomacensis I–III
Cingulatisporites eukirchensoides Albian of eastern Austrlia
Tricolporopollenites triangulus IIC–III
Tricolporopollenites sp. B Doyle III
Sample: 1473.5–1473.7 ft (449.12–449.18 m)

Palynological zone: Zone III

Stage determination: early Cenomanian

Stratigraphic correlation: uppermost Patapsco: subsurface Raritan of Delaware, Raritan of Maryland

Paleoecology: nonmarine

Palynological recovery: fair

Diagnostic taxa:


Ajatipollis sp. A Doyle IIB–III, rare in I, common in III
Tricolpites nemejci Pacltova III
Tricolporoidites sp. A Doyle III

Camarozonosporites rudus Found commonly in Zone III
Gleicheniidites circinidites Potomac Group
Appendicisporites tricornatatus Potomac Group
Sample: 1495.3–1495.5 ft (455.77–455.83 m)
Both Subzone IIC and Zone III forms are found in this sample. The abundance of bisaccate coniferous pollen is a very common aspect of the upper Patapsco. This most likely reflects cooler paleoclimatic conditions at this time. The boundaries between Subzone IIC and Zone III have never been defined in the literature so a mixed assemblage creates a dating problem.
Palynological zone: Zone IIC to lower III
Stage determination: early Cenomanian
Stratigraphic correlation: uppermost Patapsco: Elkneck Beds of Maryland to subsurface Delaware and Raritan of New Jersey
Paleoecology: brackish
Palynological recovery: good
Diagnostic taxa:
Angiosperm Pollen
Peromonolites allenensis Brenner I–II
Tricolpies nemejci Pacltova III
Tricolpites triangularus Groot, Penney & Penney IIC–III

Appendicisporites tricornatus Potomac Group
Gleicheniidites circiidites Potomac Group
Lycopodiacidites triangularis Brenner Potomac Group
Taurocosporites spackmani Brenner IIB–IIC
Gymnosprem Pollen

Alisporites bilateris Potomac Group
Abietineaepollenites spp. Potomac Group
Rugubivesiculites rugosus IIC type IIC–lower III
Abietineaepollenites microviculatus Potomac Group

Micrhystridium spp. When dominant indicates brackish conditions