"Sample, Interval" Depth (mbsf) Quartz Feldspar Glauconite Micas Rock fragm. Accessory Minerals/ Opauqe Minerals Bioclasts Cement/ Matrix Description 1072A30R-CC 0-10 cm 165.3 47 2 17 0 2 1 1 30 "Glauconitic quartz arenite - Glauconite grains represent nascent through evolved glauconitization stages. Two phases of cementation are indicated. The first was characterized by precipitation of circumgranular, isopachous micritic siderite." 1072A49R-1 7-10 cm 269.4 65 2 5 0 2 1 0 25 "Glauconitic quartz arenite - Glauconite grains are evolved and locally replaced by pyrite. Two phases of cementation are indicated. The first was characterized by precipitation of circumgranular, isopachous micritic siderite." 1072A50R-2 46-48 cm 273.8 57 2 7 0 3 1 0 30 "Glauconite bearing quartz arenite - Glauconite grains are evolved and locally replaced by pyrite. Early cement is circumgranular, isopachous dolomitic(?) micrite. Later cement is a microsparitic (4 - 10 m) ankerite."