(ft) |
444–444.2 |
Essentially barren except for a single tricolpate grain. |
471.1–471.2 |
Zone V. |
485.5–485.7 |
Some long ranging spores, Zone V. |
522.4 |
Zone V, Magothy Formation, Deflandria (dinoflagellate). |
529 |
Some nondiagnostic long ranging spores. |
533.3–533.5 |
A few nondiagnostic Cretaceous spores. |
*560 | Appendicisporites multicornutus Kinyai. | Sabalpollenites dividuus Kimyai. | Zone V, Raritan Formation. |
581.0–581.2 | Apiculatisporis babsae, Neoraistricktia robustus. |
Reworked Patapsco Zone II spores. |
585.2 | Neoraistrickia robustus. |
Reworked Patapsco spore. |
646.2–646.3 |
A few nondiagnostic spores and lots of durain. |
*677.8–678.05 | Rugibivesiculites multiplex Pierce, Tricolpites wilsoni Kimyai. |
Zone IV, Raritan Formation. |
755.3–755.5 |
Essentially barren with a few grains of nondiagnostic spores. |
*761.1 | Cicatricosisporites patapscoensis Zone II–Zone III, Rugibivesiculites rugosa common in Zone IIC, Cicatricosisporites patapscoensis Zone IIB–Zone III. | Tricolporopollenites triangulus Zone IIC–Zone III. | Zone IIC–Zone III, uppermost Patapsco. Zone IIC cannot be distinguished from Zone III because of poor palynomorph recovery. |
*933.8–934.0 | Appendicisporites patapscoensis Zone II. | Auraucariacites australis common occurrence of this gymnosperm pollen typical in Zone IIB, Clavatipollenites minutus common occurrence at this horizon suggests Zone II. | Zone II B, Patapsco. Common occurrence of various species of Cicatricosisporites more typical of Zone II than Zone III. |
982.2–982.4 | Neoraistricktia robustus Zone IIB. |
Very poor sample. |
1039.1–1039.3 | Cicatricoisporites hallei common, Cicatricoisporites spp. common, Granulatisporites dailyi. |
Very poor sample that resembles Patuxent Arundel Horizon Zone I? Impoverished assemblage makes it impossible to distinguish Zone I from Zone II. Common occurrence of species of Schizaeaceae spores more typical of Zone I. |
1043.7–1043.9 | Cicatricosisporites australensis common, Cicatricosisporites hallei, Cingulatisporites distaverrucosus, Granulatisporites dailyi. |
Zone I? Common occurrence of species of Schizaeaceae spores more typical of Zone I. |
435.5–435.6 |
Poor recovery some spores, rare small tricolporate triangular pollen. |
438.9–484 |
No organic residue. |
444.1–444.2 |
Unsure of status. |
444–444.2 |
Very poor recovery some spores, a few pollen (gymnosperms and rare angiosperms). |
471.1–471.2 | Cyathidites type spores common, Bisaccates (abundant, mostly mineral-filled), Cicatricosisporites? sp. (schizaceous fern spores); common, small oblate tricolporate, medium oblate tricolporate (aff. Colpoporopollenites?), small prolate tricolporate, advanced triporate (deformed, unidentified); very rare, Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus type, Cf. Minorpollis minima?; very rare, not any good normapolles. |
(PPMcL: Zone ?) Good sample but good zone markers are lacking. |
485.3–485.4 | Cicatricosisporites? sp. (schizaceous fern spores), common. | Taxiodiaceaepollenites sp. (taxodiaceous type), common bisacccate conifers. | (PPMcL: Zone ?). Good sample but good zone markers are lacking. Nondescript mid-size tricolpates, smaller subtriangular oblate tricolpates with slightly thickened pink rims on colpi, small normapolle, nondescript thin-walled smallish subtriangular triporate with simple open pores, monolete polypod type. |
485.5–485.7 |
Essentially barren. Some nondiagnostic long ranging spores, including schizaceous type. |
520–520.2 |
Barren. |
522.9–523.0 | Complexiopollis sp., Cicatricosisporites sp. | Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus type, common saccate conifers, Momipites sp.?, Complexiopollis cf. sp. K? Christopher (punctuate appearance from columellae, distinct annulus) Zone IV, Complexiopollis sp. V? Christopher (thick arci, concave sides) Zone V, Complexiopollis sp. D? Christopher (convex sides with folded-over arci) Zone IV. | (PPMcL: Zone IV or V?). Good sample, should be zonable. Several other species of smaller, more triangular normapolles, smaller subtriangular oblate tricolpates with slightly thickened pink rims on colpi, circular oblate tripolorate with small u-shaped thickenings at pores. |
