The last line in Las Palmas (Canary Islands) cleared the dock at 2000 hr local time on 12 August 1997. The 3019-nmi sea voyage to proposed site LCB-1 took 11 days at an average speed of 11.6 kt. The vessel speed was enhanced by favorable currents (Canary and the Equatorial Countercurrent) and calm environmental conditions. The JOIDES Resolution crossed the equator at zero degrees longitude at 0613 hr on 21 August. After a short seismic survey, a Datasonics 354M beacon was deployed at Site 1075 at 1950 hr on 21 August.
Hole 1075A was spudded at 0450 hr on 24 August. The recovery of 1.50 m of sediment established the seafloor depth at 2995.7 meters below sea level (mbsl) by drill-pipe measurement (DPM). APC Cores 175-1075A-1H through 22H were taken from 0 to 201.0 mbsf (Table 1; also see expanded core summary table on CD-ROM, back pocket, this volume), with 201.0 m cored and 215.2 m recovered (106.3% recovery). Cores were oriented starting with Core 4H. The drill string was pulled back, and the bit cleared the mudline at 2340 hr on 24 August, thereby ending Hole 1075A.
The vessel was offset 10 m to the east, and Hole 1075B was spudded at 0040 hr on 25 August. The first core indicated a water depth of 2995.2 mbsl by DPM. APC Cores 175-1075B-1H through 22H were taken from 0 to 204.5 mbsf (Table 1), with 204.5 m cored and 215.0 m recovered (105.1% recovery). Cores were oriented starting with Core 4H. The drill string was pulled back with the bit clearing the mudline at 1810 hr on 25 August, thereby ending Hole 1075B.
The vessel was offset another 10 m to the east where the third hole of the site was spudded with the APC at 1855 hr on 25 August. The seafloor depth of Hole 1075C was determined at 2995.5 mbsl by DPM. After coring 22 APC cores (Table 1), the hole was terminated after reaching the depth objective of 207.2 m with 103.0% recovery. Cores were oriented starting with Core 3H. The bit cleared the sea-floor at 1220 hr on 26 August. As the drill string was being pulled out of the hole, the beacon was released and recovered, and the hydrophones and thrusters were retracted and secured.