Table 2. Lithologic summary of dark layers at Hole 1084A.
Core, section,
interval (cm)
Sediment name
3H-6, 50 20.5 A R F R C R Nannofossil- and diatom-bearing clay Subunit IA
4H-1, 50 22.5 A R F R C R Diatom-bearing, nannofossil-rich clay Subunit IA
5H-1, 100 32.5 A F C T T A Organic-rich clay Subunit IA
5H-6, 80 39.7 A F C B B A Organic-rich clay Subunit IA
7H-4, 120 55.73 A R F R C F Diatom-bearing, nannofossil-rich clay Subunit IA
11H-6, 80 95.47 F B C F A B Diatom-rich nannofossil ooze Subunit IA
12H-2, 80 99.06 A R R B C C Nannofossil clay Subunit IA
14H-6, 144 126 A F A B B B Diatom-rich clay Subunit IB
21X-6, 40 179.7 A R F-C B A R Foraminifer-bearing nannofossil clay Subunit IB
22X-1, 40 181.9 A R C T F-C R Diatom-rich clay Subunit IB
24X-5, 40 206.1 A T C R-F C R Clay Subunit IB
29X-2, 80 251.2 A T F B B C Diatom-bearing clay Subunit IB
33X-5, 70 294 A R C R C F Diatom-rich nannofossil clay Subunit IB
43X-4, 113 389.3 A T A B T R Diatomaceous clay Subunit IC
46X-3, 15 414.8 C F D B F R Nannofossil-bearing clayey diatom ooze Unit II
51X-4, 100 466.3 A R F B R T Diatom-bearing clay Unit II

Notes: D = dominant (>60%); A = abundant (30%–60%); C = common (10%–30%); F = few (5%–10%); R = rare (1%–5%); T = trace (<1%); and B = barren.