529–529.1 | Laevigatosporites cf. gracilis, Cyathidites sp., Concavissimisporites sp. (small, thickened exine), Sphagnumsporites sp. | Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, Abietineaepollenites? sp., other bisaccates spp., "Tricolporopollenites" cf. triangulus. | (GJB: nondiagnostic; PPMcL: Zone IV? Higher?). I don't have a lot of experience in this interval so only estimate as Zone IV; only really suggestive form is the T. cf. triangulus, which ranges down to Zone III but looks like an advanced form like that shown for Zone IV by Doyle and Robbins (1977). |
533.3–533.5 |
Poor recovery. |
560.1–560.2 | Plicatella multicornutus Kimyai (described in Woodbridge clay), Cicatricosisporites spp., Concavissimisporites sp. (psilate), Lycopodiacidites cerniidites, Gleicheniidites senonicus?, Plicatella multicornutus (Zone IV/Woodbridge clay or higher), Equisitosporites cf. virginiaensis. | Sabalpollenites dividuus Kimyai (described in Woodbridge clay), Abietineaepollenites sp., Pinuspollenites sp., other bisaccate conifers, Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, Tricolporopollenites cf. triangulus. | (GJB: Zone IV?; PPMcL: Zone IV?). Abundant bisaccates, a few inaperturates and spores, in generally junky sample; spore assemblage has a different look than the samples below; I don't have a lot of experience in this interval so only estimate as Zone IV. |
561.8–562.0 | Plicatella tricornitatus, Sphagnumsporites sp.?, Cicatricosisporites spp., Cicatricosisporites cf. hallei, Cyathidites sp., Laevigatosporites gracilis, Triporoletes sp. | Classopollis classoides, Equisitopollenites/Ephedripites sp., Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, Rugibivesiculites rugosus (Zone IIC to at least top K), common Saccate Conifer spp., Brenneripollis peroreticulatus?, Peromonolites (Brenneripollis) reticulatus, Reticulate monosulcates, Retimonocolpites dividuus?, small tricolp/tricolporates, cf. "Tricolpoporopollenites" sp. B of D&R (Zone III upward), Cf. Rousea geranioides? (Zone II upward), Tricolpites sp. cf. T. retiformis (long range, to Paleogene?) or T. micromunus (from Zone II), Tricolpites sp., Triatriopollenites? sp. (triporate, probably Zone IV and younger), Foveotricolporites rhombohedralis (typical form; Zone III upward), Tricolpites sp. cf. T. retiformis?, Tricolpites minutus? | (PPMcL: upper Zone III to lower Zone IV?). Many oblate tricolporates (Zone III upward) but only one triporate species; marine influence indicated by dinoflagellates. Very rare dinoflagellates and fragments. |
581.0–581.2 | Apiculatisporis babsae (reworked, GJB), Neoraistrickia robustus (reworked, GJB). | Tricolpate angiosperm. | (Zone IIB or younger). Gymnosperm pollen, some spores, rare angiosperm pollen, generally poor recovery. |
585.2–585.3 | Neoraistrickia robustus (reworked, GJB). |
Unzoned. |
591.0–591.1 |
Barren. |
610.0–610.1 | Plicatella sp., Plicatella tricornitatus, Taurucusporites reduncus, Cyathidites sp., Cicatricosisporites sp. | Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, a few bisaccates, Monosulcites sp., Porocolpopollenites or Tricolporopollenites sp. (higher in Zone III?), Tricolporoidites sp. A D&R (Zone III, possibly higher), Tricolpites? sp., Cf. Psilatricolporites distinctus (Zone IIC through Zone V [SAFC] maybe higher), Cf. Tricolpopollenites micropunctatus Groot or aff. Tricolporoidites sp. A D&R, Clavatipollenites cf. minutus (Zone I to at least Zone III, maybe higher) common, cf. Tricolporopollenites sp. A (Zone III and upward), Dinoflagellate. | (PPMcL: Zone III, upper?). Many oblate tricolporates (Zone III upward) but no triporates or advanced tricolporates so not likely Zone IV; marine influence indicated by dinoflagellates. |
612.7–612.9 |
No spores or pollen. |
623.9–624 |
No organic residue. |
628.5–628.6 | Cicatricosisporites sp., Cicatricosisporites hallei, Gleicheniidites senonicus? Cyathidites sp. | Abietieaepollenites sp., Eucommiidites troedssoni? Inaperturopollenits dubius, Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, Sabalpollenites scabrus, Classopollis classoides, Clavatipollenites minutus, Clavatipollenites hughesii, Tricolporopollenites cf. sp. B (Zone III and upward), Cupuliferoidaepollenites parvulus, Tricolpites minutus, Psilatricolporites distinctus (upper Zone IIC and Zone III? and above), Tricolporoidites sp. A (typical forms like this more typical of Zone III, some forms down into Zone IIC). | (PPMcL: Zone III). A lot of fine debris and most of the pollen are small; includes forms that start in Zone III but no advanced types or triporates so not likely Zone IV. |
