Covering Leg 174A of the
cruises of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution
Halifax, Nova Scotia, to New York, New York
Sites 1071–1073
15 June–19 July 1997
Nicholas Christie-Blick, James A. Austin, Jr., Mitchell J. Malone,
Serge Berné, Mai Kirstine Borre, George Claypool, John (Jed) Damuth, Heike
Delius, Gerald Dickens, Peter Flemings, Craig Fulthorpe, Stephen Hesselbo,
Koichi Hoyanagi, Miriam (Mimi) Katz, Hanne Krawinkel, Candace Major, Francine
McCarthy, Cecilia McHugh, Gregory Mountain, Hiro Oda, Hilary Olson, Carlos
Pirmez, Charles (Chuck) Savrda, Christopher Smart, Linda Sohl, Patricia
Vanderaveroet, Wuchang Wei, Brian Whiting
Mitchell J. Malone
Nicholas Christie-Blick,
James A. Austin, Jr., Mitchell J. Malone
World Wide Web: ISSN 1096-7451
Book: ISSN 0884-5891
CD-ROM: ISSN 1096-2514
Library of Congress 87-642-462