Table 3. Age estimates (in Ma) for planktonic foraminiferal biohorizons.
Pliocene-Pleistocene - (sub)tropical  
LO Globorotalia tosaensis 0.65 Pt1a top
FO Globorotalia truncatulinoides 1.77 Pt1a bottom
LO Globigerinoides fistulosus 1.77 Pl6 top
LO Globorotalia miocenica 2.3 Pl5 top
LO Dentoglobigerina altispira 3.09 Pl4 top
LO Sphaeroidinellopsis spp. 3.12 Pl3 top
LO Globorotalia margaritae 3.58 Pl2 top
LO Globigerina nepenthes 4.18 Pl1b top
LO Globorotalia cibaoensis 4.6 Pl1a top
FO Globorotalia tumida 5.6 Pl1a bottom
middle-late Miocene - (sub)tropical  
LO Globorotalia lenguaensis 6 M13 top
FO Globorotalia plesiotumida 8.3 M13 mid
FO Globigerinoides extremus 8.3 M13 mid
FO Neogloboquadrina acostaensis 10.9 M13 bottom
LO Neogloboquadrina mayeri 11.4 M11 top
FO Globigerinoides nepenthes 11.8 N11 bottom
LO Globorotalia fohsi robusta 11.9 M9b top
FO Globorotalia fohsi robusta 12.3 M9b bottom
FO Globorotalia fohsi lobata 12.5 M9a bottom
FO Globorotalia fohsi s.s. 12.7 M8 bottom
FO Globorotalia peripheroacuata 14.8 M7 bottom
FO Orbulina suturalis 15.1 M6 bottom
middle-late Miocene - Transitional  
FO Globorotalia sphericomiozea 5.6 MT10 top
FO Globorotalia conomiozea 6.9 MT10 bottom
LO Neogloboquadrina mayeri 11.4 MT8 top
FO Globigerinoides nepenthes 11.8 MT8 bottom
LO Globorotalia peripheroronda 14 MT6 top
FO Orbulina suturalis 15.1 MT6 bottom
early Miocene - (sub)tropical  
FO Orbulina suturalis 15.1 M6 bottom
FO Praeorbulina glomerosa s.s. 16.1 M5b bottom
FO Praeorbulina sicana 16.4 M5a bottom
FO Globorotalia birnageae 16.7 M4b bottom
LO Catapsydrax dissimilis 17.3 M3 top
FO Globigerinatella insueta 18.8 M3 bottom
LO Globorotalia kugleri 21.5 M1b top
FO Globoquadrina dehiscens 23.2 M1b bottom
FO Globorotalia kugleri 23.8 M1a bottom
early Miocene - Transitional  
LO Globorotalia peripheroronda 14 MT6 top
FO Orbulina suturalis 15.1 MT6 bottom
FO Praeorbulina glomerosa 16.1 MT5b bottom
FO Praeorbulina sicana 16.4 MT5a bottom
FO Globorotalia miozea 16.7 MT4 bottom
FO Globorotalia praescitula 18.5 MT3 bottom
LO Globorotalia kugleri 21.5 MT1 top
FO Globorotalia kugleri 23.8 MT1 bottom

Notes: Datum ages and zonations are from the Berggren et al. (1995a, 1995b) time scale. FO = first occurrence; LO = last occurrence.