637.0–637.2 |
Essentially barren. |
646.2–646.4 |
Little recovery, a few nondiagnostic spores and lots of durain. |
660.7–660.8 | Spores: Plicatella sp., Cicatricosisporites sp., Triporoletes cf. cenomanius, Sphagnumsporites sp. cf. antiquisporites. | Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, common saccate conifers, Porocolpopollenites sp., Clavatipollenites cf. minutus (Zone I to at least Zone III, maybe higher), Psilatricolporites cf. subtilis (Zone IIC, Zone III, probably higher to at least late Cenomanian), Tricolpites cf. micromunus?, "Tricolporopollenites" aff. triangulus (Zone IIB upwards to at least Zone IV), Tricolpites cf. micromunus?, Tricolpites cf. crassimurus, Tricolpites nemejcii? (Zone III). | (PPMcL: Zone III?). Good sample; numerous finely reticulate tricolpates and small tricolp/tricolporates with slightly thickened rims; possible T. nemejcii is only marker for Zone III or higher; no triporates, normapolles or other advanced angiosperms indicative of Zone IV. |
677.85–678.05 |
Essentially barren. |
677.8–677.9 |
Essentially barren. |
677.85–678.05 |
Rugibivesiculites multiplex Pierce, Clavatipollenites sp.,Tricolpites wilsoni Kimyai. | (GJB: Zone IV; PPMcL: Zone III? based on position). PPMcL has no slides but noted numerous Plicatella before sent; is it possible that R. multiplex and T. wilsoni could have been confused with similar Zone III forms? I would be surprised by Zone IV at this depth given other samples above. |
705.9–706 |
No organic residue. |
708–708.2 | Cicatricosisporites sp. |
Very poor recovery. |
709.5–709.6 | Spores: Cicatricosisporites sp. | Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, a few bisaccates, Clavatipollenites cf. minutus (Zone I to at least Zone III, maybe higher), Tricolpites sp. B (Zone IIB to Zone III), "Tricolpopollenites" parvulus (Zone IIA to Zone III), Tricolpites cf. albiensis? (Zone IIA–Zone IIC per D&R, into Zone III per Hochuli), Tricolpites minutus (from base Zone IIB, poroidate forms more common from upper Zone IIB upward), Psilatricolporites cf. subtilis (Zone IIC-–Zone III), Tricolpites cf. micromunus (Zone IIA upward), Tricolporopollenites aff. triangulus (Zone IIB upward thru Zone III, but this less triangular type probably lower in range). | (PPMcL: Zone III?). Zone call based on position; tricolporoidates common, no advanced or triporate forms, no definite clear Zone III indicators. |
732.0–732.2 |
Barren. |
733.35–733.45 |
No organic residue. |
752.0–752.1 | Cyathidites sp., Cicatricosisporites hallei?, Cicatricisporites cf. potomacensis, Cicatricosisporites subrotundus (Zone IIB upward), Lycopodiacidites sp., Plicatella tricornitatus, Foveotriletes subtriangularis (Zone I and Zone II per Brenner 1963). | Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, Podocarpidites sp., Liliacidites variegatus?, Sabalpollenites scabrus, Normapolle sp. (psilate 40 micron triangular brevitricolporate; Complexiopollis? Plicapollis?), Tricolporopollenites? sp. | (PPMcL: Zone III?). This sample contains what looks to be an anomalously early appearance (based on all other pollen) of a normapolle-type pollen. This is a single but definite specimen (I am not good with these yet so not sure of species). These usually do not appear until Zone IV in eastern North America. However, Complexiopollis appears in the mid-Cenomanian in Europe and in DSDP cores from the western North Atlantic. So, I am thinking Zone III is reasonable. Bisaccate conifers (mostly broken and pyrite? filled), large monosulcate. |
755.3–755.5 |
Essentially barren. |
761.1–762.2 | Cicatricosisporites patapscoensis Zone II–Zone III, Cicatricosisporites patapscoensis Zone IIB–Zone III. | Rugibivesiculites rugosus common in Zone IIC, Tricolporopollenites triangulus Zone IIC–III. Spores: Cicatricosisporites sp., Pollen: Rugubivesiculites rugosus (appears and is common in Zone IIC), Abietineaepollenites sp.,several other types of bisaccates, Taxiodiaceaepollenites dubius, Sabalpollenites scabrus? | (GJB: Zone IIC–Zone III; PPMcL: Zone IIC). PPMcL's slides are the leftovers and don't have as much spore and pollen material; not many small pollen so lack of Zone III forms may not be meaningful, but Zone IIC may be reasonable on basis of lack of Zone III forms in this and higher samples. |
801.8–802.0 |
Essentially barren. |
893.4–893.5 | Cyathidites sp.,Trilobosporites marylandicus, Plicatella tricornitatus, Plicatella dentimarginatus, Apiculatisporites babsae (Zone IIA and higher), Cirratriradites spinulosus, Cicatricosisporites sp. | Parvisaccites rugulus, Abietineaepollenites sp, and other abundant pyrite? Filled unidentified saccates, Sabalpollenites scabrous, Araucariacites australis, Eucommidites trodesonni, Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, "Tricolporopollenites" parvulus (Zone IIA to at least Zone III). | (PPMcL: Zone IIB or higher). Angiosperm pollen very rare, mostly conifers and lesser spores, N. robustus present at lower level. |
805.9–806 |
No organic residue. |
843–843.1 |
No organic residue. |
912–912.1 |
No organic residue. |
933.8–934.0 | Plicatella patapscoensis Zone II, Plicatella potomacensis, Plicatella tricornitatus, Granulatisporites dailyi, Cicatricoisporites hallei, Cicatricoisporites australiensis, Cicatricoisporites subrotundus?, Polycingulatisporites spackmani? | Araucariacites australis common occurrence of this gymnosperm pollen typical in Zone IIB, Clavatipollenites minutus common occurrence at this horizon suggests Zone II, Cicatricosisporites spp. when common more typical of Zone II than Zone III. Pollen: Araucariacites australis most common, Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, Podocarpidites potomacensis, Abietieaepollenites sp., Sabalpollenites scabrus, Clavatipollenites hughesi?, Tricolpites crassimurus (uppermost Zone I thru at least Zone III). | GJB: Zone IIB; PPMcL: Zone IIB or higher). One of the best s/p samples, with spores, gymnosperms, and rare angiosperms, many Clavatipollenites, N. robustus is at lower level. |
942.5–942.6 | Cyathidities spp. (common), Laevigatosporites gracilis, Cicatricisisporites sp. (includes C. australiensis), Gleicheniidites senonicus?, Gleicheniidites apilobatus. | Abundant pyrite-filled unidentified saccates (multiple spp. including Alisporites cf. bilateralis, and Abietieaepollenites sp.), Eucommidites trodesonni, Clavatipollenites hughesi, Sabalpollenites scabrus?, Araucariacites australis, Concavissimisporites punctatus, Tricolpites aff. crassimurus? (uppermost Zone I upward), Tricolpites micromunus? (Zone IIA upward, lacks poroid forms that become common in upper Zone IIB). | (PPMcL: lower Zone IIB?). Common small prolate tricolpates but lacks tricolporoidate types present above, more monosulcates, N. robustus present at lower level. |
952.5–952.6 |
No organic residue. |
982.2–982.4 | Neoraistricktia robustus appears in Zone IIB. |
(GJB: Zone IIB). Very poor sample. Little recovery, a few s/p - some bubble problems two slides with one coverslip each. |
1008–1008.1 |
No organic residue. |
1039.1–1039.3 | Cicatricoisporites hallei (common), Cicatricoisporites spp. (common), Granulatisporites dailyi. |
(GJB: Zone I?). Only slides to GJB, notes very poor sample Zone I?; before sent, PPMcL noted very lean, a few gymnos and spores, abundant fine plant debris. |
1043.7–1043.9 | Cicatricosisporites australensis (common), Cicatricosisporites hallei, Cingulatisporites distaverrucosus, Granulatisporites dailyi, Plicatella tricornitatus, Lycopodiacidites intraverucatus?, Cicatricosisporites sp., Gleicheniidites senonicus?, Granulatisporites dailyi, Taurocusporites reduncus, Matonisporites excavatus? | Abietieaepollenites sp., Taxiodiaceaepollenites hiatus, Podocarpidites potomacensis?, Eucommidites trodesonni, Monosulcites sp. | (GJB: Zone I?; PPMcL: Zone I or possibly Zone IIA?). GJB suggests Zone I? because common occurrence of species of Schizaeaceae spores that are more typical of Zone I. PPMcL notes no angiosperm pollen, no really clear markers, so likely Zone I but possibly could be depauperate Zone II. |
Notes: The palynomorphs from 16 samples in the Medford, New Jersey, corehole were examined to determine a biozonation. Slides were prepared at the Delaware Geological Survey. Most samples yielded meager spore and pollen preservation. This is most likely due to lithotype selection or availability. A few slightly better prepared samples could be dated as Raritan by the presence of a few stratigraphically diagnostic forms. Samples that have some certainty are preceded by an asterisk.